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Everything posted by MarshalMarmont1812

  1. If anyone is willing to help with several stories I can’t entirely figure out, please message me at thelastimperial1210@gmail.com

  2. Would anyone be willing to help me with a story on a porn movie of Goldilocks and the Three Bears?
  3. Author: MarshalMarmont1812 (The TGTN Team)Title: There Goes the Neighborhood Part 3Summary: A family who believes firmly in incestWarnings: Sex between consenting individuals from all ages. Solo story or chaptered story: ChapteredURL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600109189 We hope you read and enjoy. Leave a comment or email us your thoughts. We love to hear suggestions as well.
  4. I’m looking for someone to help with a Goldilocks porn stage play. Either suggestions or willing to help write it.
  5. Does anyone have ideas or would anyone be willing to help me in writing an ‘adult’ version of Goldilocks and Three Bears? The story will be in the aspect of a stage play with parents and their children in the cast. The costumes are revealing and things spiral into a full on orgy. 

    1. CloverReef


      I love reimagined fairy tales. I can’t help you, but I’m eager to see what you come up with. Good luck!

    2. GeorgeGlass


      I've actually been working on one for a little while; it's titled "Goldilocked." But Goldilocks definitely needs more porno interpretations than just mine. :)

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I suppose a more relevant question is to figure out what aspects you want to make adult, and what you want to keep.

      You could make Goldilocks a hot chick, scantily clad or unclad, (in whatever way suits your tastes), or make Goldilocks a guy.

      Bears… straight up keep them as beasts?  With sex?  (That’d add in the [beast] tag).  Or, euphemisms for dudes (described appropriately)? 

      Is it a gang bang?  Does Goldilocks survive the encounter?

      My point is there’s a whole bunch of ways to make it “adult”, maybe just having Goldilocks getting deep and personal with her bodily “issues”?

  6. Ideas for a story on a large family who worship incest and open sex in the same house. Moms, sons, daughters, fathers, grandfather and grandmother. Who has any?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Something like this is best presented as being explored by an outsider coming into it.  That’s where the police detective idea can help, especially if a moral/social judgement is needed.    Another way could be, say, if they attend school, a different boy (non-family) falls in love with one of the sons, and it’s a “forbidden” relationship – strife could be had that way too.

      I’m simply the type that has difficulty writing pure PWP smut, because my mind insists on adding a plot, which usually means conflict in some fashion.

    3. InvidiaRed


      Keeping it in the family -Has a whole new meaning.

    4. GeorgeGlass


      With the holidays coming up, how about a family orgy by the fire? The holiday would give you an excuse to have the whole family get together. Maybe the eggnog is heavily spiked, so things get really crazy.

  7. For my who have read There Goes The Neighborhood. I hope to start a third installment soon. If any of you have idea on possible story lines for the new series, I’d like to hear them. If not please read it and give me some thoughts.

  8. Any story ideas you have I would appreciate. To the ones who did give me ideas, I thank you. I intend to give them a story. If you have further ideas, comment them or email me. Also, please read my stories under MarshalMarmont1812 and leave a comment.

    1. thebooblover


      Here’s a few ideas i came up with. What do you think?:



    2. MarshalMarmont1812


      Those look awesome. I might use some. Thanks dude.

    3. thebooblover
  9. Open Requests


    Any story ideas you have I would appreciate. To the ones who did give me ideas, I thank you. I intend to give them a story. If you have further ideas, comment them or email me. Also, please read my stories under MarshalMarmont1812 and leave a comment.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. InvidiaRed


      demon child and a loving parent?

    3. MarshalMarmont1812


      Awesome. Any more ideas?

    4. InvidiaRed


      Possessed car lusts after its driver?

  10. Check out mine too. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600109046 http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600109061
  11. I like the Dressing and Undressing one
  12. So I came up with a story centered on mass family incest during Thanksgiving. But I’m having trouble thinking of a a title. Any ideas? Just tell me if you need more information
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