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Status Updates posted by Melrick

  1. I today impressed my young female hairdresser with my knowledge of testicles. I live to educate.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      LMAO. Well, with a kitten, you look for what looks like punctuation marks at the testes aren't descended yet.

    3. Melrick


      I also told her to have a poke around down there. She's bound to find something.

    4. DemonGoddess


      hehe yeah, like cat claws and fangs for the invasion!

  2. When is dad going to realise he's now weak and unsteady on his feet? Going face first into the driveway might mean a broken jaw now. It just doesn't get any better...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Melrick


      3 hours in a hospital waiting room, so we're improving! And it is indeed 2 breaks. Also, thanks for your hugs and best wishes. I could do with a hug.

    3. ApolloImperium


      If only they could be live hugs, but you know you've got 'em from us virtually at anytime you need them!!

    4. Melrick


      I wish so too. And thanks.

  3. I had a gastroscopy done yesterday, without any sedation, since I needed to drive myself home afterwards and carry on looking after mum.  That was… unpleasant.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Hopefully I’m never cursed by one of these procedures, but now I know to opt for the sedation.

    3. Wilde_Guess


      With rare exceptions, when sedation is offered, it’s like Yogi Berra’s fork in the road.  You take it.

    4. Melrick


      Drugs are your friend, at least in these situations! lol

  4. My days of being able to go on holiday are behind me now. I can't leave an elderly, increasingly fragile mum home alone anymore. She has to come first.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Melrick


      Here's hoping that won't be for a good while yet.

    3. DemonGoddess


      Your mom is lucky to have you Melrick. You're a good son!

    4. Melrick


      Well... I'm not very good with compliments so I'll just poke my tongue out instead. :-P

  5. I hurt my back.  More than normal, that is.  Feels like someone stabbed me in the back, several times.  And one of the fans in my computer is buggered and sounds like someone’s got a playing card in the spokes of a bicycle.

    You’ve got to laughed!  Well it’s either laugh or cry, and I’d rather laugh.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Melrick


      I don’t know who Brienne is but I appreciate the offer. lol

    3. pippychick


      Off topic, but you guys… giving NZ a run for their money… :wub:


    4. Melrick


      And as every right thinking Aussie said at that announcement: About bloody time!

  6. Looks like mum's getting a pace maker.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Melrick


      The pace maker has been installed and it looks like she'll be coming home tomorrow. They didn't even need to knock her out to put it in. The things they can do these days.

    3. BronxWench


      That's wonderful news! :D

    4. pippychick


      That's fantastic! :)

  7. 110F is quite hot enough, thanks very much.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pittwitch


      Have you relocated to the first level of hell by chance?

    3. Melrick


      It sure as hell feels like it sometimes. And it's not even summer yet.

    4. pittwitch


      Egads, Mel - do not go outside!

  8. And I’m back in action again.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BronxWench


      Seriously… I’d be pissed at the shop for not checking both HDs thoroughly.

    3. pippychick


      Damn… sorry Melrick. From bad to worse :(

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      If you can, backup your data.

  9. Yesterday, of the top 15 hottest places on earth, all 15 were in Australia.  Yippee…

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pippychick


      Hopefully, she’ll get and feel the full benefit of the cooler air now… *hugs you both… after coming in from the sleet outside*

    3. BronxWench


      I know we have cooling centers here in the extreme heat, where the elderly and children can go to cool off in air conditioning. Is there any place there which might offer that for your mum’s sake?

      I honestly wish I could channel some of our winter down your way, I really do. Those temperatures are simply madness.

    4. Melrick


      If there is then I don’t know where they are.  Still, we’ve almost survived this summer now.  If this really is the worst of it over then I almost feel triumphant.  Mother Nature did its best to try and kill us, but it failed!

  10. No sleep at all last night, 6 hours in the emergency ward because of my mum falling ill, and my favourite author, Sir Terry Pratchett, dies. Not been a good day.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BronxWench


      ::hugs:: It certainly can, but we do the best we can for them.

    3. BronxWench


      How's your mum doing?

    4. Melrick


      Doing better than she was. But the older a person gets, the harder illnesses hit them and the longer it takes for them to bounce back.

