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Everything posted by JordoZ

  1. I don’t count that story. Even being the one that lay the foundation for it in the first place. The fact of the matter is, it was originally written in French. And then translated with Google Translate, and it shows...badly. I can’t consider it an English written piece, so as far as I’m concerned. There still isn’t an English bodyguard Kushina written other than a few drabbles in my own thread.
  2. Hmm, you know...this thread kinda leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Granted, not because of Ikarusu. It seems most people that replied just came to try and force their ideas on you in a way – not one of them even discussed the ideas you already proposed, the ones you’d already thought on yourself. Out of the votes, the one I voted for myself was the bodyguard mission. Since, all the other ones actually have had lemons written for them. Not many, but still there hasn’t been a bodyguard one for Kushina – out of all the ideas, it’s the only one that hasn’t been done already. Do you have anything thought up for that one?
  3. In general, this thread I created here was just to ask if anybody knows if Red Hot Misadventures is still being worked on or if the writer gave up.
  4. Hmm, is this story still being worked on?
  5. Well, the world is already sexualized so it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that most people Kushina runs into would be hung and skilled, or something along those lines. Maybe you can start off with something simple as a mission, like babystting. I seem to recall a similar mission in the actual violated heroine game. You could show the difference in the worlds here, with her babysitting a young teen of some kind, possibly the kid who saw her naked that first time, having him come on to her and eventually dominate her. A show of’ if that’s what the young teens are like, what are the full grown like?
  6. What's your plan for chapter 2? Well, I know you plan on showing the MC arriving in Konoha, but do you have a plan on how your going to go about things?
  7. Not really. That just seems to be you wanting him humiliated. Kind of a turn off for people who actually like to read Naruto-centric fanfiction you know.
  8. Cool, I'll check back with this thread every now and then, then.
  9. Well, the only problem with the new story is that it could do with a bit more build up, and description, but other than that. It's fine. Will next chapter focus on someone different? Possibly a flashback to his arriving in the village? Either way, feel free to bounce ideas off of me.
  10. Hmm, am I right in guessing that the Rd-haired anbu is Kushina?
  11. The thing is though, he's over the typical age of normal Shota's. He'll be about 12/13 when he gets laid. At that age, I myself was already pursuing girls and I lost my virginity at 14. Hell, can we even call Shirou a shota when he's gonna be over the age of consent in Japan?
  12. Experienced fighters have a different sort of underlying confidence. Being nervous, and a bit shy is fine...though Shirou never really complained much when it came to the sex he was getting. But, being timid and easily bullied into being molested is different, I just can't see Shirou if he's unwilling to explore the perks not at least fighting back. On another note, how hung is he gonna be in this story? It would be kind of boring for just a little kiddy dick.
  13. Well now, this is interesting. I'm wondering, what is Shirou's character going to be like when it comes to women and the sex he ends up dragged into? I'm really hoping it isn't some shy timid personality, it doesn't really fit Shirou at all. Even as young as he is in this story, he was picking fights with older teenagers if he saw them bullying others for instance. For instance, this is Shirou at 12. He isn't really a timid person, he's pretty headstrong and I'd think fighting monsters and gaining experience in combat would only highlight his confidence. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/9/92/Shirou_12_years_old.png/revision/latest?cb=20151103200631
  14. Hmm, well I vaguely recall the mods saying that we can't post more than a few paragraphs of content in the forums. I randomly wrote this earlier one, trying to inspire myself but no such luck. Maybe it'll help a few of you, who knows. It runs on a similar premise of Milf Sensei - but is completely separated and takes place in its own world. Kushina let out a surprised yelp as her young student's fist was suddenly wrapped in her long red hair, and she was roughly yanked down. The busty red headed mother found herself falling off the bed and landing on her knees, Jokuro's massive cock slapped across her face, leaving a smear of white sperm across her beautiful face. Her large, round and heavy breasts pressed against his thighs and her full, plump ass wiggled from side to side as her violet eyes met the grey eyes of her 13 year old student. "I wanna see those lips wrapped around my cock sensei!" He practically demanded, a lust filled sneer on his lips. Kushina's eyes widened when she realized just how hard the pillar of flesh resting atop her head now felt - he never even went down after cumming! "Kami-sama.." Kushina breathed, violet eyes wide with awe at the sheer vitality of his cock. This situation was ridiculous. Her spandex shorts hung from the ceiling fan, her Jonin flak jacket had been ripped in half - her lacy black bra...to be frank, Kushina had no idea where it was. The last she remembered, she was wearing it when she gave her student the lap dance he won from her in their bet and then it was gone. Then there was her lacy black thong, it was pulled to the side on her hips and wedged between her full ass cheeks. She realized idly - as her student speared his massive cock through the space between her big tits and fucked a good few inches of dick meat down her throat.
