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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Canada
  2. ^ Is in need of a cold shower < Is trying to think up a reasonable distraction V Knows that the topics on the forum are anything BUT distracting from that need
  3. Guilty - many many times - and I'm hoping to add one more to the list. G/NG Does everything they can to please their lover in bed
  4. I'm always reminded of NyQuil ... so I haven't either. I have never liked candy that tasted like medicine
  5. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am back with pop corn and having some greasy kernels. I am a fan of Kylie Minogue.
  6. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd be a cute little red number - that can't run worth a shit. If I were a motorcycle
  7. (Oh boy - I feel for you) Growing
  8. It's the only kind of logic she knows. Daz?
  9. Have you ever seen some of the pictures of those Dwarfs and their not so dwarfish pricks?
  10. Columbia
  11. ^ Is about to be cleared for bed duty. < Is wishing ^ all the luck in the world. V thinks Tuesday is too long a wait.
  12. Guilty - but I only told my ex that in a room filled with people so he couldn't take it out of my hide... and boy was it wonderful! G/NG Has been told they suck in bed
  13. I have - as I don't know what Glosette Raisins are. I have never liked Goobers.
  14. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking Daz is right on the money with the Spice Girls. I am off to make pop corn and will be back in about 5.
  15. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd be a slippery nipple sliding down a sex pot's throat. If I were a soda pop
  16. ( have you been peaking through my mom's windows?) Loving
  17. Mom has a funny idea that if all three of us were mowing at the same time we'd get the job done in record time. Daz?
  18. Okay - how about Snow White and the Seven pricks?
  19. Because he was bullied as a child and needed some revenge. Why?
  20. Cathartic
  21. ^ Is past the 6 week mark < Remembers trying to stretch the 6 week rule to 12 just to have some peace. V was waiting on pins and needles for the okay to have more fun
  22. Guilty- every night of my married life G/NG ever wondered why some people just can't see the error of their ways when it comes to sex
  23. I haven't either - great - now I want some pop corn I have never been able to say no to movie theater pop corn
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