  11. Heh, Google searches in America for "How can I move to Canada" have spiked since the Super Tuesday results. Sucks to be you lot. lol ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Melrick


      You should come to Australia, especially if you're not fond of snow. We also treat our politicians with the contempt they deserve.

    3. sumeragichan


      yeah... The moonbats and crazies have descended. Australia and Canada seem pretty good. Anyone need a nurse who has training to deal with almost the full spectrum of issues?

    4. Melrick


      Nurses are always welcome here.

  12. And now I’ve had my colonoscopy without anesthetic.  The procedure itself wasn’t a problem at all; the hours of horrific diarrhoea before it, on the other hand, now that was nasty.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BronxWench


      Dear gods, man! You’d best keep us posted as to the results, although I imagine it’s going to make one hell of a photo album. 

    3. WillowDarkling


      I’ve had a few of those but never under anaesthesia. They usually give me a mild sedative that helps me relax, but I’m usually chatting away with the doctor and nurse, and watching the monitor while they do it. But I absolutely agree with you on the preparations. To describe it in a very vivid phrase, it’s like shitting the fires of Hell… :devil:  I’ll admit, the last two times I’ve gone in, my gastro told me not to prep, and I felt SO sorry for him. But he’s the expert, so he should know why he didn’t want the prep done… :D 

      But please, keep us updated on the capsule’s journey, that will be a hoot to read, I’m sure :D 

      Also, on a more serious note, I hope you get the all clear and that everything will be alright :hug: 

    4. Melrick


      I’ll be sure to keep you all updated. lol

  13. Isn’t Christmas meant to be a happy, peaceful time of the year?  Money issues, computer issues, hoping my mum lives long enough to actually get to see an overworked cardiologist, blocked sewage pipes, more yard work than I can handle, especially given my bad back, arthritis in my knees getting worse… oh yeah, I can’t wait for this year to end.  I wasn’t going to have a whinge, but fuck it, why not.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JayDee


      Sounds like a big pile of shit to have to deal with. I hope things improve for you somehow.

    3. DemonGoddess


      Jeebus Melrick.  Hang in there, things are bound to improve!

    4. Melrick


      Okay, boobies do make most things much better, I’ll be honest.  Thanks @pippychick :D

  14. Finally wrote, and actually finished, a new story. That's the first one in a long time, and it's birth wasn't too easy, either.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pittwitch
    3. Melrick
    4. DemonGoddess


      I'll tell you, I'm quite happy with the fact that if I want to read staff stuff, it's always going to be GOOD stuff. We're blessed with having excellent writers on staff except for me and Rogue of course :D

  15. I’ve collaborated on a story with someone I think twice in my life, the last time maybe 15 years ago.  And I miss it.  I found it creatively fun.  But I’m not the sort of person who can collaborate with just anyone, and certainly not with a stranger; it’s too personal an experience for that.  I’m probably just odd that way.  And I’m sure some writing styles would clash too much to collaborate to create a seamless story.  But I do miss it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BronxWench


      I probably wasn’t very clear in my reply. I’ve been feeling less than enthusiastic about my writing lately, but my co-authored stories are very enjoyable, and I look forward to writing with both my co-authors. The subjects of the stories are very different, yes, and the stories each have different styles, but I have no particular need to write in one style, so I enjoy that as well. I adore Pip and Willow both, and I’d be happy writing a shopping list with either of them. :D

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Let’s start @BronxWench shopping list:

      • Whips
      • Chains
      • Butter, both soft and hard
      • Produce, lots of produce
    4. BronxWench


      You forgot wine and chocolate, @Desiderius Price :lol:

  16. Overheard from my mum out the front: “DIE ya bugger!” Either that was a Jehovah Witness or a cockroach.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Melrick


      Oh dear. You have my sympathy!

    3. BronxWench


      Mine as well. At least it's legal to kill the cockroach.

    4. botticelliangel


      Half of my family are Witnesses. Just imagine getting the recruitment speech every single visit... oh and they get more zealous with family

  17. Here we go again, back to seeing if my dad's got cancer. I'm not sure how much more I can take of this...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Danyealle


      I will keep you in my thoughts Melrick!

    3. DemonGoddess


      Hang in there Melrick. My family knows this one all too well. BIL undergoing surgery Tuesday for recurrence.

