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Everything posted by Oishiichan

  1. My power of seduction is cuddles! http://www.seductiveshorts.com/#goods/quiz
  2. Here is another good laugh. Our children's imaginations are killing them! Experts call for restrictions on childhood imagination! http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/02/21/onion.ima...tion/index.html
  3. My oldest is son 12 years old, his nick name is Boo Boo because when he was a toddler he was always hurting himself in the most interesting ways. He was barely 8 months old when he managed to climb out of a crib after I laid him down for a nap and do a nose dive onto the floor causing him to have a severe bloody nose and me to rush him into the ER. Now the mattress was on the lowest setting possible int he crib and the side bar was as high up as it could go, the way he climbed out was to somehow pull up all the bedding and pile it one corner before launching himself over the side. Scared me senseless. Advance to 14 months old, he is now walking and toddling about, I have a wood picnic table in my backyard, my friends and I are outside he tumbles down gets covered in dirt and scraps up his hands. I sit him on top of the picnic table and use baby wipes to clean him off, one of my friends brings him a pop sickle to suck on while I washed his knees and shins. Once I was done I turn around to put the wipes back int he diaper back and he decides to climb down all by himself while trying to lick pop sickle. Now he slips bangs his chin on the table top and literally bites the tip of his tongue so that it is hanging by the nerves and skin on the bottom. Screaming hollering and bleeding all over the place we manage to get a terry washcloth with ice cubes inside his mouth to hold it together and rush him to the hospital. They knock him out and stitch his tongue back on, he has a scar today where there are no taste buds as proof of his oopsy daisy. My youngest son is 7 and his nick name is pooh bear. When he was 7 months old my father in law (Who was I staying with as my husband was off doing a military thing for the summer and he needed someone to watch my sister in law while he was at work and school was out) thought it would my sons allergies if we put a tablespoon of natural honey into his rice cereal. We have no idea if it worked on his allergies but it did give him incentive to become more mobile. He would intently watch that brown crockery jar as my father in law put the sweet stuff into his breakfast, and knew where it was kept. (Middle shelf of a turnstile cabinet.) Now he all the sudden goes from crawling to walking along furniture very carefully. One day I was helping my oldest son and his aunt to set up a painting area on the porch, Sandor the youngest was in his play pen and I could see him through the sliding glass door which was open. Suddenly I look in and he is not in the play pen anymore which of course causes me to run inside and frantically look about. I hear a happy burble and a giggle from the kitchen. I run in thinking he had crawled in there after Dad's big old orange and white mancoon and find my son happily sitting down jar of honey between his legs, one fist covered in sticky goo while he sucked on it merrily, honey dripping down his baby t-shirt, his little feet locked at the ankles around the jar..
  4. We have a thread about our kids I figured we should have one about pets too! I will go first. I have an 11 year old, 12 pound, black and white tuxedo Manx that I got from a friend who was a kindergarten teacher, she would take the cat to school and it would hang out with the students, they named her Mrs. Kittie. When my friend gave birth to her 3rd daughter they found she was violently allergic to Mrs. Kittie. Now she was two years old and cuddly and sweet whenever I saw her so I took her in instead of making my friend take her to a shelter. Now this cat was born in Fort Bragg North Carolina, flown to Germany where she lived for four years, one year was with my friend before we moved there, then flown back to Fort Bragg once we came back to the states. She has always been an avid hunter of anything remotely resembling rodents, and even some things that weren't like raccoons. Now that have a background on my pet I will now go into her antics: She has always been able to open doors, any kind of door, be it a leaver knob or the regular turning knobs, her method of each type of door was different and always something to watch. Leaver knobs were easier for her because all she had to do was jump up hook her paw over it and then kick off backwards bringing the door with her. Round knobs were a challenge, as she couldn't hook her paws onto anything so she would have to stand on her hand legs and twist the knob with her paws, hold onto it then step backwards on her hind legs. We have learned if we don't her to go outside or follow us into the bathroom we lock the doors. Now we love our Mrs. Kittie and have never stuck her in a kennel when we travel we take her with us, she has a body harness that is red with black trim, and pretty red leash to go with it. She hates traveling in cat carriers and prefers to roam about the car. We have learned how to keep her most content whilst traveling, her red wool kitty bed must be there, because that is her seat! A small little water tower, and a food dispenser that lets out a small amount of dry cat food when she nudges the button on the front. Her favorite part about traveling however is not the ride, it is the rest stops and all the places she gets to explore, and all the people who dote on her because she is such a well behaved kitty on her harness and leash, and so lovingly, purrily, affectionate toward any human willing to bask her with adoration. Her second favorite part about traveling is the chance to go camping with the family. She is the tent/food table guard. Squirrels and chipmunks never bother our unattended table with her around, and whenever racoon's come along to try and chew holes in our tent, she is the first one up growling hissing and scaring them off, then sulking because we wont let her out to go catch them. I think she is unaware of the fact that a bear, wolf, coyote, or wild mountain cat would find her a tasty snack to bif around as a toy before munching on her happily.
