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Posts posted by NecroNOMNOMicon

  1. Don't worry, JayDee and BronxWench, you did not discourage me -- at least, not in the sense you may fear; you didn't discourage me in a bad way. I'd say it's more a case of opening my eyes to potential unintended consequences. I wouldn't want my fave stars to be collateral damage to a silly story. (Not that someone would be allowed to read on TV an excerpt from a story of her being screwed by an animal, to take an example from one of my current stories, LOL) It's not worth the embarrassment and hurt feelings.

    So I have decided (on my own) to pull down both of my stories (which are only posted here and on one other site), recast them with original characters, and then re-upload them as Original Fiction. I'm also going to pull apart the stories I have in progress and either make them Originals or repurpose plot elements for true fan fiction about fictional characters.

  2. I've seen a YouTube of two of the singers from Pentatonix, Scott and Mitch, reading aloud fan fiction about themselves. Both young men are openly gay, and went to school together. They're great friends, but not otherwise involved, unless you read the fan fictions, in which case they're definitely a couple. They were laughing and the fiction was actually rather sweet, but obviously, even minor celebrities are well aware of the potential of the Internet and fan interest.

    For the shiggles, the video.

    Wow, that was... er, uncomfortable. And eye-opening. I don't write lemons (or even limes, like your example), so suddenly I want to pull down my two celeb fics here, as the ladies involved probably would not read them and laugh about it! I'm going for a walk to do some thinking...

  3. There are a few things that would leave me equally squicked be it a celebrity or a fictional character, and that's just to be expected, I think. We all have our personal likes and dislikes, after all. But I will admit that my threshold is lower when I know that the subject of the story is an actual person, with actual family and friends out there who might read something less than wholesome.

    So, like JD above, BronxWench, you hit on something that I probably have been repressing in my thought processes: the idea of the real person or her actual family and friends reading the stories. I may not have taken that into serious enough consideration before. If you happen to have read my Vanessa story (and if you did, then my apologies for the squick) you can see it's pretty easy to be upset by it if you were her friend or family -- even though that was never the intention of the tale (quite the opposite, in fact).

    Suddenly, I'm seeing real-person fiction in a whole new light. Which is sort of what I was hoping for when I started this topic -- but not like this. My immediate reaction is to swear off the stuff and change to original fiction or perhaps writing about film characters played by my favorite actresses.

    Lots to think about before publishing my next story. Thanks!

    Which doesn't mean I'm no longer interested in hearing from devoted celeb fic writers! In fact, more than ever I'd like to read something from a dedicated RPF writer, please! Tell me why you like to use real people in your stories.

  4. Any fantasy that needs to be shared feels, to me, like it can be written with a fictional character, even an "OC" with strong similarities to a famous person. Apart from a RPF gaining additional readers from fans of a specific celebrity, which writing hobbyists always enjoy, there don't seem to be other benefits except, well, folks enjoy writing real person fiction. I did. And that's why, although for my own personal reasons I've stopped I don't hold anything against folks who do still write them or share them, or have them tattooed across their back so that Nathan Lane can read them in that long fantasised chance encounter in Broadway men's room.

    Interesting points, JayDee. I particularly like hearing from a "reformed" RPF writer... I am especially struck by the idea of the star in question reading the fic. I never really stopped to consider that fully because I simply assumed it was just about impossible. But yeah, it suddenly seems less and less impossible and even somewhat more likely. As I said, I consider my stories to be positive things born out of affection, but it's not hard at all to picture Vanessa's feelings being hurt by taking one of my stories at face value.

    Also, from my Writer's Pride perspective, you made me re-examine my idea that using celebrities is a shortcut to connecting with the audience. Mabe instead of a shortcut it's a crutch? And of the stars I'm writing about, Vanessa is the only one with any sizeable following, so it's not like those fans are going to inflate my readership numbers.

    I need to think about all this.

    Thank you for such a thoughtful response!

  5. Nice to hear from you. For the record, I'm not worried about your impartiality as a mod. I am curious, however about your yearning for a shower after reading some celeb fic. If you read the exact same story starring an OC, would you still feel the need for a stiff drink afterward? In other words, is it the use of a real person as the protagonist that squicks you, as opposed to the events of the story?

    And I am also very eager to hear from other writers of celeb fic!

  6. I like your reasoning here, BronxWench, setting the bar for real-person fic AU at something that is outside the realm of possibility. It's simple and easy to apply. I am pondering a couple of stories that I wasn't sure where I was going to put them. Now I feel confident about where they belong.

    Thanks for your input.

  7. If you think about it, isn't all celebrity fiction set in an alternate universe? Specifically, an alternate universe in which the celebrity protagonist interacts with you or me or with the antagonists we writers set for them? I guess what I'm saying is, Isn't it understood that a celebrity fanfic is set in a different universe because we all know Celebrity X never did this or that, so it's clearly made up?

