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Ghost-of-a-Chance last won the day on July 19 2023

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    Under a rock in the Missouri Ozarks
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    Rabid reader and writer. Occasional digital artist - hobbyist level.
    Unrepentant overthinker. Spotify addict and musical frissonist.
    Lover of symbolism, Drambuie, wildflowers, rainstorms, and foggy days.
    Certified Crazy Cat Lady - send me cats and I'll love you forever. Ask about my cats and I'll never shut up.
    Browser tab abuser - "online" may actually mean "nope, I'm not really here."

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  1. No. No. HAY-ell to the no!  We have had enough fucking tornadoes  here for several lifetimes, and I’m fed the fuck up with them. 🤬

    Yes. Tornado in 2011. Tornado several years ago. Tornado last month, and another last freaking night. Yes. Last night. My family, husband, and I are all safe, and I believe all our friends are safe. We didn’t live within the danger zone this time, but my PTSD was already kicking up over the season and impending trauma-versary. This? This is going to give me night terrors. Again. Can’t have Ghost go more than a month without dreaming about Cold dying a bloody, gruesome, tragic death in her arms, now can we? 😭 It’s a good thing I put everything on hiatus because I’m barely able to function right now, and it’s just gonna get worse.

    If you see this post and you live in the United States, take this as your cue to go buy a weather radio and keep it on and stocked with batteries. The sirens in my hometown didn’t go off, and they weren’t sounded in another nearby town last month. Weather alerts on your phone won’t go off if the cellular network fails, and you can’t count on hearing the sirens, and a tornado can happen anytime of the year, on any continent, given the right conditions. If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities, there are several communities that are going to need help over the next week or so.


    Seriously. Fuck tornadoes.

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    2. Ghost-of-a-Chance


      We’re safe. Don’t know if another one nicked us, or if it passed by, but word from nearby towns has me uncomfortable. It’s going to be one of THOSE springs, I guess. 

      I love the Ozarks, and I love Missouri, but I’m quite tired of the weather. That was exhausting.

    3. Ghost-of-a-Chance


      Anyway, from what the news said, the safe rooms are all in public schools and are unlocked when the NWS submits a tornado warning. The NWS only submits a warning if two people agree there’s a tornado in that area; same with the sirens going off, although there are spotters at the fire stations. The one yesterday hit too fast for anyone to agree to anything, so the safe rooms were kept locked and the sirens weren’t sounded. It’s no excuse. There needs to be a better system because that’s happening too damned often.

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      So, the safe rooms are unlocked AFTER the tornado’s spotted? “That’s fine work Lou.”

      TBH… one should be taking cover BEFORE the tornado’s actually down.  I’ve heard of people building/retrofitting their family den/theater as “safe rooms” so it’s not some damp closet.

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