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  1. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from Ghost-of-a-Chance for a status update, This day 6 years ago, I landed in New York, my first time in the US. Hard to believe   
    This day 6 years ago, I landed in New York, my first time in the US. Hard to believe it was that long ago. That trip was when I saw snow for the first time. That was very exciting. Although I soon realised what a pain in the arse it is.
  2. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, This day 6 years ago, I landed in New York, my first time in the US. Hard to believe   
    This day 6 years ago, I landed in New York, my first time in the US. Hard to believe it was that long ago. That trip was when I saw snow for the first time. That was very exciting. Although I soon realised what a pain in the arse it is.
  3. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from DemonGoddess for a status update, This day 6 years ago, I landed in New York, my first time in the US. Hard to believe   
    This day 6 years ago, I landed in New York, my first time in the US. Hard to believe it was that long ago. That trip was when I saw snow for the first time. That was very exciting. Although I soon realised what a pain in the arse it is.
  4. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from Desiderius Price for a status update, This day 6 years ago, I landed in New York, my first time in the US. Hard to believe   
    This day 6 years ago, I landed in New York, my first time in the US. Hard to believe it was that long ago. That trip was when I saw snow for the first time. That was very exciting. Although I soon realised what a pain in the arse it is.
  5. Haha
    Melrick reacted to kagome26isawsome for a status update, today i join the jack benny club! Im gonna be 39 til im in my 80s! LMAO!   
    today i join the jack benny club! Im gonna be 39 til im in my 80s! LMAO! 
  6. Sad
    Melrick reacted to DemonGoddess for a status update, I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday. Finally able to move around ag   
    I have been down with this nasty flu bug since Monday.  Finally able to move around again.  Ugh.
  7. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from Wilde_Guess for a status update, No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.   
    No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.
  8. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from kagome26isawsome for a status update, No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.   
    No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.
  9. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from GeorgeGlass for a status update, No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.   
    No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.
  10. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from pittwitch for a status update, No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.   
    No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.
  11. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from DemonGoddess for a status update, No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.   
    No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.
  12. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.   
    No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.
  13. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from Desiderius Price for a status update, No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.   
    No prostate cancer for me! So that’s pretty good news to get just before Christmas.
  14. Sad
    Melrick got a reaction from DemonGoddess for a status update, Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy. Eve   
    Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy.  Even sitting on a pillow doesn’t help much!
  15. Sad
    Melrick got a reaction from GeorgeGlass for a status update, Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy. Eve   
    Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy.  Even sitting on a pillow doesn’t help much!
  16. Sad
    Melrick got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy. Eve   
    Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy.  Even sitting on a pillow doesn’t help much!
  17. Sad
    Melrick got a reaction from Desiderius Price for a status update, Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy. Eve   
    Got to be honest, sitting down is pretty rough when you’ve had a prostate biopsy.  Even sitting on a pillow doesn’t help much!
  18. Like
    Melrick reacted to DemonGoddess for a status update, Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they   
    Had the echo cardiogram yesterday, won’t hear anything of what they found, or if they found anything until Tuesday.  Ugh.  I’m going to be a basketcase!
  19. Sad
    Melrick reacted to WillowDarkling for a status update, USA, I am so sorry.   
    USA, I am so sorry.
  20. Like
    Melrick reacted to pittwitch for a status update, anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block? 🙃   
    anyone have any advice on how to break a HORRIBLE, long standing writer’s block?  🙃
  21. Like
    Melrick reacted to DemonGoddess for a status update, So, as I’m sure many have noticed, I’ve been busy trying to work myself to death for   
    So, as I’m sure many have noticed, I’ve been busy trying to work myself to death for the past five years or so.  So, in that time, I’ve worked ridiculous hours with very little time off, and often multiple shifts in a day.  As a result, I was more than a little unproductive here.
    I retired the end of March, and spent the first fourish months doing nothing but sleep.  Have one final test from my doctor on November 22nd, so should be done with all that shit for a bit as well by then.
    In the meantime, I am now checking all the email addresses I always did before, as I now have the time.  Am easing back into the archive repair, minor hunting, and other things I did as well.
    Sorry for the absence, but, glad to be back
  22. Sad
    Melrick reacted to InvidiaRed for a status update, Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed   
    Life has been crazy lately, between my car being totaled, granny having a brain bleed ER managed to staunch to having a minor stroke directly in in the ER. Alot is happening all at once. 😅
  23. Sad
    Melrick reacted to Wilde_Guess for a status update, Dame Maggie Smith dead at 89 according to published reports.   
    Dame Maggie Smith dead at 89 according to published reports.
  24. Haha
    Melrick reacted to Desiderius Price for a status update, Love this… (from a FB post I saw). Quote Gandalf returns and his clothes, which were   
    Love this… (from a FB post I saw).
  25. Like
    Melrick got a reaction from BronxWench for a status update, Well I’m off on my holiday, leaving very early tomorrow and getting back on the 15 th   
    Well I’m off on my holiday, leaving very early tomorrow and getting back on the 15th.  Try not to burn the place down while I’m away.
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