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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am a little sad my total posts past 69 without me making some kind of juvenile comment.
  2. ^ Is partially correct. < Lived on the edge of town with the bush right behind the house and would get visited upon by deadly snakes and spiders occasionally, as well as other wildlife. V Loves cuddling up with snakes and spiders.
  3. Not guilty. G/NG - Sat on and accidentally killed a pet as a child.
  4. Silas Greenback (Any fans of the wonderful old British cartoon Danger Mouse would know who I'm talking about)
  5. Melrick

    I Am...

    I am wondering what it would be like to walk on snow, if it has a smell and a taste (clean snow, I mean!)
  6. Melrick

    Title Share

    Woman (Song by John Lennon)
  7. Melrick

    I Have Never....

    Me neither, although I assume my invite is in the mail. I have never poured honey over my wedding tackle and dipped it in an ants nest.
  8. Coming up with ideas is my real Achilles heel. Once I get a good idea I'm fine, but it's getting to that stage that is usually a very painful journey. I envy those that seem to come up with more ideas than they have time to write them. I only write original stories, so that can make it a bit harder because there's no pre-established background or story or setup or characters to fall back on; everything has to be created by you with original stories. But you could - and should - see that as a positive, to test your creativity. But for me, it's usually just frustrating! At least until I have a good idea, then I love the freedom it enables me. If anybody has a database of their own unused original story ideas they don't want anymore then let me know! lol
  9. Melrick

    I Have Never....

    I have. In fact, I live here. I have never run naked through a busy area.
  10. Melrick

    I Have Never....

    Me neither. I have never became insane, in spite of what the voices keep telling me...
  11. Because sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me. Why?
  12. Melrick

    Title Share

    When I'm 64 (Beatles song)
  13. Melrick

    I Have Never....

    Me neither. I have never been killed by a zombie and came back to "life" as the undead and wrecked havoc on the local population.
  14. 4155 (It comes with its own string!)
  15. Because cows are actually the most intelligent creature this side of the galaxy and have a secret society where they are plotting to take over the world. Why?
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