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Everything posted by Naru5

  1. Naru5

    Arya's Training

    I love this!
  2. Just busy. Things happen
  3. I mean kinda? The last writer bailed
  4. Sakura story? Mine?
  5. I have so many on my account
  6. I like the idea where Kaguya turns naruto
  7. Wanna DM bout it?
  8. I think it’d be cool if it’s just Korra. Like other girls are girly but like Jinora was my thought for the next avatar. Asmai is still head of her company because she could give Korra a secretary job?
  9. I’d love to discuss this my thoughts are stepford would be the end result.
  10. Ohh i thought this was more at me? Sorry I didn’t realize that
  11. Did something change? I remember I used to post prompts and discuss them. Is this the wrong part of the site?
  12. ….. they do it to turn her against Harry and make her one of them? Do it’s supposed to be a corruption adult story what did you expect
  13. No incest but he could date or crush on a boy from his class. Yes this has a plot
  14. So Ive decided to post a lot of my newer idea ive been posting elsewhere while these work as Fics we can discuss they can also act as role play prompts. So let me know your thoughts down below! When Videl finds out that Gohan is the Great Saiyaman, she does not blackmail him into teaching her to fly and enter the upcoming World Martial Arts Tournament. Instead, she doubles down on her father's beliefs that flying, energy attacks, and the like are all just "tricks". Videl instead blackmails Gohan into learning from her, with the intent of Videl wanting Gohan to "un-learn" everything he knows about doing "tricks" until he is just a normal teenager. And Videl takes it a step further by turning him into a normal teenage girl.
  15. So Ive decided to post a lot of my newer idea ive been posting elsewhere while these work as Fics we can discuss they can also act as role play prompts. So let me know your thoughts down below! Hermione is sick of Harry getting into trouble and breaking the rules and decides to turn him into a proper girly girl. Making him well mannered and replacing him interests with feminine ones like boys and clothes. Of course no bore sports or even interested will be allowed. His new hobbies will be girly as can be. Of course he must read witch weekly and take his classes very seriously. Lots of studying with Hermione where she’ll also work on getting rid of his nasty boy behavior. No more goofing off like a silly boy. With the teachers help she as become a female Hogwarts student. Sleeping with the girls. New friends. Boyfriends. wear there uniform and so on.
  16. So Ive decided to post a lot of my newer idea ive been posting elsewhere while these work as Fics we can discuss they can also act as role play prompts. So let me know your thoughts down below! Hermione Granger is captured and corrupted by death eaters. Becoming a pure blood she is turned and re educated to be a death eater DBS servant to Lord Voldemort. She’ll join house slytherin. Help them win the house cup and make fun of those stupid mud bloods. She’ll See Harry as her foe. And have her views changed. She can practice her dark magic on house elves. And forget those useless muggles thoughts. Perhaps she’s made to believe or is truthfully without knowing the daughter of a death eater?
  17. So Ive decided to post a lot of my newer idea ive been posting elsewhere while these work as Fics we can discuss they can also act as role play prompts. So let me know your thoughts down below! Asami or another girl? has had enough of Korra and captures her and removes her bending. She decides to turn Korra into a prim and proper girl who’d never even consider fighting. Forces her to build new girly hobbies. Shopping and fashion and so on! She decides Korra would make a fine assistant or secretary. Even baiting her with the idea of how now Mako will like her. At least if she’s prim and proper like a good girl. Submissive and demure.perhaps Korra even becomes a spoiled rich girl herself.
  18. So Ive decided to post a lot of my newer idea ive been posting elsewhere while these work as Fics we can discuss they can also act as role play prompts. So let me know your thoughts down below! Azula captures Katara and brainwashes her into being a female citizen of the fire nation and destroys her connection to the Warer Tribe. (Burning her necklace and dressing her in reds and golds while her water bending is replaced with fire bending or no bending up to you. Making her a princess or servant. Perhaps a wife to a sexist general
  19. So Ive decided to post a lot of my newer idea ive been posting elsewhere while these work as Fics we can discuss they can also act as role play prompts. So let me know your thoughts down below! Katara sick of being the only girl on the team and worried Aang will fail to beat the fire lord. Discovers a way to transfer his avatar powers into another and alter his body into that of a water tribe girl. She then teaches him all about his new girly life. Making him read girly books, help with the chores and forbidden from fighting while making him like men. Making him list after a boy. Zuko? Sokka whatever details of what she does are up to you getting him ready for marriage to the man (learning to love men sexually) and motherhood training. Hair care and braids will be a must!
