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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. 7475
  2. That's a new one on me. "Slash" has always meant same sex pairings, and as far as I'm concerned, always will.
  3. 7473
  4. 7471
  5. 7469
  6. 7467
  7. 7464
  8. I did some checking and the author of the original story clearly states down the bottom of the story that they've given the story up for adoption: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4403831/1/From_just_a_bite It was definitely worth checking, since I'm always suspicious of stuff like this.
  9. 7462
  10. My god, it's so frustrating when people simply can't be bothered to read the rules and then get all narky when you try to correct them, and then still don't bother to properly read what they're being told regarding how to fix the problem! Disclaimers are legally critical and they are not going away; and yes, they must be correct. This is to protect you as much as it is to protect us. Frankly, I have no sympathy whatsoever for people that won't follow the rules.
  11. Are you referring to your story "Rites & Ceremonies"? If so then I can see a few problems. Firstly, the "Star Trek: Classic" category simply doesn't have so much passing traffic, and one reason is that only 4 stories in total have been updated there so far during 2009, and only 4 in all of 2008. That means much less people will be browsing that category. Another problem is that, right at the very start of your story, you talk about it being repetitive and a mish-mash of ideas. That alone isn't very tempting for people to make them want to read it, but that wouldn't be such a problem if it was short. The real problem is that there's a great deal of 'repetitive mish-mash' for people get through. I'm a fan of Star Trek - including the original series - but the idea of reading through all that, based on your description, frankly sounds like torture. It might not be anywhere near as bad as you make it sound, but maybe it is; that's how most people are likely to think. There are maybe a couple of things you could do. Firstly, cut the other 4 chapters and only leave the first one for now. Secondly, leave the 'repetitive mish-mash' stuff for the end of the chapter if you like - you want to try and sell your story a little better than you currently are. But the problem remains that the category it's in simply isn't as popular as others. But if you sell it a little better then you never know.
  12. 7460
  13. 7458
  14. 7456
  15. 7454
  16. 7452
  17. 7450
  18. 7445
  19. That's a bit tricky then. The best thing I can think of is to contact the agent and ask him/her what they prefer regarding the length of the synopsis. Ask nicely, pointing out that different people seem to want different lengths, so you thought you'd ask him/her what their preference is. If it was me, I'd appreciate the person asking me what I want.
  20. 7443
  21. That's because the URL is slightly wrong. There should be an = sign between "no" and the number, for example: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092000
  22. 7441
  23. 7439
  24. 7437
  25. 7434
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