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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Cid Highwind
  2. Sometimes. Why is it kids can't do the chores they've been set in a satisfactory manner?
  3. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am about to go clean the kitchen. I am not looking for it to be an easy task. I am proud to announce that I haven't had a cig since yesterday at 5 pm - *hiss... scratch... pull out hair*
  4. They believe what they see on TV and in the movies? (Q&A)
  5. I am no longer allowed to pester my family with never ending jokes just because I'm lonely for one night.
  6. Billy Squire
  7. Maddening Mimes mimicked me mercilessly all the way to Maine
  8. Every time Trae?
  9. yelling
  10. Darkness
  11. ^ hides when < works on her marksmanship
  12. Dick Patton
  13. Leonhart29


    Thank you for the advice - the only thing is - I don't smoke in the morning. I don't have the first cig until around 11:30 am, then it's not until around 5 in the afternoon until I have another one. I've cut way down from 2 packs a day - I just can't seem to give up that last 5 or so a day... It's pretty damn sad.
  14. Hidden
  15. I haven't either. I have never been able to turn down a trip to the shooting range.
  16. Yellowing
  17. ^ could be considered a marksman
  18. ^ is asking a question I don't have a ready answer for. < is not a having a hard time writing for once. V is enjoying their Saturday.
  19. Guilty - but the cause has been divorced from my life. G/NG - Has posted an update to a story in the past 24 hours.
  20. 6423
  21. Leonhart29


    Okay - first of all I am someone who is trying their damnedest to quit smoking, and like Goofy I'm failing miserably. My work place went smoke free which helps a lot from 7am to 3:30 pm. I have a child with asthma (and I have it too) so therefore I don't smoke inside unless I'm at my computer and they are sound asleep on the other side of the house, and now it's almost impossible to find a bar or restaurant that will allow it. It's a horrible habit that makes your clothes and hair stink, your skin turn paper thin and wrinkle and then there's the whole mess with cancer and other ailments. This in my opinion makes it worth less than the shit on the bottom of my shoe - but for some reason I'm having the hardest time quitting. I have to admit that when I was younger I saw this cartoon while sitting in my father's lap. If I remember correctly I asked him why Goofy was acting so strangely - Dad just smiled, took a puff off of the Camel unfiltered in his mouth and told me I would find out when I was older. I did - boy did I ever. This is both pro and con smoking in my opinion. The way they showed the stress and utter horror of quitting (and yes it is that bad even with the drugs they can give you today) it makes you do one of two things - continue to smoke or not start at all.
  22. As a mother of two girls in grade school and Jr High here in Texas I can tell you a few things. One - I encourage my children to learn more than what the schools are teaching them. All of us are avid journal writers, all of us read and most of the time if the TV is on it's for back ground noise not an entertainment source. Let's face it - in America the only thing the schools and our esteemed (note sarcasm) leader seem to care about is that they pass those stupid standardized tests... I sat down and took the test with my girls this year and I can't tell you how disappointed I was to find that not only were the questions designed NOT to make the children think on their own and USE the knowledge they had gained - but that some of the questions were WRONG! The really sad part.... most of the kids got those questions right by the answer key. I asked how this could have happened and the teacher (after I proved that I was right) said that the questions were put together by other teachers and they used various text books... Once again it seems that if it's in print it must be right - BULL SHIT! And this brings me to my second point which has already been touched on. Honestly - it is the parent's fault that this is happening. Sure, our school boards and politicians are the ones that decide what the kids should learn and when, but we as parents put them in their positions and we allow them to keep those positions. Too many parents now a days are letting the system educate their kids and take a hands off approach to their children’s education. I myself have always taken a keen interest in what my kids are learning. It's why I moved them out of public schools and into a small school 40 miles from home in the middle of a cotton field. I want more for them. You can find me down at the school at least 3 days a week talking with their teachers and taking an active interest in what's going on - which is key to their success. It is sad to see so many people who have gone through our education system and still come out as ignorant as when they went in. The challenge is gone and so is the drive to become something more than an empty headed girl who needs a husband to take care of her - or a hard working man in some menial back breaking job because that's all they could get. It's horrible that kids who WANT to learn can't because their parents are just BELOW the poverty line and therefore make too much money for student aid. I can understand on some level why the woman in the comic might have said what she did. Why get someone's hopes up for a good solid education when you can't afford it?
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