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Everything posted by Snake_King

  1. Thanks. I picked Leo because I mostly haven’t seen harem fics surrounding him before.
  2. I think Red_Light_Zone meant Mabel.
  3. For the Dipper fic and monster girl suggestions, I’d recommend the girls from Monster Musume. For the TMNT 2012 fic, I’m leaning towards male-Leo being the focus of it. As for the combat one, I’ll need to think more about that. What’s the name of your account here?
  4. I’m fine. Just trying to finish stuff while taking care of some real life stuff. How are you?
  5. I like the ideas you presented, and you bring up good points about how to avoid having characters act OOC. I think I read a Naruto fic a while back that deconstructed the whole “OP-Dark!-Harem Master Naruto” fics that you see so many of. It showcased how there’s no way the characters would act the way they do in those stories, and pinned those actions as the manipulations of other-dimensional entities that are basically the stand-ins for the authors of those fics. Of the two Overlord Jon ideas you presented, I guess it’s probably no surprise that I like the second one best, where he’s transported to a mishmash world where all of these characters co-exist at the same time, and where he tries to stay as a good guy despite his surroundings, which makes for a more interesting story in my opinion. After all, we live in a day and age where anti-heroes are seemingly and literally EVERYWHERE, so that way it stands out more. I saw Tayu Tayu as well, although it was a few years ago, so my memory is a little sketchy at the moment. I remember the ending being that the main guy did the main girl so good that when it was over and she was tired, the other girls stepped in and said they were having their turn with him, and she said, “Oh do whatever you want,” and then collapses from exhaustion. As for the harem fic ideas, I like the Dipper one as well, although I might need a bit more information on the other two. BTW, 2 things: Have you seen Konosuba? Any luck with getting a profile on this site?
  6. You’re fine, I’m just trying to write up a proper response.
  7. Works for me. And I wish you luck. PM me and maybe I can help a little with editing and what have you.
  8. Glad you like it, and hey, the story is what you want it to be. You can keep the porn and sex and maybe get serious here and there while having the fun sex time in between. This is just a suggestion I made for coherency. I recommend checking out megamatt09’s story “Side Effect” when you can, as it balanced the sex with the more serious story to great effect, and combined Marvel and DC together effectively into one universe with Spider-Man as the main focus. Another that I would recommend is EvilFuzzy9’s story “A Lewd New World” where Naruto is the only man in the world and everyone else is a female for him to fuck. I’m using both of these as inspiration for how I’m handling RexFan12345’s Ben 10/ATLA challenge where Ben goes to an AU of the ATLA world.
  9. If it were me, I’d go the mish-mash route of combining these worlds into one. Plus, I can see how these girls could be molded to fit into a dark fantasy world: Toph, the daughter of a prominent noble house that secretly practices earth-bending magic, and whom her parents offer to the Overlord in order to get in good favor with him. Korra – has her elemental powers and is the leader of a roaming band of mercenaries that the Overlord inducts into his service. Azula – the tyrannical princess of a foreign land that seeks to conquer the rest of the world before falling at the hands of the Overlord, who takes her as a slave. Ty Lee – a court performer that the Overlord inducts into his service and whom he beds from time to time. Gwen – a practicing mage that is sort of the “court wizard:” for the Overlord that he has regular sex with Wendy – a woodsman’s daughter whom the Overlord picks up and serves as both his architect and someone to share his bed with. April O’Neil – the Overlord’s spymistress (sneaks around to dig up dirt for him) and sleeps with him, of course. Velma – the Overlord’s librarian and record keeper that he makes plenty of noise with (wink-wink) Shego – a wood elf assassin and magic-user that the Overlord keeps around. Lord Dominator – another would-be conquerer that the Overlord brings to her knees Panda Delgado – a human assassin that the Overlord keeps around like Shego. Just an idea, but what do you think?
  10. Not sure what you mean by that.
  11. Well, I’ve seen a couple fics where he ended up being corrupted into the role of Cur or had to play the part in order to keep his remaining friends and family safe. And on the subject of why the girls stay, you understand what I mean, right? Still, it’s your story, so your decision to make.
  12. Possibly, although I’m sure they might get curious as to how things are going on back in their own worlds, or someone could come looking for them and just happen to find the portal to the Overlord’s world. My thought was that if you remove the old life, they’ve got no reason not to stay with the Overlord. I’m good with him, yes. I saw Secret Saturdays way back when, although I don’t think I was able to catch all the episodes. Why do you ask?
  13. I kind of like them sticking around, although it helps to have a reason for them to stick around. Like, say, their world was destroyed and they’ve got nowhere else to go? Just a thought.
  14. Also, I can kind of imagine Korra as a nudist.
  15. If you want to do that, that’s fine, it’s your story. Although I think this would still be nice to see: I feel a little stupid for asking this, but would anal be involved in the sex scenes? It’s kind of a must for me.
  16. Oh, so this would involve dimension-hopping. That can get tricky if you’re not careful. Plus, I was under the impression that this fantasy world the Overlord takes control of would be a sort of mish-mash of multiple worlds rolled into one, but if you want to do the dimension hop, that’s fine. I looked up the character in Google after I saw her on the list, although the way she was drawn had her waist be so thin it made me wonder how she didn’t snap in half.
  17. 1, 4, & 6 get my vote.
  18. Indeed. Neet choices, although you mentioned Korra twice. Did you mean Katara for one of them? Also, would it be safe to assume that they would all be reimagined to fit in this dark fantasy world? I can imagine Korra as either a type of Red Sonja-like barbarian queen or a tribal shaman of sorts, both versions with her elemental powers. I haven’t read Body Bags so I’m not familiar with Panda Delgado. The rest of them I’m familiar with.
  19. I haven’t seen Log Horizon, so I can’t make a comparison between the two. Yeah, porn and smut, often regardless of whatever else you put on it, are thinly veiled excuses to get one person’s genitals to another person’s genitals. Just something I heard a while back and there’s a bit of truth to it. But still, we’re just here to enjoy ourselves with it, right?
  20. What I meant was would he meet other characters from the Overlord anime? Interesting choices for the harem members. If you include girls from other worlds, who would you pick? I got a few ideas if you’re interested. Enjoy!
  21. Interesting setup, so would Jon meet other characters from Overlord or would he meet other characters from other shows and what have you as well? Also, who would you pick for this harem? Well, I definitely enjoyed it. It subverts a lot of the expectations you might have from having seen other shows, where you expect it to play out one way, but then it does something unexpected, which is often the setup of the joke. Kazuma might work as well in this because he’s a bit of an entitled nerd and a pervert. I figured you might think that given how you mentioned him in the one with Jon Kent.
  22. I’ll take that as a “no.”
  23. Any of those strike your fancy?
  24. Perhaps, although I consider ALL fanfics AUs, no matter how much they stick to canon. As for a list: Peter Parker (teenaged) Jack Darby (Transformers Prime) Jon Kent (Superman and Lois Lane’s son) Kazuma (Konosuba) Dick Grayson (Nightwing/Robin) Jake (The Dark Tower) Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) Any of the main male leads from ATLA or LOK reimagined as modern boys in our world. That’s about all I can come up with at the moment. If I think of any more dudes, I’ll let you know.
  25. That’s actually what I meant, someone else having the mantel. As for thoughts on who it should go to, I’m not sure. A few characters I can think of are the kind who wouldn’t do that kind of thing.
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