  15. If you say so. But really, I'm not. What I posted was cheating, not cuckold big difference.
  16. So, this idea comes from the story Milf Sensei vs Perverted Student written by Milf Kushina - Who I should mention is a friend of mine and noticed that a few people commented on wanting to add to his story but couldn't without his permission. He actually can't remember his password, amusing as it is but he did leave his story open for others too add to it. His original intention was to more or less create a group story that wrote different scenarios of Kushina and her perverted, incredibly hung student. Anyway, moving on. This idea broadens the topic a bit, so that it isn't just Kushina being used. There is a massive amount of different scenarios we could try with this and many girls/women as well. The basic premise, is that the protagonist should be a lot like Jokuro. Young, barely graduated and a hung stud who loves to make women his. Now, the characters as I said can vary. Personally, I see in my mind the likes of Naruko taking a student/apprentice to help broaden her achievements even further for helping her become Hokage. Now, Naruko was created by Naruto as an anti-pervert technique, teasing them to explode out in perverted pleasure a.k.a nose bleed themselves stupid. I always see her as a bit of a tease, and competitive enough that she wouldn't back down even in a perverted situation. And let's face it, how many of you want to read about those pig tails being used as handle bars to screw her stupid? But not only Naruko, we also have the likes of Ino. Ino comes across as the gorgeous girl next door type, a cheer leader in all but inform and a flirty attitude. She also seems to have a fetish for pretty boys, skilled and strong ones at that so even one much younger than her, when she is say about 20 wouldn't be safe from her teasing and flirty attitude. We even have the links of Fem Sasuke, or Satsuki as many name her. Usually not so different in attitude from her male counterpart, she has the glaring difference of more often than not being a long haired, big titted, round assed cold as ice and arrogant babe. I'm not sure what scenario would work best for her with a student, but her getting the arrogance fucked out of her would make for an interesting tale. So come one, come all. Let's see if we can get something going here. This section of the website has been dead for months, just the same old same old cuckold crap being tossed around, and being begged for by people with grammar a pre-schooler could do better than. Let's see if another idea based on the story that has two of the most popular threads in this section can take flight. ...In other news, I've worked a bit on a lemon for my friend but not made much progress. Just about two thousand words or so of a Naruto/Hanabi/Hinata story I was writing for him. A serious lack of good stories means a serious lack of motivation lads.
  17. Well, he'd have to have slept with a few women to be a womanizer, right? It's more or less a challenge for Naruto to coerce Satsuki into bed with him, I have no problem with him sating his lust on other girls in the time leading up to her joining him in bed. And, what challenge did you take up?
  18. I wouldn't mind myself.
  19. A lot of people like to cuckold Naruto and bash the shit out of him, for reasons unknown to me. I've always been a fan of Naruto/Satsuki(Fem Sasuke) in proper fanfiction and I wondered if anybody would be up to writing some smut about it. The general plot more or less resolves around a world where Satsuki is born earlier than Naruto and his parents survive. Satsuki would be a Jonin, at eighteen years old and more or less she was born in place of Itachi and a younger sibling was never born.....Well, you could make Sasuke be her little brother If you want and it would add delicious irony if he viewed Naruto as his rival. Naruto Namikaze is a prodigy. Let's face it, Naruto himself in canon with small bits of help leaped massive distances in power and ability. Trained from a young age by Minato, Kushina, Jiraiya, Kakashi and even Sarutobi at times makes him every bit a force to be reckoned with even before graduating. Naruto though, is a bit arrogant due to his ability and without the orange monstrosities he calls clothes is actually a very good looking character. Enter Satsuki, Jonin and wanting to be promoted to Elite Jonin. The only hurdle is, to become an Elite Jonin you need to have had a student since it is pretty much one of the highest ranking ranks. Satsuki herself was a prodigy, and has no idea how to train someone who is not gifted themselves and so applies an apprenticeship with the rookie of the year of that years graduating class, this being Naruto who she knows is good due to having seen him train, fight and hear about it from Sasuke. Not to mention, they're well known to each other due to their mothers being best friends. Satsuki having a fond spot for the younger Uzumaki is a great idea in my head, and Naruto more or less crushing on her since his early childhood would also kind of make it an ambition for him to have her. While we're at it, let's add in the trope of chakra capacity having an effect on penis size and Naruto born from a full blooded Uzumaki that was the jinchuuriki of the kyuubi and a kage, combined with the fact the his now the jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi gives him more or less the largest chakra capacity in the village, above even his mother. Where you fully take it, is up to you. But I'd like to see Naruto be a bit of womanizer due to his popularity is a prodigy and son of the hokage, even at the age of twelve. The Naruto-verse is different from our world, let's face it, they're pretty much adults the moment they get a headband. The Uchiha massacre didn't happen, so Satsuki shouldn't be some emotionless sociopath like canon Sasuke. How you want their interactions to go is up to you for the most part, although I'd like Naruto to be kinda cocky and flirty with her. The idea for this lemon came to me while listening to nightcore on youtube. One of their anime girl pictures really resonated with me for the character design of Satsuki....well, the figure, face and the like a tleast. Check it out here on this youtube video, I unfortunately can't find the picture anywhere else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz1RPqNCC_4
