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Everything posted by Snake_King

  1. You can watch it on Crunchyroll, although the anime was never dubbed into English, which is a shame really, as I would’ve loved to hear those lines spoken in English. Jamie Marchi would’ve done a great Darkness since she’s done Panty Anarchy from “Panty & Stocking” and Ayame Kajou from “Shimoneta.” Be warned, though...Aqua does a lot of screaming, so if your ears bleed, send the studio your medical bills. And I can imagine a few scenarios where Kazuma has to have his way with Darkness... As for your idea, do you mean like another character from something else in place of Momonga?
  2. Actually, the idea you had is a little similar to what happens in Konosuba, but I’ll get back to that in a moment. So, for your idea, he would essentially have his soul transferred, at the moment of death, into an other-dimensional digital game world? What would be some of the things he would do in this world? Would it feature some of the characters from the anime, would it feature OCs, characters from other franchises, or all of the above? When you say “Celestial” do you mean the kind from Marvel or something else? As for Konosuba, it takes the basic premise of male-lead Isekai anime (a.k.a. “Woah! I’m in another world!” anime) and turns the usual stereotypes it uses into their complete opposites. The main guy is a shut-in nerd named Kazuma who just wants to stay indoors and play his games all day every day. Then one day when he decides to step outside, he sees a girl about to get hit by a truck and dies trying to save her. Kazuma then finds himself in the afterlife face-to-face with a blue-haired goddess named Aqua, who teases him by informing him that the truck didn’t hit him or the girl and that he died of shock, and that his family laughed at the ridiculous manner in which he died. She then tells him that he has one of two options on where to go next: Retire in the heavens and be seriously bored Be reborn in a new world similar to typical fantasy RPGs and try to defeat the Devil King Kazuma picks #2 and has to pick at least one special item to take with him, all while Aqua pesters him to choose already. He gets annoyed with her and decides to get back at her by picking her as the one item to take with him. To Aqua’s surprise, the choice is allowed, and she’s replaced by a temp goddess as she and Kazuma are sent to the new world. However, not long after they get there, Kazuma finds that, for a goddess, Aqua is completely useless. It’s all basically a comedy that takes the tropes you’re familiar with in typical adventure shows and turns them into their opposites. Our hero, Kazuma, is not a young man seeking adventure while bettering himself through the people he meets but is more like an entitled nerd thinking he’s owed the ultimate adventure because...he’s a nerd who knows what he wants. Aqua is not the supportive heroine or obnoxious tsundere falling for the hero but is actually a lazy, self-centered, obnoxious, ego-centric, self-absorbed, bratty, whiny, bitchy, petty, and an all-around selfish baby (I could go on, but I think you get the idea). Two other characters that join their group: A highly-talented, teenaged mage girl named Megumin who can learn and master any known spell in their world, but would rather learn explosion spells because they’re her favorite. Darkness, the beautiful, blonde, paladin knight girl who is supportive and wants to help her new friends in any way possible, but mostly that's because she's a masochist whose fantasy is to be ravaged by monsters or to marry an abusive husband. She can become serious in issues involving her friends, and her real name is later revealed to be Lalatina Ford Dustiness, and is the daughter of a noble household. Sorry that was so lengthy, but what do you think of it all?
  3. BTW, has anyone here seen Konosuba?
  4. First, I will eventually. Second, well, do you have a general idea of what you want to do? Part of what this thread is for is discussing ideas to make them work better.
  5. I’ve heard a lot about it, but haven’t seen the anime itself, so I only have the general idea of it. What’s your idea?
  6. Well, I could see some similarities and contrasts between them. Desiree is about granting wishes whereas Paulina is about getting her own wishes. Valerie is stubborn and wanting strength whereas Dorothea is meek and has strength with her dragon form. You’ve already explained things with the Sam/Ember pairing.
