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Everything posted by Oishiichan

  1. but the sexy Playboy Bunny he/she has been seeing behind their back. He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for___________
  2. I haven't pooh for words this month, my left hand has been totally screwed up for most of the year and the doctors and therapist recently told me I wont get the ability to use fully ever again either, and I am having difficulty learning to type one handed. I have been very bummed. Makes it hard to find inspiration for writing lately. I did so well last year...
  3. She is right we do have an allergic reaction to disney, and I say no if they do another FF7 game make it after Advent children for pity sake...
  4. I can speak 2 fluently and another fairly well. I have never been to Australia.
  5. Not guilty never been to war. G/NG: Of placing shameless plug links in forums you frequent to advertise for your favorite websites or a friends website?
  6. trying to find a way to wake you up Mr. Sleepyhead. *dings the icq*
  7. I'd cry my neck would be to long to look up girls skirts! Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities but __________
  8. pornography and philandering behavior. Blind from birth I _________
  9. Battle of Olpae: Peloponnesian War in 426 BC, between the armies of Athens and Sparta
  10. the power of chocolate! A women scorned is _________
  11. *tackel glomps* How is my favorite waffy writer?
  12. I have been a member of the main site after my husband Hiei joined in 2004. I just recently joined the forums because Serenanna pointed them out. (I didn't notice they were here. *blush*) I am a mother of two boys ages 11 and 6. My husband is military so our lives are hectic and we move a lot. I like dolphins and cats, really big cats, with big claws, and big teeth. I am a Cancer, does this mean I am a big ol' crab? I hate diamonds and prefer sapphires and ruby's. My husband says it is because they match the color of bruises better... I haven't written much of my own stuff because I usually end up helping Hiei with his project, I even have a couple of stories in his FGLMM mix. My preference for reading and writing: I like a lot of plot, and am open for anything, the only thing I don't care for in all honesty is yaoi slash. Never was into the guy guy sex scenes don't mind the romance aspect of it, don't like the nitty gritty. I like my whips and chains, but I prefer it to be consensual fun and not the super violent type of stuff, however I can forgive a lot for plot. I like the waffy , I like the hardcore, the soft core, I even enjoy the occasional tentacle monster and evil demon from the abyss. Ohh and I love yuri nothing gets me more excited then two girls... or two girls and a guy... or just a bunch of girls. The bunch of girls always makes Hiei pout, but gives him tons of writing inspiration.
  13. more of the same. The definition of politics is __________
  14. I have a tongue piercing and a friend who does them and has to be licensed to do them. They tell you to wait six weeks for sexual activities for a good reason, any foreign tissue not your own can cause a severe infection and you will end up taking it out and starting all over again. This is why I waited to get mine until my husband was deployed. You can start sooner but you run a lot of risks by doing so. It is up to you.
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