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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. You Can't Change That by Raydio
  2. Everybody Have Fun Tonight by Wang Chung
  3. 13963 *Bows*
  4. 13961
  5. 13957
  6. 13955
  7. 13953 Life without you was like a broken pencil - pointless.
  8. Okie dokie.
  9. I've known of OpenOffice for ages, but I've never heard of LibreOffice. It's also a free open-source alternative to Microsoft Office. Has anyone actually used it? If so, how good is it? How does it compare to OpenOffice?
  10. I’m considering starting a new monthly word prompt, for those who’d like to have more than a week to write something. But I’m wondering if people would prefer something other than a one word prompt, or whether that would be enough? Or maybe people don’t see the need for it? Ideas PM’d to me appreciated if you have any.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KerantliDreamer


      Phrases are particularly good.

      Or for an even harder challenge like a phrase and a word.

      But that would depend on how you play it

    3. Melrick


      Getting good ideas. Keep them coming! It seems there is a need for a monthly version, so it'll be implemented likely at the start of August. I still need to work out the details, so I appreciate the ideas.

    4. KerantliDreamer


      From what I've seen on ff.net (yeah, not the best place, I know) they have word prompts, phrase prompts and sometimes song prompts. (for example my most recent one is a Taylor Swift song with a couple of word prompts)

      it really does all vary, which is what you could do in a way, have one month having a word, a second month with a phrase and a third month with a song or something like that. Obviously it is just ideas and what I've seen when looking around when writers block...

  11. It was nice seeing those Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo's close up in our front yard... until the cat scared them away. Damn cat.

  12. 13950
  13. 13947
  14. 13945
  15. 13943
  16. 13941
  17. Made it go bye.
  18. 13939
  19. 13937
  20. 13935
  21. 13933
  22. 13931
  23. 13929
  24. 13926
  25. 13923 I saw that you skipped one.
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