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Everything posted by Snake_King

  1. You know, the ones you mentioned, I actually had to look those up, and the Lotus Blossom position was the only one that had any visual example to it, whereas the Amazon Position was only described, and I couldn’t find anything for the Nursing Handjob. I guess that makes two of us with the Doggystyle position, although the picture doubles as that for sodomy, AKA anal. I’m sure the majority of us here know that already, but I’m just saying it on the off-chance someone sees this and doesn’t know what the word means. And yeah, I’ve always found it to be very stimulating to see. Something about seeing girls/women with big butts and boobs getting plowed from behind just really gets me off, though I honestly can’t pin down why.
  2. You probably know by now which one interests me the most, but which do you guys like? Just out of curiosity, of course.
  3. Hey guys. I’ve been playing a game online called “Harem Heroes/Hentai Heroes” where you go into a fantasy world with loads and loads of anime, cartoon and game references, and collect girls as part of your harem. During one their updates a while back, they gave a list of positions, one that we could probably find useful for when writing our stories if need be. Here’s the list along with visuals:
  4. Glad you like it. Plus, as the American Gods version of Odin, Mr. Wednesday, put it, “I have as many names as there are ways to die.” So there’s probably quite a lot choose from.
  5. I suppose you could look at it that way. Maybe Grimnr, another name for Odin?
  6. Or maybe Ignis, the Latin word for fire?
  7. I don’t know. That kind of reminds me of “Damn it!” So if someone heard that, they’d probably just think somebody was cursing.
  8. Yeah, and the Greek gods were real assholes. Glad you like it. Dracognis?
  9. I was just curious if you knew. Most people seem to treat the Minotaur as though it’s just one member of a race of beings like the centaurs when it’s actually the monster’s the product of bestiality.
  10. Actually, the version I heard said it was that the king of Crete, Minos, thought his sacrificial bull was so beautiful that he could bear to part with it, and so sacrificed a lesser bull in its place. Poseidon didn’t like this, and so in revenge, put Minos’ wife in a crazed lust that led her to fuck the same bull. Then the minotaur came into existence. But essentially, yeah, it’s what you said. Plus, “Minotaur” means “the bull of Minos”.
  11. True. BTW, you guys know how the original minotaur myth went, right?
  12. Okay, but still, you open to the idea of the lizard man MC?
  13. I don’t know what that’s from.
  14. Then that would be my pick.
  15. I see. Perhaps a lizard man, then? Like the Argonians from the Elder Scrolls series?
  16. A naga (human-like torso, snake-like lower half) If you want a visual: At least, that’s the World of Warcraft version. There’re plenty of others, but you get the idea:
  17. I guess maybe the orc but maybe a half-human hybrid. Can I offer a third option?
  18. What were the stats on the drow?
  19. True, but there are multiple types of stories and what have you that fulfill that type of thing.
  20. Just saying, I’ve seen that in plenty of Naruto fics, and I think maybe one or two Harry Potter ones.
  21. Or anyone who turns a male MC into their domination fantasy character.
  22. I meant I’m just as curious about the ones he’s tried as you are. As far as the ones I’ve been trying to write, I’m sticking to just that Ben 10/ATLA crossover challenge that RexFan12345 put up while mixing in some of my own ideas into it.
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