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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. (oh why not?) Harry Potter
  2. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am going to try and write a chapter for Realms. I am going to need some luck on this one.
  3. I haven't either. I have never driven drunk
  4. I have - usually from my back yard due to the Air Force Base in my town. I have never had a plane crash land into my house (yet)
  5. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking that Easter is now "Zombie Jesus Day" and will remain so in my mind.
  6. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am happy with picking my friends and suffering my family. I am thinking I keep them around just to annoy them.
  7. I have as long as they aren't being fired off from my neighbors lawn at my house. I have never liked the annual air show.
  8. ^ is a busy guy < Is in hiding V is wondering what happened to the emoticons
  9. Not really. What were the other four?
  10. Tat
  11. Still here Trae?
  12. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am wondering what my Mum is yelling about. I am not going to unlock the door to find out. I am oh so happy with these little family get togethers.
  13. Beautiful-woman
  14. Nope - little Miss "Can't spell worth a shit" is here Trae?
  15. I haven't either - I have never failed to laugh at one of my girl's jokes.
  16. Sorry - but no Daz?
  17. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am saying that my ex-stepfather and his new girl friend are not a welcome sight. I am thinking of going on strike and NOT cooking. I am now hiding in my room and refusing to unlock the door.
  18. Sure - for now. Trae?
  19. I would have guessed that - I have though - twice and once with twins. I have never wished I hadn't had children.
  20. Not this time. Trae?
  21. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am wishing I could settle for take away tonight. I am noticing that I now have two uninvited guests at my door. I am not happy about having to get dressed.
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