  5. Not Mad is not the only one... I got the same thing.
  6. I would burn every article of clothing I owned before I gave up sex... well except maybe my weeding dress... but that is for sentimental reasons!
  7. o.0 I took one of these for an LJ quize ages ago and got the middle of the road, I take this one and get..
  8. http://www.thespoof.com/news/spoof.cfm?headline=s1i14396 hmmm
  9. Brad Pitt looks like a pit bull with overly large lips... not to mention in 2003 he won the smelliest man alive award.
  10. I do not find Jason Isaacs physically appealing either... reminds me to much of the wraith from Stargate Atlantis.
  11. Oh my gosh that is almost as bad as my cousin Christie who is a banana blond using red cool aid to make her hair bright red... Priceless.
  12. If I was looking to date a historical female their suggestions are: Agatha Christy Grace Kelly Lucrezia Borgia Interesting combination..
  13. Rudolph Valentino Leonardo DaVinci Edgar Allan Poe Interesting..
  14. I had a similar reaction as well. My husbands exact words about this was quite simply this. "You know we fight for all these freedoms and then we get these idiots who want to take them away because they think they know what is best without even looking at what it is they wish to criticize."
  15. Who are our owners? What do they want? What do they care about you and me? What's really going on? George Carlin Explains ALL http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...deoid=935607276 Curiously I find what he says interesting, granted he is a comedian but he makes valid points.
  16. I think the modification to the anon posting probably took you quite a bit of work, and am thankful you were thoughtful enough to do it. As for those bitching about the age verifier they can take a hike, because if in the long run it keeps the site from shutting down and not being here at all they should be thanking their lucky stars they have somewhere to post their stories and or read fanfics to begin with.
  17. I am not a Yaoi fan But I was net surfing looking for angels and came across a a few pics some of those who do enjoy it might like. A Harry Potter pictures http://www.crisortega.com/comic/image061.htm http://accel2.mettre-put-idata.over-blog.c...---draco_1_.jpg http://harrydrago.skyblog.com/pics/314143467.jpg If Eve was a man... http://www.crisortega.com/comic/image060.htm Squall and Seifer http://images.gildia.pl/komiks/publicystyka/yaoi/3/w200/ http://members.tripod.com/min_moon_28/site...llandseifer.jpg A manga title cover http://www.yaoipress.com/1933664061.jpg Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell http://omniscient496.tripod.com/yaoi_album...400x300/085.jpg No idea who these boys are http://www.fantasyworld.pl/images/artykuly/lamus/yaoi.jpg http://fan.whiteplums.com/ogn/skins/ogn4/Image1.jpg
  18. Your welcome. However the only way I have found to get it to the states was to buy it from a UK sight as a gift for a friend residing there, then have them ship it to me. Apparently there is some issue with legalities which is why they can't ship to the US.
  19. I have always Royo on here for my Avitar, and saw what Adara had done with one of his pieces and thought hey that was neat. So I did one of my own sigi's in the same manner. Yes I blatantly ripped off Adara's idea because I like it!
  20. It isn't for me, I prefer games like Mahjong, Go, Othello, etc. It is for my husbands father. I have tried to order it from about 20 different UK sites all say they wont ship that item to the US including the Amazon.UK site.
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