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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. ^ is good at being a word smith < Has a dirty enough mind that < got that one really quick V got the stick shift thing too
  2. Not this time. The Naked one?
  3. Guilty G/NG - makes intentional misspellings just for the giggles
  4. Still not naked - waiting until later on for that. Vixen
  5. 6748
  6. I'm not naked - yet. Vixen?
  7. Guilty - but I was glad to do it. G/NG - has left a review even though you didn't know what it was you read
  8. I'm here... mentally anyway. Nan?
  9. Yuppers Nan?
  10. Yeah - that would be me... Trae?
  11. A head pump is considered foreplay. Another favorite form of male foreplay would be
  12. Because it makes them feel "big". Why?
  13. Not this time. Trae?
  14. Oh I don't know about that. What can you bring to make it worth our while?
  15. ^ occasionally gets in the passanger seat < Likes to ride more than drive V is thinking hard about the ride to come
  16. I have... and I kinda like it. I have never had to hide from someone because I was afraid they would make a pass at me (until now)
  17. 6746
  18. Buds
  19. Even
  20. ^ Is a good teacher in the art of participation
  21. ^ Likes it when others are observant
  22. that's me.... Quamp
  23. You betcha! Trae?
  24. ^ Seems to be on ^'s game tonight.
  25. 6744
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