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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Get
  2. Not counting the Sheep Dog we had when I was a child - neither have I. I have never been partial to chick flicks
  3. Need
  4. ^ Knows that < knows what it is. < Will drop it for now if ^ & V will. V doesn't want to drop it.
  5. Guilty - we have an active Fort around here... Civil War days are every 3rd Saturday. G/NG - has seen a Civil War battle reinactment...
  6. Don Juan
  7. Can I have your Magic 8-ball? Trae?
  8. Talent
  9. ^ is stating the obvious ... again.
  10. As many as you wish. But will you take into account the food situation?
  11. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am not looking forward to dinner as I am the one who has to cook it. I am wondering why, if I'm in a household filled with females that can cook, am I the only one who does so? I am thinking the only up side is that I rarely have to clean the kitchen
  12. I have and do on a dreadfully constant basis. I have never dressed up like a man
  13. Family
  14. ^ is considering begging < Is waiting to see just how much begging <'ll get V Won't beg for it.
  15. Not guilty - although I've felt like it some times. G/NG - has fired a cannon?
  16. Peter Parker
  17. You got it. Trae?
  18. Tenent
  19. Other people have beds. Put an American and a Canadian together and you get _________.
  20. Only if you promise to bring that friend. So - who will you call?
  21. Because dough makes the world go round. Why?
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