    Or do you believe the alternate universe tag is reserved for a world in which, say, Jennifer Lawrence never got famous, or Ariana Grande was always a singer who never dabbled in acting, or Jena Malone and Jamie Chung never became friends, or Mira Sorvino was elected the first female president?

    What do you think?

  8. As a fledgling writer of real person fiction myself, I cannot help but notice that celebrity fiction doesn't seem to be all that popular around here. Judging by number of posts in the form and general lack of discussion, it feels like celeb stories are the poor relation in the fan fiction family. I even remember one of the mods here (it doesn't matter which one) mentioning he or she doesn't like dealing with celeb stories.

    So, given that -- assuming it is true, and not just my fevered imagination -- why do you, gentle writer, continue to employ celebrities as characters in your stories? Surely it is easy enough to change your protagonist's name to something fictional. So why do it?

    I'll kick off the answering with a couple of reasons of my own:

    1. It's a tribute. I only write about celebrities I like/admire, so to me inserting her into a story is a kind of tribute. I never want anything unfortunate to happen to my faves in real life; this all just my imagination working overtime for people I really like. And I consider it a compliment, no matter what happens in the story.

    2. The stars are well-known. When I write about, say, Vanessa Hudgens, everyone knows what she loiks like, so every reader is picturing her in the same way (within reason) in their minds while reading, so that, to me, suggest more of a communnity experience and shared bond and sense of community among readers. It's almost like we're seeing the story in our heads the same way. We all give the Vanessa in the story the same look (based on the story's description) and we hear her voice the same way. I think it helps, anyway.

    So that's me -- but I'm sure everyone has reasons of his/her own, and I'm interested in hearing what you have to say!


    Chapter 3 has been added! Yay! :yahoo:

    Poor Vanessa Hudgens simply cannot catch a break! This time, the folks who rescued her from the dogs reveal their own designs for the sexy starlet!

    I appreciate every person who reads my stuff, however, I would love anyone who writes a review or comment of some kind!! :drool:

    Hope you enjoy the story

  10. Hi there, I hope this an okay place to post this question...

    I know that the TOS regarding celebrity fiction states: "User Submissions based off real people who are under that age of 18 are not allowed"

    But my question is a bit more specific: Can I only write about a celebrity having sexual adventures after she is 18?

    Let's say I want to write a story about Celebrity A who is in reality 22 years old in 2015. Can I write a story:

    1. Set in the past, when she was, for example 12 years old?

    2. A story in which the present-day, 22-year-old Celebrity A tells the story of a sexual emcounter she remembers from when she was 12?

    3. Celebrity A makes just a passing reference to her past, like,. "I was raped when I was 12," but that's all she says?

    I guess to boil it down: If Celebrity A is a legal adult now, in real time in 2015, can I write about her sexual adventures at any point in her lifespan (from childhood to now), or must all the sexual stories be set after she has turned 18?

    Thanks for your time -- and my apologies if this seems obvious to others; it's a bit opaque to me.


  11. No, you're not seeing double; I really have posted up a new story in the Celebrity Fiction section. This is my second story for AFF.org, and I hope you like this one just as much (or more) than my first story, "The Misadventures of Vanessa Hudgens." This story is less extreme (and sticks to humans), and deals with leg/foot fetish. It's also a "done in one" tale!

    I'd love some solid feedback or even a "well done!" or just a + vote.

    Here is the new story info!

    Author: NecroNOMNOMicon
    Title: She's Got Legs - and He Knows How to Use Them
    Summary: Hailee Steinfeld wanted to show off her legs on the red carpet - but she attracted the wrong kind of attention
    Feedback: Feedback and constructive criticism very much appreciated.
    Fandom: Celebrity Fiction
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: M/F, Oral, Hum, Angst, Non-con, Fet

    Solo story or chaptered story: One-shot

    URL: http://celeb.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094452

    As with my first story, "The Misadventures of Vanessa Hudgens," thank you in advance for reading; even more so if you review! But whatever you do, I hope you enjoy the story!

  12. I have posted my first story in AFF.org, and I would love folks to read it and give me some solid feedback. I have a lot of ideas, and I'd like to make sure I'm writing the kind of stuff people want to see.

    So far, I have posted two chapters of this story. (I only just learned about this promo feature, so that's why I'm mentioning it now, with the posting of chapter 2 a couple of days ago.)

    Here are the particulars:

    Author: NecroNOMNOMicon
    Title: The Misadventures of Vanessa Hudgens
    Summary: While researching a role, Vanessa runs afoul of a pack of men and then a pack of feral dogs!
    Feedback: Feedback and constructive criticism very much appreciated.
    Fandom: Celebrity Fiction
    Pairing: N/A
    Warnings: M/F, Oral, Hum, Angst, Anal, Non-con, Rape, Beast*

    Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered

    URL: http://celeb.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094415

    *chapter 2 only

    Thank you in advance for reading; even more so if you review! But whatever you do, I hope you enjoy the story!

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