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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Nifty
  2. Jack the Ripper
  3. Drag
  4. Yup - it's me Trae?
  5. ^Is correct < Has put someone else in the orgy V Has read the latest Orgy updates.
  6. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am letting everyone know that my Orgy post is up and running. I am hoping no one minds that I put in a new addition to the NPC's.
  7. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am working on an Orgy update of my own now that I have a little time.
  8. I haven't either... I have never liked Cherry Coke.
  9. Well - if you have swallowed poison and don't have easy access to Syrup of Ipecac it will induce vomiting. Is that a good enough reason?
  10. I meant first in line - not first into the century... Quamp?
  11. Kiros Seagil
  12. ...someone rubbing your nose in it. When your nose is deep in it you should always....
  13. I'm the first Texan... Quamp
  14. I've had Mountain oysters... and I've tasted almost every part of the bull... which is why I think I can get a bit sick and know what I'm talking about. But this is just a bit.... more than I can handle - no doggie dick for me.
  15. Eden
  16. I have... watered down glue - blech! I have never liked Malt and Vinegar.
  17. Forgotten
  18. I haven't - I have never had goat's milk.
  19. Treated to a not so typical tryst in a timely manner making me tardy.
  20. ^ can be right on occasion. < Is quite happy with their deviant self. V Has a few deviations of their own.
  21. Guilty - on a daily basis. G/NG - is surrounded by people who just don't get it (whatever "it" is)
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