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Everything posted by Snake_King

  1. I mean will Terry appear in it or not?
  2. Well, that’s good to know. And I’m assuming that Terry would have a non-active role in this story? Also, would the female characters become buxom and curvaceous due to Matt’s amulet or remain as is?
  3. Like Max Gibson and other female characters? Would Terry still have Dana or would you have Matt steal her away from him and leave Terry alone? Just asking because I want to be sure and I’m not big on cheating.
  4. Though obviously without the Kryptonite weakness. Well, it seems you have your story set up, but who would be the harem? Would they be characters from DC or OCs?
  5. Sounds like a good set-up to me. What would be the powers Matt has, aside from having a big dick?
  6. I don’t know if anyone is still interested in this, but I just wanted to clarify something. When I put the part about all of Shinji’s girls having Guyver units of their own in, it was in consideration of a fact about the Guyver. Namely, those who have units tend to be immortal, with them remaining the same age forever and/or being cloned back into existence with their memories intact if their bodies are destroyed and the control medal is unharmed. So, if Shinji was the only one with a Guyver Unit, then he would outlive all of his loved ones and his harem. However, if they had units of their own or had some other means of remaining alive, then the problem would be side-stepped altogether.
  7. Because of the time scarcity?
  8. I see. Well, I guess the question to ask is if you want her to go to that extreme or stay with what you had in mind originally.
  9. Is there a limit on the extreme that you take them to? I haven’t been able to read much myself, to be honest. The most I’ve been reading these days is bits and pieces at a time in one book; Niel Gaiman’s “American Gods.”
  10. That could prove interesting to see. Although, I wonder how the male heroes and villains would react to Franklin getting so many women.
  11. Glad you like it. Anything else that you need help with?
  12. Well, one way to start that scene would be to describe how awkward and uncomfortable he’s feeling at seeing someone viewing images of his mother like that. After that, you can do a little exposition describing his life before getting back to the scene with him trying and failing to keep his eyes off of those images before the Avengers show up. Something like this, maybe? - Franklin Richards was not having the easiest time at that moment. And who could blame him? Someone was looking at porn images of his mother for crying out loud. - And then you add to it from there. Does that help?
  13. Well, I don’t know about that thing with Reed, since I’m not too big on taking canon heroes and having them turn evil out of the blue, although both Marvel and DC tend to do that in massively convoluted and stupid ways. As for the Sex Ed thing, I only suggested it because for normal education it tends to be a requirement, even if you know about that stuff beforehand. I suppose the porn thing might work just as well. What do you want the scene to be at the very beginning?
  14. Just a suggestion and you don’t have to do this, but how about starting it in the normal world before things get erotic? Franklin’s been homeschooled for a lot of his life (since, you know, super-genius parents and all that) and has only recently started to go to public school, only to find that his upbringing has left him unprepared for life among ordinary people. One day, he comes home after a class that taught about sex ed and then has that dream before waking up to the sight of his bimbofied mother sucking him off. Just an idea.
  15. I see. Well, which of those starts you mentioned do you lean towards the most? Also, I would mainly suggest these few things: A dilemma where he tries to decide if he wants things to go back to the way they were or not A contemplation of what he could do with this power Someone else is aware of the changes made (it’s a superhero story, someone else is bound to notice) BTW, would the outfits of the female characters change to become skimpier or just enlarged to accommodate their newly enlarged assets?
  16. Well, if he can do all that, couldn’t he alter people’s perception so that no one sees him unless he wants them to? That way, he could go to school, deal with the monster/emergency, and then be back in time without anyone even noticing. Hell, he could even have sex and make it so that no one notices or pays any attention unless he wants them to, right?
  17. Well, for starters, what are the limits on Franklin’s powers? If he can bend reality, can he also alter people’s perception?
  18. I was about to say the same thing.
  19. And I can mix in some ideas from my “Avatar: The Last Man” challenge, although without the male Aang, obviously. Might cause some changes to the first lemon, though.
  20. Not much to tell. Mainly it’s just ideas for how to go about the next chapter of the Ben 10/ATLA fic, and maybe a few for beyond that. Would you be okay if it was an ATLA world that was predominantly female, and men being a rarity?
  21. Not much, just waking up and going over ideas in my head. You?
  22. Thanks, Rex. Sorry that there were no lemons, but I tried to make it good and make sense on the reactions. Any other thoughts or critiques?
  23. Well, it’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here. The first chapter of the Ben 10/ATLA fic that I agreed to do for RexFan12345 months ago. I’m afraid there are no lemons in this chapter, just set up, but we’ll get to the lemony goodness soon enough. I was going to make it longer and have it cover the first two episodes of ATLA and the first lemon, but that would take too long and probably scare off the readers. Hope you all like it, and give me feedback when you can.
  24. I see. Not all that surprising, considering how many other stories and challenges you’ve taken up. I just thought I’d ask.
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