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Status Updates posted by Melrick

  1. I’ve collaborated on a story with someone I think twice in my life, the last time maybe 15 years ago.  And I miss it.  I found it creatively fun.  But I’m not the sort of person who can collaborate with just anyone, and certainly not with a stranger; it’s too personal an experience for that.  I’m probably just odd that way.  And I’m sure some writing styles would clash too much to collaborate to create a seamless story.  But I do miss it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BronxWench


      I probably wasn’t very clear in my reply. I’ve been feeling less than enthusiastic about my writing lately, but my co-authored stories are very enjoyable, and I look forward to writing with both my co-authors. The subjects of the stories are very different, yes, and the stories each have different styles, but I have no particular need to write in one style, so I enjoy that as well. I adore Pip and Willow both, and I’d be happy writing a shopping list with either of them. :D

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Let’s start @BronxWench shopping list:

      • Whips
      • Chains
      • Butter, both soft and hard
      • Produce, lots of produce
    4. BronxWench


      You forgot wine and chocolate, @Desiderius Price :lol:

  2. I’ve finally been able to actually catch up with processing people wanting to join the forum!  Yay!

  3. I’ve got a blocked tear duct.  I didn’t even know that was a thing.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BronxWench


      I’d yell at you, but my last doctor visit was actually a quick trip to the emergency room, and a follow-up with a urologist to confirm that I do indeed have kidney stones, and they sometimes hurt.  So, I should shuffle off quietly, and not scold…:D

    3. pittwitch


      Warm washcloth as a compress and massage.  Feel better!


    4. Melrick
  4. I’ve recently spent a grand on my car’s registration and insurance, $400 on the latest on a long line of repairs to my computer, $400 on my cat, which I’ve discovered has hyperthyroidism, which, if it needs treatment, will likely mean I have to put him to sleep since that’s a cost I can’t take, and there’s a branch touching the power lines going to the house which looks like I can’t reach, which will mean hiring professionals, which means more money.  That’s besides the money I’ve spent recently on Mother’s Day and birthday gifts for my mum.  I’ve been haemorrhaging money, with no end in sight, but on the other hand, I have been building up stress.  Great, great quantities of stress.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Power Line … see if your electric utility will do it, preferably for free (after all, if the tree falls on it, they’re fixing the line).

      Cat…  My vet mentioned that there was the spendy cure and cheaper alternative treatments when she thought mine might’ve had it.  In my case, I would’ve gone with the cure (his temperament would’ve precluded the other options).  Fortunately, the vet seemed less convinced of it once we did a second weigh in and he was closer to normal.

    2. Melrick


      That’s actually not a bad idea regarding the power company.  This is government housing and we’re both on a  pension, so they may possibly help.  Worth a try if I need to.

      My vet said that there’s nothing that needs to be done immediately.  In about 3 months time, I’m to take him back to weigh him, and to keep doing that.  If his weight falls below 4kg (it’s between 4 and 5kg now) then something will have to happen.  Sadly for my cat, his thyroid reading was very high indeed, like 3 times higher than the acceptable maximum.  So we’re letting the cat eat as much as he likes, as often as he likes in hope that it’ll stabilise his weight.

  5. Isn’t Christmas meant to be a happy, peaceful time of the year?  Money issues, computer issues, hoping my mum lives long enough to actually get to see an overworked cardiologist, blocked sewage pipes, more yard work than I can handle, especially given my bad back, arthritis in my knees getting worse… oh yeah, I can’t wait for this year to end.  I wasn’t going to have a whinge, but fuck it, why not.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JayDee


      Sounds like a big pile of shit to have to deal with. I hope things improve for you somehow.

    3. DemonGoddess


      Jeebus Melrick.  Hang in there, things are bound to improve!

    4. Melrick


      Okay, boobies do make most things much better, I’ll be honest.  Thanks @pippychick :D

  6. It’s not my birthday, but I just wanted to take a moment to thank my mum for squeezing out my 11 pound 5 ½ ounce hulking frame naturally all those years ago.  And my 11 pound brother, 11 pound other brother, and 10 pound sister.  All naturally.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      holy hell!  your mum is superwoman!