  20. So Ive decided to post a lot of my newer idea ive been posting elsewhere while these work as Fics we can discuss they can also act as role play prompts. So let me know your thoughts down below! Boruto is turned into a girl as punishment for cheating he becomes Sakura’s daughter or another character’s daughter with Sarada helping turn him until a weak dainty helpless civilian girly girl! Even his hobbies change. No more video games. No he’ll be shopping for cute dresses! Certainly will need a new name. After losing in the chunin exams Boruto is given to Sakura as punishment for cheating in the exams (he becomes her child) and Sarada chooses to force feminizies him with the help of her her mother. Boruto is left thinking this is either a massive prank or at the very least temporary.: he is stripped of his ninja rank and has his charka sealed. He is forced to wear girls clothes and eat salad in place of hamburgers as he must lose weight. Sarada conditions him into liking boys and they slowly break him. Sakura uses her medical knowledge/justu to transform Boruto into what another daughter of her and Sasuke would look like. Leaning more towards her appearance, more of her super girly features (green eyes, long silky pink hair since pink is considered a girly color. A boy could see long silky pink hair as a sign of femininity) she wants to give Boruto long silky pink hair all she needs to do is pull on his hair dragging it down to were she wants it to stop (waist length preferable) If she wants to give him dainty arms she needs to run her hands down his arms and so on. in the beginning after they slowly burn his old clothes and get him into Sarada’s old ones he is taken up to his new room by Sarada who helps him do his now long pink hair and then when they go down stairs Sakura’s has prepared dinner. A Salad and as Boruto complains Sakura and Sarada laugh simply saying he needs to eat properly to maintain his pretty figure. As they eat Sakura explains her new house rules for Boruto. Things like never leaving his room unless he’s made himself pretty or having to have his meals approved by her and Sarada (no more hamburgers) and always using feminine manners (taking small bites of food and crossing his legs and so on) that Sakura and Sarada (mainly Sakura) will be teaching him. After they finish eating Sakura has Boruto help clean the kitchen explaining that he will now be mommy’s little helper and that starting tomorrow he will help her care for the house and cook all the meals so he is ready to be a wife one day. Sarada eases Boruto into womanhood by making him wear some of her older clothes while making him come to terms with being a woman. Like the little ensemble she used to wear at the academy. It instills in Boruto that he is "graduating" from little girl into proper woman. Sarada could play the role of helping him learn how to be a proper girl his age as he’s still 13 or so and needs to learn how to act. Her and Cho Cho could take him out for a girls day out where they teach him how to shop and pick out pretty outfits. Overtime make him begin to think of video games as disgusting and bad for the brain and instead choose to read romantic novel and study cooking and learn girly hobbies like flower arrangement and shopping. At some point he runs to Hinata for help only for her to say she doesn't recognize him and that he must be Sakura’s new daughter. (A lie but it screws him up): Ino could help out with teaching him women's psychology. Instilling in him an association between acting like a woman and feeling good. HelpingSakura by teaching him things as a girl his age. She could be tasked with destroying his old interests as a girl should not enjoy video games. she could use forms of punishment to make him hate video games and action movies. Sarada could teach him to enjoy the shows, books, and activities girls there age do. she forces him to read some of her old girly books and watch girly shows and read fashion magazines and quizzes him on them and if he doesn’t do really well she punishes him.
  21. So Ive decided to post a lot of my newer idea ive been posting elsewhere while these work as Fics we can discuss they can also act as role play prompts. So let me know your thoughts down below! After losing in the chunin exams and being found out as a cheater. Naruto and Hinata decide he must be punished harshly. It is decided that Hinata will turn him into a girly civilian girl who will help around the house. His charka sealed. He is forced to give up anything seen as boyish. Video Games, fighting. Fat foods. Replaced with Girly interests. Like helping him mom with the house or drawing pretty pictures or dolls and romance books. Hinata and himawari will train Boruto in being a proper girl. He will be made to learn to walk, sit, eat, play like a girl as well as learn housework as like himawari he will now be spending his time with his mother. They will teach him to love his father and be demure and soft spoken. He must become like Hinata shy, and obedient. With there help his relationship with the kids his age will change completely as he becomes one of the girls. Hanging out with Sarada and ChoCho for example. No boys unless it’s a group or a date. He will be conditioned to like boys and dream of one day being like his mother. A housewife. He will go as far as to stak his crushes like his mother. A quite, shy, obedient housewife to a big strong man who will take care Of him.
  22. No
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