  7. You may need to sign up for the forum website as well.
  8. Well, it’s ultimately your story, so in the end, only you can decide which route you take. You’re perfectly capable of either. That being said, with the shorter route, you would have a better chance at more layered and focused writing and character development, since the focus is only three characters, right? With the longer route of having all of those characters, it might be more difficult to give each their day in court, so to speak. As one guy said about the “It” movie from last year “There are so many characters in this movie, someone was bound to get less screen time.” Just saying. The “two minds in one body” route would probably be easier to do with the Danny/Sam/Ember story, but less so with the additions of Paulina, Valerie, Desiree, and Dorothea. For that, I might advise going with the “merged minds create a new personality” route, since it makes it a bit easier to focus on the characters. As for the girl/ghost pairings, this would be my suggestion: Sam/Ember Valerie/Dorothea Paulina/Desiree But again, this is your story, so do what you will with it. Nice. “Strange_Idea”, huh?
  9. An interesting idea to say the least. I can imagine some conflict brewing because of the merging of minds and personalities, which admittedly is nothing new, but can still be good if done right.
  10. Ditto.
  11. That it would, and yes, we’d like to hear it. I understand, and I meant it only as a suggestion. The idea occurred to me because of a Harry Potter fic I read a while back where a Genie granted Harry’s accidental wish of his life being “sexier” followed by a lot of the girls at Hogwarts having sex with him. Hermione got in on it as well, but then found out about the wish and got mad because she thought that Harry was unintentionally controlling her before being informed that it only works if there were genuine affection and feelings beforehand.
  12. Makes sense to me.
  13. The idea that Jaune can turn it on and off whenever he wants is an interesting one, and I like the concept that he has to learn to control it. More often than not in stories, a character gets a new ability and suddenly they use it like they’ve been doing so for years. It’s kind of like this analogy I’ve heard, “If someone gives you a sword, does that automatically make you a master swordsman?” One bit of drama that could arise is if one or more of the girls realize that Jaune’s doing this to them and think he’s doing it on purpose, and it takes a bit of convincing for her or them to come around and realize that he’s not. While I’m not normally one for a drama based on misunderstandings, I do take into account for when they could potentially happen and try to have the characters work through it at a quick but believable pace. Makes sense that Pyrrha would be the first, though I’m curious about how the first scene between them would go once Jaune’s semblance has been activated. Yeah, I think it might work best if Nora and Ren were still their own couple. Sorry for the late response, as I’ve been busy in the last couple days with work.
  14. Also, as far as plot goes, one thing that’s always needed for that is a conflict of some kind. The thing is, often in porn and/or smut, the only conflict is that the characters aren’t getting enough sex. In this fic, however, the characters DO get plenty of sex, and there’s STILL a bigger conflict going on.
  15. I can see that with Aladdin, Jasmine, and Sadira, although there would be other things to consider, but what I'm thinking of would probably make it too real. As for the Teen Titans, I see your point, and I can understand why you might have picked Robin as the only dude who STAYS as a dude. After all, Dick Grayson is the biggest man-ho in the DC Universe. As far as suggestions go, I’d like to ask first how Jaune’s bimbofication semblance works in the RWBY story. Do they stay that way as long as they’re near him or is it a permanent transformation? And are there any short-term and/or long-term consequences to this? Yeah, plot always makes things more interesting. You’re welcome. If you have any more questions, thoughts or suggestions, feel free to tell me.