    3. Melrick


      And she’s not a big woman, either. lol

    4. pippychick


      Can I just say: Ouch! And I’ve never even given birth… your Mom is amazing <3

  7. Lakeside picnic with mum on a sunny 25C winter’s day.  Not a bad day.

    1. Desiderius Price
    2. BronxWench


      I’m jealous! :lol: But seriously, I’m glad you had a chance to have a picnic at lakeside—there’s nothing better! :D

  8. Mother’s Day was yesterday here, but a happy Mother’s Day to my lovely mum, and a happy Mother’s Day to all mum’s.

    1. BronxWench


      Thank you, and wish your mum a belated happy Mother’s Day from over here! :D

  9. Mum got her first covid vaccine shot today. :) I mean, things aren’t exactly troublesome down here, but it’s still definitely nice to have.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Yes, the government up here has also decided to not use the AstraZeneca vaccine for the under 50 crowd, because of those blood clot cases. But as far as I know they’re pretty much on schedule with the vaccine plans, so my parents (mum has underlying conditions, and dad’s turning 69 this year) should be up this month, and then hopefully I’ll be getting mine near the end of the month, start of May. And we’ve got decent control of the pandemic up here as well, although we had a fourth wave pick up just around Christmas, which is thankfully back under control. 

      Let’s hope you guys stay on track with keeping Covid under control (knock on wood) and that you’ll get the jab soon. And I can only imagine how much stress it lifts for you that your mum is getting her jabs, and therefore getting some level of protection :hug: 

    3. Melrick


      The health district that we live in is called the Hunter New England health district, which is nearly 132,000 square kilometres in size, just to give you an idea, and we haven’t had a single case of Covid for 251 days, so we’ve been living life pretty normally for quite a while now.  And here’s hoping that continues!

    4. WillowDarkling


      :jaw:Alrighty then… Iceland is 103.000 km2  total  :rofl:   And we’re definitely not doing that well :D Population is somewhere around the 350 000 mark now, I think. But I hope you guys keep doing that well, and that we’ll catch up eventually :D 

  10. My C drive is failing so I’m going to be offline for a bit until everything is sorted.  Computers, I have a great love/bitter hatred affair with them!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I generally find that when a drive dies, it dies, about the same SSD/HDD.  Should be doing backups all the time, regardless of drive type.  Especially true with the ransomware going around.  I've not had an SSD die, but my closet has plenty of dead HDDs.  YMMV.

    3. BronxWench


      The daft bugger lost everything on his SSD when it failed (heat), but I’ve been able to pull files of failed HDDs many times now, most recently with the Spawn’s HDD. If I ever use an SSD, it will be for things I don’t mind losing, like game files. I’d never keep all my stuff on one HD anyway, but still…

      Then again, I still miss DOS. :lol:

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      On windows, I use UrBackup to my NAS.   In Linux, it's a periodic rsync to a local HDD (cron job).  But I'm otherwise on SSDs.

  11. No internet until possibly 27th.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      i told ya you need to pay your bill Melrick! butttt nooooooo! lol 

    3. Melrick


      It's like being back in the 80's again.  Well, apart from the mobile phone.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Feel your pain, mine's out too, so I won't confirm checking in at work....

  12. Oh it got up to 112F today, not 110F?  Thanks Mr Weather Man, that makes me feel so much better.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Melrick


      And I was right, not a wink of sleep last night.

    3. BronxWench


      I’m sorry you didn’t get to sleep. I will admit, in the heat of our summers, I do enjoy my air conditioning at bedtime, which is really the only time I want to be cold.

    4. Melrick


      Yeah I much prefer things to be cold at night.  Oh, and that was a record high temperature last night.  At least tonight isn’t quite as hot.

  13. Okay, I finally got the all archive FAQ’s screenshots updated.  About bloody time.

    1. BronxWench


      I know, it’s a pain, isn’t it? (And now they’ll change something yet again and we can all pull our hair out anew...)

    2. JayDee


      Thank you for the time and effort!

    3. Melrick


      It’s not that they’re difficult, just time consuming.  And when you’re sitting here sweating to death, it makes the time pass even more slowly.  But yeah, they’re fine for now, until the next change! :cry:

  14. On this day 3 years ago, I was climbing up the Statue of Liberty.  Good times.

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I live closer to it, yet I’ve never climbed up it, nor been in NY.  (One flight I was on did overfly it, a bit over a decade ago now.)

