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Everything posted by Naru5

  1. just wish someone would do it. Last writer has vanished
  2. yep
  3. I think it’s important Naruto with a boy. The point is being a stereotype girl
  4. That’s right and it’s not exactly realistic
  5. Justu
  6. Would anyone new to be interested in taking up This story? I’d share what Dog Sage with you! We could keep some changes things and work from there?
  7. It’s fine! Just make it known
  8. This is literally like my idea even down to the the wording at times but with minor differences
  9. I like this force fem idea! Would you be interested in discussing the idea? Perhaps workshopping some challenges to post?
  10. Here’s an idea! I really hope someone picks it up. I’ve had it for a long time! After losing in the chunin exams and being found out as a cheater. Naruto and Hinata decide he must be punished harshly. It is decided that Hinata will turn him into a girly civilian girl who will help around the house. His charka sealed. He is forced to give up anything seen as boyish. Video Games, fighting. Fat foods. Replaced with Girly interests. Like helping him mom with the house or drawing pretty pictures or dolls and romance books. Hinata and himawari will train Boruto in being a proper girl. He will be made to learn to walk, sit, eat, play like a girl as well as learn housework as like himawari he will now be spending his time with his mother. They will teach him to love his father and be demure and soft spoken. He must become like Hinata shy, and obedient. With there help his relationship with the kids his age will change completely as he becomes one of the girls. Hanging out with Sarada and ChoCho for example. No boys unless it’s a group or a date. He will be conditioned to like boys and dream of one day being like his mother. A housewife. He will go as far as to stak his crushes like his mother. A quite, shy, obedient housewife to a big strong man who will take care Of him.
  11. Please someone write this
  12. Naru5

    Arya's Training

    Another Another idea could be Sansa helping in Arya’s training perhaps trying to get the sister she’s always wanted
  13. Katara sick of being the only girl on the team and worried Aang will fail to beat the fire lord. Discovers a way to transfer his avatar powers into other and alter his body into that of a water tribe girl. she conditions him into liking boys and slowly breaks him. He is forced to read books aimed at girls and forbidden from fighting. By the end of the story Aang is a girly girl scared of fighting as he is going to be a housewife one day. He will be forced to help Katara around the camp as they travel to help the new avatar master the elements. Aang must resist in the beginning before he is slowly broken and made into a submissive girl. By the end he has no trace of his former self left in him and is planning his wedding day. Must be drawn out and contain Katara and maybe others brainwashing him into his new role. You can add other feminine things Aang is forced to do. Perhaps Teach him how to flirt and the role of girl in are relationship. Make Aang feel like he’s weak and dainty. Can include BDSM type Punishment for non feminine behavior and brainwashing. How all this is done is up to you as long as it’s this premise
  14. This could also be an RP
  15. I like this idea
  16. Yes that’s key for tj story
  17. Perhaps in a don sexual way yeah. The way young girls seek comfort from there daddy’s
  18. Yes it’s an idea that started somewhere and floated around and seems to have been forgotten. I figured I would try to bring it back since it’s an ingenious idea. Hermione the strong willed activist for house elf’s turned into one and forced into a life serving her masters. Bound to obey learning to enjoy being a slave much like house elf’s forbidden from things such as reading.
  19. Yeah I have no idea who he is
  20. After he is turned into a child Goku’a granddaughter is disgusted by her grandfather. While on the ship looking for the dragon Balls. She gets Trunks to agree to a call with her mother videl, chichi and bulma. The group discusses Goku and the issues he creates with his actions and power and Pan suggests a answer to the problem. She would turn Goku into a girl. But not just any girl. Her weak delicate girly girl sister. bulma sends her a pill that she can put into his food. The drug takes away his ki and gives him the strength of a girl his age. Limiting it to that of a weak teenage girl. Using a drug sent to her by bulma she changes Goku’s body into what a child of Gohan and Videl would look like. Though his body is far more girlyer than Pan’s. Long hair and things like that. With Trucks on bored they began his training. He learns the dangers of fighting and is dressed up by Pan. Goku only wears 100% girly outfits. Dresses, skirts and so on. She teaches him to be a proper lady (eat small bites of food. Don’t eat large amounts of food. A lady must watch her figure, sit with his legs crossed, take small dainty steps and so on) he is forced to help Pan care for the ship and cook the meals as is his job as a girl. We follow some of there travels were Goku is reduced to a helpless girl. When they return to earth Goku is given to Gohan and Videl as there new daughter. They began to raise him and teach him new girls hobbies like shopping and reading fashion magazines. He becomes friends with Bra who helps Pan with his femininity training. he is sent to school with Pan. She teaches him all about how girls act in school and boys. He should even get a boyfriend at some point. At the end of the day Goku is turned into a weak girly girl by Pan with help from the girls, Gohan and Trunks.
  21. This story idea is based off of my other story with Boruto and Sakura. This is a slightly different version of that idea that would most certainly turn out super different so both stories are up for grabs. After losing in the chunin exams and being found out as a cheater. Naruto and Hinata decide he must be punished harshly. It is decided that Hinata will turn him into a girly civilian girl who will help around the house. Her and himawari will train Boruto in being a proper lady. He will be made to learn to walk, sit, eat, play like a girl as well as learn housework as like himawari he will now be spending his time with his mother. They will teach him to love his father and be demure and soft spoken. He must become like Hinata shy, and obedient. With there help his relationship with the kids his age will change completely as he becomes one of the girls. Hanging out with Sarada and ChoCho for example. He will be conditioned to like boys and dream of one day being like his mother. He will go as far as to stak his crushes like his mother. A quite, shy, obedient housewife to a big strong man who will take care Of him. Of course Boruto will fight it and be punished. How he is punished and the details of what I have talked about here are up to you. Discussion for is welcome.
  22. I like that hopefully it gets written
  23. A ton lol hoping one of them gets made
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