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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. I have on occasion - but I've found that the prettier they are the more assholeish they can be. I have never failed to correct an unintentional fib if given the chance.
  2. ^ Keeps secrets even from ^'s self < Is guarded about most things if < can't remain somewhat anonymous V Likes being anonymous.
  3. Perfect
  4. Hillary Clinton
  5. Realtor
  6. 6807
  7. Nope - Trae?
  8. 6797
  9. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am back online after a night of no internet. I am coming to the realization that I am hopelessly addicted to AFF and a certain someone. I am not about to stop though.
  10. Drinking, Boozing (same really), Balling, Fucking and karaoke. Did I miss anything?
  11. Petunia Dursley
  12. ^ seems to be looking forward to the next family get together. < Has to get out the boxing gloves and mouth guard for a family get together. V Would pay money to see Granny Leon get in the ring with drink uncle Leon at <'s next reunion
  13. ^ Likes to use those digits
  14. um.... I have... I have never sent a totally nude pic of myself over the internet. - well nearly totally nude anyway... mostly not nude ... never mind - forget it.
  15. Pressure
  16. Racer
  17. Nope - not this time. Hermione?
  18. I was never a fan to begin with G/NG - has said happy birthday to the many people celebrating this month.
  19. I have to stop and wish Red a very happy birthday... from one of the best to the other one of the best. (And I hope he gets what he's been wishing for!)
  20. I'm glad to hear that - now get busy on FF XII so you can get going with the sequel to Redheaded Stranger... (now I'm doing the happy dance!)
  21. Nope - the aforementioned me... Hermione?
  22. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am looking forward to reading Nan's story. I am also a fan of facial hair - gotta love the tickles. I am off to work - do I have ta go?
  23. Have a wonderful Birthday!
  24. That's me - guess I'm here for a bit more than 5 Nan?
  25. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am about to head out the door for dinner. I am no longer smiling. I am filled with butterflies though.
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