  16. No need. I shouldn’t have said what I did, to begin with, as it probably comes across as me being a whiny jerk, and I don’t want that. Glad you like what I’m doing thus far, and yes, “show, don’t tell” is a writing rule that I make an effort for since not adhering to it can be one of the great sins of storytellers. And basically, I’m going for a “Porn WITH Plot” type of thing here. As for the abrupt arrival of Katara and Sokkara (fem!Sokka) in chapter 1, when I wrote the chapter initially, I was going to adapt the entirety of the first 2 episodes into it, with lemons and all, but I realized that that would be too long and would probably scare the readers away. So, I split it up into multiple chapters. But back on the subject of the girl’s arrival, I was honestly just writing mainly from Ben’s perspective, and in real life, encounters are always abrupt. Admittedly, though I had considered writing a scene that was from Katara and Sokkara’s perspective but by the time I’d reached that point, I was a bit eager to move on. True, though the language a character uses is not an easy thing to write, especially when you’re doing some world-building. I wanted to establish that open-sexuality is a normal thing in this world, to the point where, for example, asking someone to blow you would be as average as asking for the time of day and other such things. As for the men, a little clarification; men are a minority in this world, so women are the majority. As such, there are some male soldiers, but most are female because, as I said, there’s only one boy in every 10 births. Hope that clears it up. Glad you liked my descriptions, as saying what a female character’s bust size is may require the reader to look up terminology and images if they don’t know that stuff already. Thank you for the review, and I’m glad you used constructive criticism, which is always appreciated.
  17. I can see a threesome developing between Aladdin, Jasmine, and Sadira, though how would the other characters react to the sudden changes? Or would Genie put a magic spell on everyone else to make them act as though it's just a normal thing? I think I like the idea of Jaune doing it by accident, as him doing it on purpose would turn him into something of a dick. I see what you mean about the Christmas truce now, and it makes sense now. As for the gender-bending thing, I’m okay with it as long as there’s a given reason for it to happen. Although, usually, I’m okay with a guy being turned into a girl as long as its an adaptational thing. By that, I mean I usually like it if the dude-turned-girl is a girl from the start of the fanfic. However, I’m not opposed to a guy being turned into a girl within the story itself as long as it’s done in a way that doesn’t raise too many questions.
  18. True on both accounts.
  19. Regardless, though, it’s been edited and less hostile now.
  20. Thanks for the clarification. Apologies again, but I misunderstood what you meant by the disclaimer. I thought you might’ve meant the Note section at the top, but now I know better. As for why it was written that way, I was just pissed at how I would often get the whole schpeel from someone telling me to say that I don’t own something or make any profit from it. Namely, the pissed part was because...well, I thought it was obvious and that they shouldn’t have to tell me to say that stuff.
  21. Sorry about that. I shouldn’t have said what I did. About the disclaimer, I was just a bit worried because I’d done something similar with a Naruto fic a while back and someone reviewed while practically called it the worst thing ever. Plus, you can never tell with some people, especially on the internet. However, I see your point, and I’ll try to have it removed. I honestly didn’t know how the dragon prints system worked because I couldn’t find anything that explained what it meant.
  22. So, I’m guessing that because I said that there was no lemon that I’ve turned you all away from the chapter? I ask because no one has commented on it or even given me a review yet.
  23. Interesting ideas, although I do have some questions about them. On the first, does that mean that Henry becomes a girl due to the whole thing? Takato wasn’t the only boy of the main three. The second one seems good, although I’m assuming that this scenario is Genie’s idea? With the third, I’m guessing this also involves some gender-bending because, like with the first, there were more guys on the team than girls. Is that it? The fourth one I think I get, although you might need to have a reason for WHY they’re all at this get-together in the first place. As for the fifth one, I think I like this one best, although it does bring up the gender-bend question again. Admittedly, though, RWBY’s not as bad since there are plenty of female characters in it.
  24. New Chapter of “Ben 10: A Bend In Reality.” No lemon this time because it was getting too long, but I’m saving it for the next chapter. In the meantime, let me know what you think of this one.
  25. Thanks for the visual on Amazon Position, and yeah, I’m fine with it too. My only concern regarding it would be the tiredness of the legs, thighs, and hips after a while if they went at it a while. As for Nursing Handjob, I’m guessing that it involves the female getting breast-suckled by the male while she gives him a hand job? And yeah, I understand what you mean about the implications of using the word sodomy. Probably better for us if we just refer to the action as Anal, which Doggystyle allows for better positioning in doing than others, in my opinion.
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