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Wilde_Guess last won the day on August 19

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  1. I suppose the recent spate of spam posts in “Report Trolls/Flamers/Spammers” are almost on-topic, since that’s the area where you’re supposed to report their garbage.  Elsewhere, it’s just plain annoying.  Perhaps they’re trying to join the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society, while doing it on the roof?  Oh, well...

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    2. WillowDarkling


      I am supposed to be in charge of nuking the spammers, I’m afraid. Things have just been bananas up over here, with half the fam having been made basically homeless due to the volcanic eruptions and my former hometown now being abandoned, and then the stress of the family needing to find housing, and myself having been unable to renew my lease on my apartment, and then needing to find a new place to live. And all of this has not been beneficial to the mental health of any of us. 

      BUT, thankfully, the fam has now found (and bought) new permanent homes, the parental units are already moved in, baby sis and her units are probably moving near the end of the month, and I will be moving into a permanent home around the middle of next month :D  

      So, to recap, everyone’s in or getting into new permanent homes, and therefore my mental health is getting back on track and I’ll do better around here, I swear   :blush:


      Edit: But, yes, they do make it lovely and uncomplicated whenever they just go right ahead and post directly in the Trolls/Flamers/Spammers forum. That way I don’t have to go far to find them :D  

      And sadly, the report function does seem to still not be operational, but please keep hitting the report button if you see those posts, because who knows, maybe it’ll work one day. 

    3. DemonGoddess


      I’m on EDT, as is BronxWench, so if something comes in the middle of the night my time I won’t attend to it.  But, will do as soon as I see them.

    4. Wilde_Guess


      Just to be clear, I was going for humor, and not criticality or passive-aggression.  The garbage “shows up,” and it also goes away quickly.

      @WillowDarkling, I’m glad to read that your difficulties are almost solved.

      Thanks to all who run this system (both the story archives and the forum site) for all of your hard and effective work.


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