    2. BronxWench


      It was really wonderful having you visit my home town, and although I didn’t do the Statue of Liberty, I have so many good memories from your time here! :hug: 

    3. Melrick


      I loved my visit there.  I initially found the city to be intimidating as hell, but you helped settle me down, and then I felt I fitted in much better.

  15. Quote from my mum: “Trump has a face like a disappointed fish.”

    1. BronxWench


      And like a three-day old fish in summer, he needs tossing.

  16. Realised my nipples were rather sensitive today.  I have no idea what that means.  Just as long as I’m not pregnant!

    1. mastershakeme
    2. Melrick


      Well I know it can happen to women (although I don’t really know why) but not men.  It was a passing thing anyway, whatever the hell it was all about.

    3. mastershakeme


      I am WAY too interested in nipples :-P

  17. RIP George Michael.

    1. BronxWench


      Please, PLEASE let 2016 end now…


    2. pippychick


      I can’t stop swearing… :(

    3. Melrick


      The year ends as it began, David Bowie in January and George Michael in December.  And SHIT loads in between.

  18. Second time now I’ve spent a whole day with sensitive nipples.  Weird.  Is it normal for a guy to have periodic sensitive nipples?  Is it normal for women, come to think of it.  Can’t say its very pleasant.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CloverReef


      Sometimes your nerve endings in any part of your body can become sensitive or inflamed. I get it in the skin of my arms and legs on occassion. It’s not like a rash, it doesn’t get discoloured and the texture doesn’t change, it’s just increasingly sensitive to touch and cold, and sometimes can get painful. When it comes to the nipples, specifically, it’s a naturally sensitive part of your body. More so for some people than others, regardless of gender. It cooould be sign of a hormonal shift, which could be caused by food your eating, or medical issues, medications.

      Since this is the second time, I’d consider what has changed about your routine around the time that it started. You can also go to a naturopath and request a full hormone workup, which is pretty much just a spit test where they ship it off and give you a report of your hormone levels. At least in canada, GPs will only test your testosterone and estrogen, but you got more hormones than that, lol. 

    3. BronxWench


      Just so  long as it’s not bad sunburn. Dear gods, that’s unpleasant as the hells… :blink:


    4. Melrick


      Nope definitely not a sunburn.  I’m a guy, so my normal routine is to wait until things are actually hanging out or falling off before going to the doctor.  But if it does it again then I might do something about it.  Or possibly wait for it to do it another 15 or 20 times first. lol

  19. Sitting at my desk last night and some movement on the floor to my right caught my attention.  It was a giant spider, lumbering across the floor.  It turned out to be an Australian tarantula, our biggest spider.  The other night it was a foot long lizard.  What the hell is it about my room?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Melrick


      Both the lizard and millipede fought hard for their lives, but they didn’t reckon with someone as stubborn as me.  And millipedes that large do not go down easy, let me tell you!  If it could have given me the finger, it would have.

    3. BronxWench


      I say Disney Princesses are allowed to kick ass, whether it be tarantulas, lizards, or millipedes, so Melrick keeps his tiara. :lol: 

    4. WillowDarkling


      Perfect. I concur with the above speaker :D  

  20. So now my mum has lost the sight in her right eye.  Just when things were looking up for her, Mother Nature takes another dump in her lap.  One fucking thing after another.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Melrick


      Thank you, I appreciate it. 

    3. pittwitch


      Prayers for you & mum, Mel.  I’m very sorry to learn she has even more hurdles ahead.  :(

    4. Melrick


      Thank you, Pitt. I don't think it pays to get old. 

  21. So, my mum’s mini strokes can’t be made to go away permanently.  Well that’s just fucking dandy.  Anybody got a heart in good working order they don’t want anymore?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Melrick


      Yep she’s on blood thinners, which should hopefully deal with the possible blood clots, but they don’t stop the actual atrial fibrillations, which can be pretty devastating for her on its own.

    3. GeorgeGlass


      And she’s probably not well enough for surgery, unless they could do a minimally invasive Maze procedure or something. Sorry it’s been so tough.

    4. Melrick


      Yeah surgery seems out of the question.  Ah well, we just have to cross our fingers and hope things improve somehow.  Just one of the joys of growing old I guess.

