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    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in Switching between two different projects can get frustrating.   
    Usually, I just have to focus on one project, or the other.  So, now, I’m focusing on Jefferey again, which, cross my fingers, should be until a particular point when I can start working on the main protagonist’s story.  There is a threat in there, a plot bunny that’s agitating.
  2. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Melrick in Ah, February, when the weather pattern resembles a roller-coaster, and my brain wants   
    More like the middle I guess, on the east coast, about 2 hours north of Sydney.
  3. Haha
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Melrick in Ah, February, when the weather pattern resembles a roller-coaster, and my brain wants   
    February is just typically summery here.  And it’s been an extremely dry summer, so we’re desperate for rain.
  4. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Anesor in Ah, February, when the weather pattern resembles a roller-coaster, and my brain wants   
    We had a yard puddle that took a quarter of the yard. If it had frozen, we could open a skating rink among the trees.
    I keep getting surprised by which dog wants out in the cold and which would rather come in from the cold RIGHT NOW!
  5. Like
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from BronxWench in Switching between two different projects can get frustrating.   
    Agreed.  “Lincoln” Ch. 19 is giving me just a little bit of trouble, since I haven’t paid attention to it lately.  “Bond” is mostly being “brought over” from St. Elsewhere.  It needs some editing and revising.
  6. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to BronxWench in Switching between two different projects can get frustrating.   
    I’m switching between editing and a new project. I think I prefer two projects if i have to switch. Editing needs focus. 
  7. Haha
    Wilde_Guess reacted to BronxWench in Ah, February, when the weather pattern resembles a roller-coaster, and my brain wants   
    I may take advantage of the warmer weather Thursday to change the wiper fluid nozzle on the driver’s side. I have a couple of replacements, but it’s always finding the motivation to actually remove the old one and pop in the new.
  8. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in Ah, February, when the weather pattern resembles a roller-coaster, and my brain wants   
    I should probably put the new wipers onto the truck so I can (legally) drive it – old one busted, so it’s got no wipers at the moment.  Mostly rain in the forecast with a slight chance of snow on Saturday.
  9. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to BronxWench in Ah, February, when the weather pattern resembles a roller-coaster, and my brain wants   
    We escaped with two inches of rain on Sunday, which washed away the remnants of the last batch of wet and icy stuff coating everything. And I do mean everything. My corgi splooted in the middle of sniffing an interesting scent because she was standing on a frozen puddle, and the daft one’s soda froze when he ducked out on the terrace for a few minutes.
  10. Like
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from BronxWench in Ah, February, when the weather pattern resembles a roller-coaster, and my brain wants   
    Myself, I think the little stump-rat should have gone into hiding.  Last week, the ground was bare.  This week, we’ve got 14 inches of the white crap on the ground.
  11. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in Ah, February, when the weather pattern resembles a roller-coaster, and my brain wants   
    Hibernation sounds like a wonderful idea.
  12. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to BronxWench in Ah, February, when the weather pattern resembles a roller-coaster, and my brain wants   
    I think the groundhog went drinking with Bill, based on the weather predictions for the next week or so.
  13. Like
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from BronxWench in Ah, February, when the weather pattern resembles a roller-coaster, and my brain wants   
    February will do that to you in the Northern Hemisphere, especially if you live somewhere where it gets cold in the winter.
    I didn’t pay attention to “Groundhog Day” this year.  If the out-sized rodent wakes up and sees his shadow, we have six more weeks of winter.  If he doesn’t see his shadow, we only have winter for another month and a half.  If he sees Bill Murray, it’s going to be a long day.
  14. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to BronxWench in would like to work on a story together with someone with similiar likes harry potter   
    Hi, this is probably not the best way to find a collaborator. I don’t write for Harry Potter, don’t write much het at all, and when I do write D/s, I do so with someone I know understands the lifestyle thoroughly, because nothing is worse than bad D/s in my opinion. This is my take as a writer.
    As the lead archive moderator, I’d just like to mention that spamming the status update wall is probably not the best way to find a collaborator. We have a subforum for that, which is where this belongs. I’m sure the forum staff will agree.
  15. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in Hmmm… I can move this scene from #8 back to #7….. Keeping it in #8 makes for a better   
    That was the #5 debacle, about 2.5k but same thing.  I try to adhere to the principle that a reader shouldn’t have to re-read an episode to understand things, though, of course, that can be unavoidable at times with a work-in-progress.  Thus, I basically want  to be confident in the episode/chapter before I post. 
    Cross my fingers, I’ll get #8 drafted tonight.  (If so, I’d expect #7 to go up next weekend.)
  16. Confused
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from Desiderius Price in Hmmm… I can move this scene from #8 back to #7….. Keeping it in #8 makes for a better   
    True, that.  Also, the move can “require” another 4k of writing to more fully develop an idea.  That’s not a bad thing, but can confuse the reader if you do it after the chapter(s) were originally posted.
  17. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in Hmmm… I can move this scene from #8 back to #7….. Keeping it in #8 makes for a better   
    @Wilde_Guess  Yep, that’s why I’m debating now, before I post.  I’ll need to resolve this before I post either 7 or 8.  Yesterday, I had moved it to #7, however, based on tone it belongs in #8.  So, this morning, I moved it back.  After all, a cliffhanger is typically an incomplete scene.
  18. Haha
    Wilde_Guess got a reaction from Desiderius Price in Hmmm… I can move this scene from #8 back to #7….. Keeping it in #8 makes for a better   
    It’s much easier to move a 2k chunk of writing between chapters before you post.  “Voice of experience...”
  19. Like
  20. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Melrick in I know nothing about Gridiron, as we call it down here, but this little fact I learnt   
    I never thought about it being available to see in Youtube, but I would imagine there would be some rugby league available on there, at least to give an idea of what it’s like.
  21. Like
  22. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to BronxWench in I know nothing about Gridiron, as we call it down here, but this little fact I learnt   
    I think I’m smitten! I’m going to have to read up on rules, and then watch more, but this looks far more interesting than I’d imagined. Thank you!
  23. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Desiderius Price in I know nothing about Gridiron, as we call it down here, but this little fact I learnt   
    @BronxWench  Likely easier to poke it out of youtube. 
    I’m not a sports fan, so I tend not to even realize it’s an event weekend until the FB postings begin.  Guess it’s kinda related to how I grew up, sports weren’t a big thing in my family.  Now, the Indy500 would be played, and I occasionally paid attention for the wrecks.
    Now, in one of my more recent stories, I made one of the main characters a die hard soccer fan (in the USA).  I remember having to a match or two just so I knew enough to bluff my way through the chapter.  (And I focused more on my characters, less on the game, as a result.) 
  24. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to BronxWench in I know nothing about Gridiron, as we call it down here, but this little fact I learnt   
    Oooohhh… now I’m going to have to poke at my cable guide.
  25. Like
    Wilde_Guess reacted to Melrick in I know nothing about Gridiron, as we call it down here, but this little fact I learnt   
    Well rugby league is at least as rough and violent as gridiron, except they don’t wear any protection. 
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