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Everything posted by Oishiichan

  1. WoW and here I thought Pyros was the only fan fic admin who was paranoid and controlling... JAxxy writing long posts that most of the furom lurkers can not understand or read in hope they will gloss it over and forget what happened is fairly underhanded of yourself, deleting the forums mods letters of resignation and reason for leaving to me is an admission of guilt. I like Serenanna have deleted my stories from this site and will no longer support it and the ridiculouse behavior I have seen. I do ot think your changes are helping especially when I open a page and see html code mixed in with index pages due to sloppy and crappy work, as well as people posting on forums "OMG Where is my story it gone!" over and over again. For those of you who would like to see the letters posted by those who did leave I wlll post a link to the saved copy Serenanna made. If any of you have questions or doubts about what is going on and want to see this from the side of the former mods I think it would be a goodread for you. http://par-avion.org/serenanna/affresignations.html
  2. *tackle glompies* Happy B-Day Big Sam! ^_~
  3. o.0 That girls mother is terrible, if some one told me my kids was skipping classes no mater how old they were they backside would be a bright shade of pretty red. The school administration needs its ass kicked as well. It is complete bull that any of that happened.
  4. One of my favorite webcomics did a bit making fun of those annoying people who try to tell you how the books ends while you are still in the middle of it, or just purchased the new HP novel. http://www.punchanpie.net/
  5. Happy B-Day Nan!
  6. Happy B-Day knorg!
  7. Thanks guys! Let me tell you blood relatives aren't as thoughtful as you love you guys bunchs.
  8. The chinese have had pornographic how to pillow books with graphic pictures since the 700's. Greek temples to Aphrodite Pan had reliefs that stretched around the room depicting orgies. There is also poetic stories from the Greek and Roman periods describing erotic encounters as well as plays. Greeks also had lesbian porn for men, long poems describing things they wished to do to one another written by women to other women, this was done for the entertainment of men. They have even found some written in ancient cuneiform. The Persian empire had wonder poets, and story tellers of erotic literature, these books also came with pictures to help guide the imagination. Ancient Egyptians were so erotic and had such high pornography content Greek scholars were appalled and offended by it. The naughty and erotic Greeks were offended by someone else's depictions and erotic natures because they were so strong and prevalent in their society. Modern porn be it graphic or written has been around for centuries. Technicaly the older the the stuff is the more it falls under the erotica category, modern porn is just a depiction of pure sex, where as older stuff served an artistic function. Porn: the explicit representation of the human body or sexual activity with the goal of sexual arousal. Erotica: refers to works of art, including literature, photography, film, sculpture and painting, that deal substantively with erotically stimulating or arousing descriptions. Now most times these lines blur, because porn gets boring without some type of artistic influence, and art is always spiced up by the act of sex. Now I have been an erotic dancer and if someone told me I was just working for the porn industry I would have been highly offended, lots of pornography stars prefer to be called erotic artists, in todays world the word porn is a naughty, dirty, nasty thing, no one wants to be associated with it due to the puritan influences placed on the America's by the immigrating settlers. Not all cultures in the world have this problem and haven't for time beyond measure, and some cultures never did.
  9. Morticia Addams 65% Pugsly Addams 55% Pubert Addams 40% Gomez Addams 35% Granmama Addams 30% Uncle Fester 30% Wednesday Addams 15% Lurch -The Butler 15% hmmm interesting, Morticia seems to be the most common.
  10. Hey Sere I gave you that link! I still think it was hilarious though...
  11. Our bunnies are all settled in and spoiled beyond reason. Serenanna got her bunny Easter Sunday and has fallen hopelessly in love with him. I finaly got some pictures of Robin, she let me take them while she was climbing on my son and getting brushed, It is about the only time she sits still for anything is when she sheds and we comb her. Rex is of course the ham here. He loves attention and doesn't care what kind it is unless it is from the cat, of all the rabbits he is the only one who doesn't like our Kittie Of course both bunnies love climbing on velvety couch, it is their favorite jungle gym. Then of course she lets my son tote her around as if she was a baby ready to burped too, it is funny to watch this because if anyone else tried this she would scratch wiggle and bites he does it and she placid and amiable, she will even turn her head to nuzzle his neck. I think my favorite thing to watch is when the little cuties climb on the couch and Hiei plops his feet up kitty corner at the L section, they see his feet and immediately go for them, tickling them with their noses and head butting them.
  12. Signed and passed on!
  13. Wow that is only a recent history of porn... they didn't even go back as fa as B.C. era, you would think it was only a fairly modern concept looking at this.
  14. Fred and George Weasley- 75% (why am I saddle with these guys?) Draco Malfoy- 65% (Maybe when he turns 18) Ron Weasley- 65% (ewww) No one, your a prude- 60% (What do you expect everyone on the list was underage... where are the adults?) Victor Krum- 55% (At least he looks old enough... lacks personality) Cedric Diggory- 55% (He was nice enough, but now he is all corpsified!) Harry Potter- 50% (Not even if I was dead..) Percy Weasley- 30% (If his hair was longer he would look my husband, however his he is irritating... so no!) Hermione Granger- 85% (Hell yes she is intelligent.) Fluer Delacour- 60% (Not into the whole vanity thing...) Narcissa Malfoy- 60% (OMG an adult... and YES) Ginny Weasly- 55% (Ahmm no..) Luna Lovegood- 55% (errr I don't think so) Cho Chang- 45% (hmm possible when she grows up) Moaning Myrtle- 40% (How? I mean seriously...)