  22. So, now I’m getting a “Display driver Nvidia Windows kernel mode driver xxxxx stopped responding and has successfully recovered” problems.  Every couple of minutes, which started yesterday.  Did a system restore to a previous stable version and now we wait.  If it keeps doing it then it could be hardware, as in a failing video card.  But if that’s true then there’s the question of why I’ve had multiple hardware failures all of a sudden.  Which could suggest a problem with the motherboard.  We’ll have a very anxious wait to see if it does it again.  *sigh*

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      If it’s hardware, then one possibility is a bad power supply.  (When those are bad, it can manifest itself as bad hardware across the board.)  I seriously overrated mine the last time I did a replacement, and it’s been good for 8-9 years so far, it even came with a free copy of windows 7, which was fairly new at the time.

    2. Melrick


      Yeah, a dodgy psu is one thing I’ve thought of.  If it’s occasionally feeding incorrect voltage to things then that could certainly explain why I had two hard drives fail simultaneously.  Time for a thorough health check on my computer, I think.

    3. Melrick


      It's hardware not software. Will have to take computer in on Monday. I'm typing this on my phone since I'll be leaving my computer off.  So a message to DG, i won't be on here to do my work for an unknown length of time.

  23. The Gympie Gympie, a rather cute sounding name for a plant.  This tree grows in rainforest areas of Australia and has stinging leaves so horrendously agonising that it can even kill a human.  If you are lucky (or is that unlucky?) enough to survive, then the agony can last weeks or months and can reoccur over and over again for years.  In fact, just breathing near this plant is ill-advised.  That’s a hell of a plant!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      I’ve never had an urge to explore rain forests anywhere on the planet, and it’s things like this plant which reaffirm my decision. :blink:

    3. pippychick


      The way things are going, I am surprised we haven’t seen it featured in “I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!” where the celebrity has to navigate a grove full of these trees to get a plastic yellow star at the other end which will buy them a pound of brown rice for camp. Our television is like Rome and the collusseum all over again.

    4. Melrick


      Actually, there’s more than a few celebrities I’d enjoy watching do that, now that you mention it.

  24. The weather people were wrong, it didn’t get to 110F today, it got to 115F!  So… that’s… great.  Here’s an indication as to what it was actually like in the sun though.  There’s a cricket match going on in Sydney – Australia v England – and in the middle of the playing field, in the sun, it got up to 57C/135F.  And the shade temperature was the same here, so that’s what it would have been like in the sun here.  Yay.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      Honestly, this whole conversation is beginning to make me wonder whether Melrick will actually survive his first visit to a snowy, cold place :D or if it will just be like, Melrick steps off the plane, gets all the way to the exit of the airport and then just goes, “Nope, fuck this shit, it’s too cold...” and then turns around and goes back home to Hell… ::cough, cough:: I meant, Australia… :kittensorry:

    3. BronxWench


      I could handle the cold season by Melrick just fine, but sadly, I’m not looking to run away then. And even as heat-seeking as I am, without the occasional foray into air conditioning, I’d not last in the hot season there. 

      But you know, I used to say the same thing to ShadowKnight, who swore he would love snow, and cold weather. :lol:

    4. Melrick


      I don’t know how I’d handle truly cold weather.  The coldest winter day time temperature here is maybe 10C degrees, and even then I honestly can’t remember the last time it got down that low.  A 15C degree day is a bloody cold one to me.  So sub zero would probably freak me out.  It would be fun to experience, but probably for a few seconds only, and then I’d be awful keen to find a nice roaring fire nearby. lol

  25. This is an interesting youtube video about Australia, called “Why is there no crisis in Australia?” done by a British guy.  Interesting and informative.  It only goes for 11 minutes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melrick


      The funny thing is, I didn’t realise Australia is doing as well as it is.  I guess I just took it all for granted.

    3. BronxWench


      It’s easy enough to do. There were periods in our history when we were doing well, and I think we all took it for granted, and expected it to continue forever. We forgot we needed to do our part, and that didn’t include being greedy and shortsighted. What I found interesting is that Australia seems to be far more proactive in anticipating future needs of the people, whereas we have become reactive and resentful.

      Eh, when we implode, the daft one will have his Irish passport (hello, EU!) and we can feck off to a happier retirement.

    4. Melrick


      Ireland sounds pretty a pretty good option.  And who knew our boring politicians actually knew what they were doing?  Certainly not me, that’s for sure. lol

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