    4. Melrick


      Thanks. Even the threat of cancer is like an axe hanging over your head, suspended by a startlingly thin rope. And good luck to you too DG.

  18. Holy shit it's hot! Hot and humid! It's freaking hooooot! Someone make it go away!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Techno-Ninja


      Sounds about like summer where I live. D: I'll wish for some of the rain we're having here to go your way. xP

    3. BoredStraight


      I'm with Wench, I would trade you in a second over the cold!

    4. kagome26isawsome
  19. I killed a Funnel Web Spider out the back. It was either me or him.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Melrick


      They're okay. Unless they bite you, in which case you stop being okay.

    3. pittwitch


      passes flamethrower for future use

    4. WillowDarkling


      I have a feeling we'll be having this discussion for a very long time. Spiders are NOT okay... ever. No shape, size or form... well, except dead form. Then they're okay.

  20. I finally tried blue cheese for the first time tonight. Sweet dancing jesus that's awful!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Melrick


      I tried it for a couple of reasons: firstly, I'm a cheese lover; and because of the comments some have made about it being surprisingly nice. I now know these people to be insane.

    3. BronxWench


      Now if you like brie, Saint Andre is a nice triple cream brie...

    4. Daye


      what? blue cheese is nice. Stilton. or St.Agur... *feels v alone*

  21. Woohoo.  Australia now holds the new world record for having gone the longest without a recession, which is 26 years, and still counting.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Melrick


      Excellent idea.  Drop bears need love too!

    3. BronxWench


      And really, even though eighty percent of the flora and fauna might kill you, it’s a lovely place! :lol:

    4. Melrick


      It just adds a bit of spice to life. ;-)

  22. 10:30am and it was already 105F.  This is going to be a great day...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      You’re welcome to move… currently it is windy enough to make the rain come in sideways, and a balmy 1°C :D That’s 33.8°F for you temperature challenged folks :P 

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @Melrick Steaks?  A little aluminium foil, and should be able to cook it as desired.

    4. Melrick


      @WillowDarkling Oh stop, you’re making me jealous! lol

      @Desiderius Price  That would have probably worked.  Although much like our lawn, my appetite dries up in extreme heat.

  23. Seeing my dad look better today than he has in many weeks can't help but give me some encouragement.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      *hugs and cookies* good to hear that, Melrick. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts.

    3. BronxWench


      Melrick, that's always good to hear. Let's hope it continues!

    4. Melrick


      Thanks everyone. More good days to follow, I hope.

  24. Mum got her first covid vaccine shot today. :) I mean, things aren’t exactly troublesome down here, but it’s still definitely nice to have.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Yes, the government up here has also decided to not use the AstraZeneca vaccine for the under 50 crowd, because of those blood clot cases. But as far as I know they’re pretty much on schedule with the vaccine plans, so my parents (mum has underlying conditions, and dad’s turning 69 this year) should be up this month, and then hopefully I’ll be getting mine near the end of the month, start of May. And we’ve got decent control of the pandemic up here as well, although we had a fourth wave pick up just around Christmas, which is thankfully back under control. 

      Let’s hope you guys stay on track with keeping Covid under control (knock on wood) and that you’ll get the jab soon. And I can only imagine how much stress it lifts for you that your mum is getting her jabs, and therefore getting some level of protection :hug: 

    3. Melrick


      The health district that we live in is called the Hunter New England health district, which is nearly 132,000 square kilometres in size, just to give you an idea, and we haven’t had a single case of Covid for 251 days, so we’ve been living life pretty normally for quite a while now.  And here’s hoping that continues!

    4. WillowDarkling


      :jaw:Alrighty then… Iceland is 103.000 km2  total  :rofl:   And we’re definitely not doing that well :D Population is somewhere around the 350 000 mark now, I think. But I hope you guys keep doing that well, and that we’ll catch up eventually :D 

  25. Well, girlfriend has gone back home now, so life goes back to normal, for better or worse, mostly worse.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melrick


      Yup, that’s it, I finally had someone – I mean something – to do.

    3. BronxWench


      Let’s hope it’s not too long before you spend time together again. 

    4. Melrick
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