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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. 7356 Awww shucks, what a shame.
  2. 7354 lol I'm just a sweet and innocent, misunderstood little boy.
  3. 7352 What? I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.
  4. 7350 lol You might want to keep that part to yourself. *makes my own notes*
  5. 7348 How old were you when you made this decision?
  6. 7346 lol Horrified, or unexpectedly pleased?
  7. 7344 Just as well you don't live here then, isn't it. lol
  8. 7340 It's 6:47pm, so you're out by several hours. lol
  9. 7331 lol That's me, alright, full of crap but sweet. lol Anyway, I'm off myself so I'll say cheerio.
  10. 7329 lol Well since I'm a gentleman, I might just let you win. lol
  11. 7327 Oh I know what you mean, I felt the same way about it at first. Here's hoping he'll miraculously make a recovery. Okay, warm up my side of the bed, I'll be right there. And I think not. lol
  12. 7325 "bugger all" is a phrase that means "nothing". If I had half his talent then I'd be one happy boy. Damn shame and tragic about his early onset Alzheimers though.
  13. 7324 lol I'm lord of bugger all! If I can fool a few people, though, then that's fine. lol I struggle too much with getting ideas for stories to ever be a professional writer, unfortunately. I really envy people that have no trouble with that.
  14. 7322 Awww shucks. lol I've written some non-erotic stuff, but nothing I've uploaded anywhere. I try my hand and different things now and then. I've written two fanfictions, now that I remember. One based on the series "Angel" and a Lord of the Rings one.
  15. 7320 lol Ah I see. I'll have to take your word for it then. I have other things to brag about, but I'm too shy to brag too much. lol
  16. 7318 lol That's good to hear. The only Bleach I know of is the stuff you use to clean other stuff. lol Angels and demons, huh? Sounds intriguing. lol
  17. 7316 That's okay. I don't really write fanfics but that would be very cool, that's for sure. lol As long as you're not relaxing too much during the sex.
  18. 7314 I'm not a review whore, but it's nice to know that people have enjoyed your stuff. I don't write just for reviews - like many people, it seems - but it is nice to know I'm not the only one that's read it. I should learn to relax more about writing, but I've had a writers block for some time now, so just coming up with ideas is no easy thing for me. lol And I'm glad you like it.
  19. 7312 lol I do like getting reviews, I must admit. And I do enjoy making women horny, there's no doubt about that! lol I think my problem is that I want to write purely original stuff, not something that others have written, so I frustrate myself too much and give myself writers block. I'm my own worst enemy, I think. lol
  20. 7310 Your psychic? lol Aww shucks. That's okay, it has other uses. So I'm told. Well thank you very much, that's kind of you to say so! Now all I need is inspiration to write something new. lol
  21. 7308 lol And who said it was meant as a punishment? lol
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