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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Glad for the laugh Red provided.
  2. Okay - I've really enjoyed all of these and I thought that I would share one of mine with all of you. BTW - I'm part American Indian so if this offends - oh so sorry. One fine day a cowboy was riding through the desert looking for something - anything - to break the monotony of the Great Plains. It wasn't long before he came across an indian sunning himself on a rock buck naked and with a raging hard on. "Jus' what the Hell do yer think yer doin'?" He asked as the indian cracked an eye and glared at him. "Me tellum time." He said as he laid his head back down on the rock to continue sunning himself. "Oh yeah smart ass - what time is it?" The cowboy asked as he sat astride his horse. The indian peaked at the sun then looked down at his dick then back up at the sun before responding. "Ug - it's 1 o'clock." The cowboy looked at his watch and whistled. "I'll be damned! You're right." He shook his head and continued on his way. About 2 hours later he came across another indian standing out in the open once again naked as the day he was born and sporting a huge erection. "What are you doin'?" He asked the tall man standing before him. "Me tellum time." He responded. "Fine - what time is it?" The cowboy was almost used to this and reached into his pocket for his watch. The indian looked at the sun and down at himself then answered. "It's 3:17." The cowboy grunted and went on his way wondering at the inginuity of these indians. It wasn't long before he came across yet another indian standing behind a cactus and wanking off as fast as he could. Now this was completely improper even for the wild west. "What are ya doin' ya freak?" He yelled. "Um - me windum watch."
  3. *Sigh* I travel into work at 6:30 in the am every morning and just as I was getting a little sunshine to light my way we have to spring forward - now I'm back in total darkness. I tell you I'm thinking of moving somewhere that I don't have to worry about it. I'm a nut about being on time as it is - just imagine what my poor internal clock is going through. "What?! Now? You've got to be kidding kid. Again? Didn't we do this last year? Don't you remember what I did to your internal plumbing? That's it! I'm commiting you - you're insane." Now I have to deal with the idiots that STILL haven't changed their clocks and my internal workings going haywire... I really dislike Bush for this one...
  4. Guilty - G/NG - Understands the moral dilemma's that face today's sea slugs?
  5. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am happy that Echtrae is now enlightened in the morality of the sea slug. I am going to finish my posts and then I'm off to bed. I am wishing everyone a wonderful night.
  6. How did ya guess? Trae?
  7. 6222
  8. Screamers
  9. Full-Belly
  10. I'm glad that I can very prettily after Trae's slight rebuke.
  11. I guess I'm Guilty of that. G/NG - actually lives on line?
  12. I am no longer allowed to call my ex-stepdad a perverted old prune with the morals of a sea slug.
  13. Nope - it's me - better late than never. His_Beautiful?
  14. 6220
  15. Wall-flower
  16. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am going to go into work tomorrow like a good little girl. I am not; however, going to enjoy it. I am thinking a nice cool shower and an early bed time is just what the doctor ordered.
  17. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Robin Hood and his Very Merry Men (Porn - very OLD porn)
  18. Oh I have! There's nothing like a cross country trip that lasts three days and no where to take a decent pee... I have never gone swiming in the Dead Sea.
  19. Not Guilty - as I am now well out of school and into the drudgery that is the working class stiff. G/NG - would rather go back to school than work.
  20. (Sadly neither am I) I am no longer allowed to swear at passing cars as they speed by with my mother in the car.
  21. sorry - Mel?
  22. I am no longer allowed to sit in turpentine to get the paint off of my ass.
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