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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. This is one story that's been uploaded to two different categories within the Originals category. I assume that's not allowed? http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=33982 http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092387
  2. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097261 http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600097260
  3. 7227 A free teddy bear to the first person that gets there!
  4. Thanks for your kind words on my profile. :-)

  5. KEEP reporting it to the moderators! If the mods keep getting negative reports about this person then they'll likely be removed. And if you name the person publicly (if you haven't already; I've been away) then others might be more likely to report this person too if they've had problems with them. Don't let one moron drive you away when I believe the majority are okay here.
  6. Hello and enjoy your time here!
  7. I have one question (and please don't interpret my enquiry as a commitment to beta the story. ). Does the beta need to be familiar with the Forgotten Realms universe?
  8. You may have been okay with using the names of actual races, although it could depend on how you portray the races. Changing the names of the horses was a good idea, I think. Overall, I think changing all the names will make things easier and simpler on you. Although if you're going to upload the story in full on the internet then you might have trouble getting it published. Publishers generally require 'first publishing rights', and uploading stories onto the internet is considered publishing. One chapter will be okay though.
  9. I only write original stories, so all my characters are original. It's certainly less stressful than writing fanfiction, which seems to be chock-full of anal retentive people with WAY too much time on their hands. "Oh my god, <insert character here> is 5 foot 4 NOT 5 foot 3! You're scum! I hate you and want you to die a horrible lingering death for getting this one tiny thing incorrect! It's the end of the world now and it's all your fault!" No thanks. I'll just make up my own characters.
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