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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. I don't know... but I wonder if we'll all end up on the island?
  2. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am glad that Vixen had fun. I am trying to get through the umpteen million emails I have. I am wondering what entertainment my family will provide me tonight.
  3. Because it was done for them and humans tend to like things that make their lives easier. Why?
  4. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    The Big Easy (movie)
  5. ^ is Ham free < Is thinking that if ^ was at my house for the feast ^ would have laughed more than eat. V Had a relatively sane holiday
  6. Being home after a rather insane day at work.
  7. many wonders that may or may not make you want to hide under a rock. While under that rock it is always good luck to find___________
  8. Nope - just the slightly horrible one Hermione?
  9. I haven't either - but then I have never wanted to travel by train
  10. ^ is right on most occasions (isn't that a bit taxing?)
  11. Not this time. Red?
  12. ^ The two plates were actually platters. < Didn't get there in time to eat much of anything V will still be digesting this time tomorrow
  13. I don't think she would object. Do you plan on inviting any other men?
  14. Guilty - which makes working at a computer I can't access AFF for 8-10 hours a pain in the ass. G/NG - has a hobby they are willing to do almost anything for?
  15. Just for a moment - then it's off to dream land. Trae?
  16. Not a bad choice. Who else will you invite?
  17. Dust Bowl
  18. Taint
  19. ^ is a munching machine < there were no leftovers from the feast that < made V feels like they gained 10 pounds from the feast
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