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Deadman last won the day on February 23

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  1. Well the more I talk about it, the more I feel like Jane should be included in some form in the sequel. It might actually work well given how the first story is structured. Most chapters include a character from the previous chapter before moving onto a new character. So perhaps I could include Jane in the most relevant character’s chapter before having them leave.
  2. I suppose I could add another but that’s not the plan in any sense. At least within the context of the story, Jane would be involved in between the current story I’m writing and the sequel. But I appreciate the insight on how I could mention it.
  3. I may simply mention Jane in the sequel as someone who just isn’t around in the moment.
  4. Definitely good to know.
  5. Well, it’s less of a way to get rid of them. It’s for AFF, so it’s more like: “When is Jane going to join in on the fun?” But then the sequel doesn’t have Jane in it at all. Even though Jane is mentioned in the last chapter of the story. However in another chapter I do mention Mary and she does appear in the sequel. Since having the idea to mention Jane though, I have considered making her part of the sequel, but that could over complicate the story. Which has been pretty straight forward up until now.
  6. So it wouldn’t necessarily bother you if there was dialogue about certain characters but never show up?
  7. Kinda curious how you feel about mentioning characters who aren’t going to appear in a piece. A story I’m working on is almost finished. I have plans for a sequel but in the final chapter, I’m possibly going to mention characters who don’t appear in the sequel. You could however reasonably conclude based on the way these characters are mentioned that they would be part of the sequel. But I’m concerned that this might give people a false expectation about what the sequel is about. I’ve mentioned other characters in stories but it makes sense for the characters who are in the story to have them brought up. Just for clarity, it’s a story featuring FF pairings and some of the characters have or did have boyfriends at one point. These former boyfriends get mentioned. However in the final chapter, I mention other female characters who aren’t going to appear. This is a slightly different thing. I don’t know if I want to misdirect readers in this way. There is one mention of characters who will appear in the sequel but it’s not in the final chapter. So it may not work. What do you think?
  8. No worries, that’s partly why I asked ahead of time. I can tweak the title and still make it work. My first instinct is just add a “The” where the dash would be. Not exactly the same but close enough.
  9. So it’s probably a good idea to avoid putting any punctuation like a dash in my story’s title?
  10. This is might be more of a preemptive attempt to know what I can and can’t do when creating story titles. I have an upcoming story that has a dash in the title. But I know the archive has had some issues lately with summaries missing apostrophes and periods from time to time. So would this be a problem if I use a dash in a story title, will it cause any issues? What about a colon instead of a dash?
  11. Go Veronica Go Chapter 8 is up Summary: Veronica has recently become the leader of the Vixens after taking it from Cheryl. However she didn’t know all that was involved in becoming head cheerleader… namely taking care of her Vixens in so many ways. https://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600099980&chapter=8
  12. Go Veronica Go Chapter 8 is up Summary: Veronica has recently become the leader of the Vixens after taking it from Cheryl. However she didn’t know all that was involved in becoming head cheerleader… namely taking care of her Vixens in so many ways. https://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600099980&chapter=8
  13. I definitely think there’s a consistency of characters to some extent. However, I do worry if the outcome isn’t quite what makes sense. The main character definitely has a specific outcome in mind for where they’re trying to end up. Which I think is consistent across all 3 of the chapters so far. That isn’t necessarily going to change. But I have seen stories on here that tend to follow a specific pattern. So I worry that this third character seems somewhat inconsistent in the pattern. To use an example non-specific to the story. Suppose you have a character casting a spell and the spell has the same effect on the first two characters and probably a fourth character. But the third character has the same spell cast on them and it doesn’t have the same effect, though somewhat similar outcome. The spell caster still ultimately gets what they want in the end. It feels like that’s what I’m doing. I’ve set up a magic spell being cast but don’t have an explanation for why it works differently on the third character. Perhaps it does because within the original canon, the main character has a different history with the third character to the first two.
  14. I’m working on a story and trying to figure out how consistent I should be in how the chapters play out. As an example, I’ve written two chapters so far and working on the third. The first two involve one character seducing different characters per chapter. In the third chapter, there’s a third person who is being seduced. In the previous two chapters, the seduction had basically the same outcome. However in the third chapter it feels like I’m writing a somewhat different ending. At least in terms of how the characters end up compared to the third being seduced. So I’m not sure if this makes sense story wise because this third character will be involved in future chapters. Probably doing the same things as the first two characters will be doing. But I might be messing with the story consistency. It feels like the main character and the third character are leaving with a different relationship to each other than the first two. Would something like that bother you? Why or why not?
  15. Oh the dominant one definitely has an attitude about her. It’s probably her defining characteristic. So maybe in this case it doesn’t really matter whether they have underwear on underneath. As long as it’s clear who is in charge and who isn’t.
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