  15. But Katrina is a very old name having nothing to do with hurricanes... it is Greek and means pure. Not to mention is oh so cute! Davion my 12 year old appeared to have labia too, it was how the umbilical cord was positioned
  16. I had ultra sounds every 3 weeks to check fetal progress, and up until my 12 year old was actually born they insisted he was a girl, my 7 year old about 2 weeks before he was born was a "girl" we ended up with a new ultrasound tech who looked at the baby and showed Hiei the picture then stated "If that is a girl she has awful big balls!" Needless to say I had boys not girls. I always had names picked out for both just in case anyway thank heavens.
  17. Lots of names can end up with the nickname of Cat/Kat: Cathryne, Kathryn, Katherine, Katharine, Cathy, Kathie, Catie, Cadie, Caddie, Katie, Kate, Katryn, Katrina, Catrina, Cathleen, Kitty, Cate, Catriana, Catalin, Caterina, Catriona, Catlina, Ekaterina, Caitir, Cathleen, Katia and probably a whole slew of them I have missed... from what I understand Cat/Kat by itself is considered rare it is usually a nick name. Any ideas for boys yet?
  18. I have owned aid dogs, they can do any number of tasks as long as they are trained to do so. I have also owned a normal golden retriever who wasn't trained in such a manner and was able to use deductive logic to perform tasks most other animals or humans would not. Opening doors, as an example. Dialing emergency numbers is something that not just dogs but birds and cats have been known to do if trained properly. Do not assume because it is animal it is stupid, animals are only as dim witted as those who educate them.
  19. Oh they have had Timothy Hay from the get go, we gave each bunny 1/8th of a cup of the timothy hay pellets and they wont touch the things don't seem to like them and prefer the grass or fruit & veggies, and we use Carefresh litter. Kittie's cat box is not accessible to them and wont be ever. The boys change the litter box's every night before bed. We already knew what to feed them due to myself having raised them with my step father and Sarah's father knows because he raised his own as well. The bunnies have gone through half of a 48 oz bag of hay in 3 days, so they get plenty to eat. They have water bottles and bowls it is their choice on which they use, we will see which they frequent most and ditch the other. All three bunnies are over three years old. All of them weigh 7lb's or less. Buddy is the only one who likes being picked up and treated like a stuffed animal. If you don't pick him up he bites your feet. Robin and Rex are not cuddly, they are playful and funny, and like to get drive by pettings before they run off to more jumps, leaps, and spinning twists in the air, then dash under one piece of furniture or another. Rex if he thinks Robin isn't looking will crawl on your lap for a cuddle until she comes looking for him and scolds him for not playing with her. They love to wonder around my kids rooms while they read or play with their toys, and think the kids toys are just as much theirs as they are the humans. We find this very cute, Mrs. Kittie demands far more attention then they do. As for electrical cords any cords in their reach have been covered in the tubing used for the air bubblers in fish tanks. It protects the cords and gives the bunny something to chew on, only problem with them is you have to check them frequently to make sure bunny hasn't chewed through the rubber tubing and gotten to the wire.
  20. Buddy is fun, he loves to explore, but he loves to just sun bath too. He weighs 6.8 lb's which should be fine for Sarah, and loves to sit in your lap and watch T.V. The bunnies for my kids are Rex and Robin they are Rex's. Robin is our gymnast she loves to do turning flips and spinning mid air jumps before dashing under a bed and running out the other side. Rex just slowly hops about and tries to hump everything he sees including your leg. Robin hates her picture taken so I don't have any really good shots of her, she is really stubborn as soon as she sees the camera she bolts or hides. Probably had to many flashes in her poor wittle bunny eyes. But I have some nice shots of Rex, he was named Ghiradelli after dark chocolate before we got him, but his nick name was Pocket Rex because he likes to be placed inside pockets and carried around. What a lazy bunny! Anyway we are sticking with Rex for our sanity and because my kids cannot pronounce the name the Bunny shelter gave him.
  21. 6322
  22. Winsis WB-11 w/ PSU ATX Computer Cases
  23. I have been looking on pet finder. The problem I am having is that local breeders currently do not have any of the smaller breeds available, so I am trying a rabbit rescue to see if they have any. Lord only knows how many people get a pet thinking it is cute and realize they do not have the time or money to care for them. If I can find a compatible pair for my kids I would love to get one each for my boys to teach them responsibility and give my youngest who is allergic to dogs a pet of his own to play with and care for.
  24. My grandparents raised rabbits for eating, so did my step dad for 10 years. We also had a pet Rabbit that lived in the house with the cat and would literally box the cat to death with its back legs if it attempted to use her litter box. All of which is moot considering the pet is not for me but for Serenanna who's father also use to raise rabbits for a different reason. She does have adequate space and I am already lining up facilities for it inside the house. We are not looking for an outdoor bunny but an indoor bunny, a small one which can be litter box trained and is cuddly and friendly. We are looking for a therapy pet for someone who has limited gross motor skills, and wont become a burden to the rest of the family in the house. So breed isn't as important as temperament and size. Not all rabbits like other rabbits I have actually seen some rabbits become extremely aggressive around other to the point of killing them. This is how we gained our indoor pet rabbit.
  25. No I want real bunnies not plot bunnies. My family and I are visiting Serenanna for Easter and we want to bring her a pet bunny as an Easter gift. She has always wanted a pet and has the biggest bunny fetish I have ever seen, not only that bunnies come in small breeds weighing in at 2 to 6lb's which is important due to the handicaps Serennana has we want her to be able to play with it. Now I live in fort Belvoir V.A. and am having a difficult time finding a small Holland, or Netherland any suggestions?
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