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Sessakag last won the day on December 14 2022

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  1. I registered 2010 and no email at 75%, should I be worried? 😅
  2. Gotcha, as I thought, probably hasn’t reached me yet. I shall wait patiently. Thanks for answering!
  3. Check my inbox and checked my spam folder twice, no email to reset password 😢 Maybe it hasn’t gotten around to me yet.
  4. Not even a tiny bit, if anything it adds fuel to the obsession 🤭 I end up thinking of different ways whatever I watched could go down, or add some component to it that I think would spice up the interactions. It’s like a bottomless pit for me, I hyper focus on that one pairing and am not ever satisfied no matter how many times I get what I want out of it. That’s a real shame, that throuple is quite a bit of fun 🤭
  5. Unless a fandom has a pairing that I have, or am currently obsessing over, I don’t have any interest in writing for other fandoms, generally or pornographic-wise. I’m tunnel vision locked on to the otp that’s staying rent free in my mind. Not finding what I want really fuels my drive to write. If my fav fandom is not writing the things I want to read, I just go and write them myself. This is what really sparked me to write fanfiction to be honest, too many stories that wrote about the mechanics of sex but forgot the human aspect of it. I got tired of reading, rather than experiencing the story. Felt like robots inserting parts rather than living beings with feelings, intimacy and emotion based carnal hungers having sex, and there wasn’t much about the BDSM lifestyle outside exaggerated Fifty Shade of Grey nonsense, so I had to at least try and add my two cents 😁 and don’t even get me started on the lack of NaruHinaSasu content 😢
  6. I’d say MFF then, since they’re going to be intimate.. The proximity of the letters usually warns people ahead of time the nature of the dynamic, that’s the way I and everyone I know interprets it, and I’ve never read something where they use terms like that interchangeably.
  7. From my experience: MMF (implies there will be m/m sexual contact) while MFM (implies there is no m/m contact). I have two throuple fics, one with m/m interaction(labeled MMF) and one without (labeled MFM) so I’m think it would hold the same connotation for your category: MFM (if there is no female/female sexual contact and they’re merely sharing the male) or MFF (if the two women will be sexually interacting). Go with whatever you feel is appropriate of course, this is just my anecdotal opinion, but that’s how I’ve always read the order and I don’t think I’ve ever read a threesome that didn’t follow that pattern. Never read a MFM that had M/M and vice versa.
  8. You have my sincerest condolences.
  9. I have my work backed up in so many places nothing short of the planet exploding would make me lose a single piece of my work. I lost a story one time, years ago, and have been paranoid ever since.
  10. Well that sucks...
  11. Wow, okay, glad I didn’t click on anything.
  12. So when I go to the archive and click on the home button, or just type in adult-fanfiction.org, I get sent to this page, and I’ve never seen it before today. Is this like an update to the site or something?
  13. I say go for it. I’m participating in the nh fair and wrote a one-shot of a story I plan on writing later, there was huge support for it and the feedback I got was incredibly helpful in shaping my outline for it. I think it’s a great opportunity to get a pulse on what kind of interest it’ll generate and you might get some really unique ideas from your readers. Well worth a trial run.
  14. I know that game, lol. I used to think it was a joke when writers would say that a story took on a life of its own, its so true. My Naruto fic Monster has truly become a monster. It was one of the few stories I knew the ending to but had to figure out a beginning, but I got soooo lost in the beginning and middle that it’s become this 400,000 word smut collection (mostly) It was intended to be a 20 chapter smut/horror story, laying heavy on the psychological horror aspect but I just had so many ideas for this and that, and it just turned into idk wtf. I’m slowly getting back to its roots, lol, but now that it’s gotten so huge, I’ve had no choice but to plan for two more parts after. I’ve put my foot down on going farther than a trilogy though, otherwise it’d never end and I’ve got other stories I need to work on.
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