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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. ^ is very tired < Actually could do with less family gatherings. V enjoys family time
  2. ^ prefers redheads with a sharp tongue
  3. song
  4. I have - but not lately - lately I can't stop smiling. I have never made someone else feel rotten just to have company in my misery
  5. I don't know - maybe people think brown is a drab color (I don't but that's a different story) Why do people think blondes are more fun?
  6. I haven't either. I have never verbally took someone down until they were broken
  7. ^ Prefers it when < is blunt
  8. Because we true redheads are rare and beautiful creatures. Why is it people tend to copy redheads all the time?
  9. I have - FF VIII - actually stood in line for it. I have never disliked being teased for making a mistake (you're right - reptile... sorry Red - thanks for the correction)
  10. ^ Knows < very well < Is waiting until < will not be disturbed by children before < gets naked V is counting down the minutes to bed time
  11. Donald
  12. Not this time although I'm sure she'll be back. Red?
  13. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking that would be a wise choice of action. I am still buzzing on Lortab and hating it. I am thinking I will put up with pain instead of taking another one.
  14. Loves
  15. Because anything that's even remotely Anime is cute. Why?
  16. yup - looks like someone other than me weighs as much as a duck. DC?
  17. I obviously have. I have never been to Nova Scotia
  18. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking the jinxing gnome just perked up his ears and is reaching into his bag o' tricks.
  19. Thanks!
  20. ^ prefers to be obscure more often than obvious
  21. I have - I live in Texas - we eat rattle snake in almost everything. I have never trapped my own rattle snake for the purpose of food.
  22. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am wishing Red the best of luck.
  23. I have - it's called a fart that's been starved too long. I have never failed to laugh at bathroom humor
  24. ^ is proud of that sense of discovery
  25. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am offering my services if I can be of any help. I am feeling woozy. I am looking forward to signing the contract on my new house
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