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SparkyMuse last won the day on May 25 2017

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  1. “Bangerang!”
  2. IRL I’m actually kinda squeamish and haven’t done anything quote-unquote “romantic” in over four years now, I think, and I don’t really have confidence anyways. Though I’m certain a lot of people may or may not have picked up on that bit about me having “negative confidence”. So, just about anything I write in my stories, I probably haven’t done, or wouldn’t do. So, because of my squeamishness and vanilla-marshmallow-y-ness, I suppose just about everything I write is no-experience kind of stuff, almost, whether or not it excites me. Although I wonder if that’s the question asked, now that I think about it……….
  3. 36665 Ohhhh noooo, it’s the triple six…… XD does that mean fun times ahead?
  4. sanity
  5. The only one I’m writing is the one I’d say I’m proud of. But I can guess a few reasons why it isn’t very interesting for most people. It’s likely very boring, too many explanations of things/monologues of people sitting around talking, pace too slow, chapters are very long, and there isn’t exactly a whole lot of sex. Arguably, not really any, although at one point there’s a bit of innuendo, and I’ve fallen into a bad habit of people winding up crying of blacking out at the end of the various chapters. One of the things I’m trying to get away from. For me, I’m just going to keep writing whether or not anybody’s reading it. It makes me happy, gives me an out for parts of my insanity, keeps me out of too much trouble. If it’s appreciation, I appreciate it. It’s fun-ish for me, and I suppose that’s all that really counts some days, right? Writing for the sake of writing? On that note, some say pride is a sin. I don’t think so. I don’t think any of the Seven Sins or Seven Virtues are those things, but rather things that need to be kept in balance, otherwise being too far one way or the other would destroy a person either mentally or spiritually. Basically, like, I have pride in my story, and you have pride in yours, and that’s okay, it’s not a sin, like some people would say it is, but we’re not really treating it like god’s gift to earth, at least I’m not, although I do wish I could get a review, but maybe that’s the way it’s kept in check. Maybe it’s written really well, and the lack of comments is the way of keeping one’s pride in check? Well, except for when it comes to me. I’m just boring. XD Anyways, my guess is, sometimes people really do like a story, but they just don’t have too much to say about it, so they don’t leave a review? Or they’re not an official registered member? Anyways, point is, maybe people really did like it, but they don’t have anything to say to express their feelings about it?
  6. depression
  7. myself
  8. If that was what can be considered “flirting” then it occurs to me I know absolutely nothing about flirting. While this was something I already knew, it seems I know less than I thought I did. However, whenever I see something like that, I tend to think I’ve made somebody uncomfortable or made them think I’m attempting to flirt with them. While I have no intention of flirting with anybody, at least not conciously, I learned a long time ago that I have to be careful about what I say because I don’t always think about it first. I’m told I generally overthink things and that I usually get things wrong or know nothing about relationships, but basically, in that case it would sound more like you were flirting with them than they were with you. Although I could be wrong. In that case, it could be that she was nervous because she didn’t want to assume you were flirting with her intentionally and seem rude or concieted, or maybe thought you might have been flirting with her and just didn’t want to acknowledge it in hoping you weren’t. If she is taken, then she wouldn’t want to lose a customer or her job over a misunderstanding, so it could just be you potentially put them in an awkward situation. Or, possibly, they were flirting with you. I have no idea. Wasn’t there, I don’t know much about relationships, if anything at all, and I’ve never actually been out on an actual date, so, honestly, I have no credibility there.
  9. Foolish (yugioh card: Foolish Burial)
  10. cremation
  11. burn
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