  20. I think he meant more a long the lines of a new one not mentioned in this thread before.
  21. The challenge is pretty straight forward, as I'm sure you've noticed by the title. The general idea is, one of the girls from Naruto being older than a boy or group of boys teases them. A total flirt of a girl that has no problem teasing and being bold about it. It can be any girl. Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Anko, Kushina, Kurenai...even Naruko, with those pigtails of hers and the kind of reputation Naruto's sexy jutsu had in the anime she would probably fit best, other than Ino, RTN Hinata or Anko. Busty is a preferred choice for me. Now, the scenario can be entirely of your own design. From Naruko training with Konohamaru, to Ino eighteen and on a joint mission with a young genin. My only must for this kind of thing is that the younger boy, has to be hung and because you become an adult as soon as you're given your shinobi headband has abused his privileges vehemently to fuck girls from whores to kunoichi or even civilian housewives who are turned on by being near a shinobi because of how much they utterly outclass those not trained. I had a vague idea myself of Naruko teaming with a young hotshot genin on a mission and she teases him something awful, which leads to her eventually getting fucked silly and later on getting her best friend Sasuki Uchiha dragged into the action aswell. Anyway, hopefully somebody takes this up.
  22. I might be writing this as a favor for my friend. But I'd still like to see others take a shot at it.
  23. I personally don't see the appeal of Sasuke. He's pretty much asexual. He has shown no interest ever in the female body, it;s a wonder he ever reproduced in canon.
  24. My friend was browsing pictures earlier and he found a particularly interesting one. http://simg4.gelbooru.com//images/26/cd/26cd6abb98bf6d3e6c6768136dd7efbb.png An interesting idea came to me when I saw this picture. Basically, the idea is Naruto characters set in the modern world. Naruto's family is close friends with the Hyuuga family, and he grows up with an older Hanabi and Hinata as pseudo-sisters. Hanabi being 4 years older than Naruto or so and Hinata around 7 years. Now Naruto, as usual would be a juggernaut for all things physical, especially his stamina. Since we can't have a Naruto who isn't a stamina monster now can we? I'm thinking along the lines Naruto's and the Hyuuga parents are extremely busy with work, so they are often out of town leaving their kids to fend for themselves. Granted, when the story starts Hinata should be around 21, Hanabi around 18 and Naruto about 14. Since Naruto wouldn't be hurting for attention this time, and lives a pretty good life he'd probably be pretty confident and arrogant to a degree. Since he's a stamina juggernaut he'd probably be a jock aswell. Now, the main part of the challenge is that Naruto loved Hanabi and Hinata as sisters as a child, and generally developed a crush on them. That crush, upon puberty would then turn to lust. A lust Naruto tries to sate in general with quite a few girls, possibly those older slutty girls Sakura Haruno and Yamanaka Ino who are always latching on to popular people, and since Naruto would be a handsome, relatively smart, well off teen who's the star sports team player even at his young age they'd probably offer some fun times to him. Naruto being experienced is a must, mainly because this will be a hardcore smut challenge. Rough, bed breaking fucking you get my meaning? And him being hung like a horse is also a must, but that's pretty much a given for these kinds of things huh? Now the sisters themselves. I would see Hanabi as a cheerleader, the fun older sister who parades around in skimpy outfits and has no problem trying to tease Naruto with her looks just for the hell of it. Hell, it would be best if they even had a game out of crude flirting to try and embarrass the other. Hinata would be the more kind, reserved older sister who worries alot, but throw in Naruto beating up some older guys who harassed her years back and you can easily swing her like canon Hinata who has a 'little brother complex'. Naturally, as Hyuga's them having full curves like big tits and asses are a must. I'm not a fan of scat or Femdom so none of that please. My friend is a fan of cumflation and impreganation so that can be used, although the pregnancies should be in later chapters when the first few thrills of fucking wears off and cumflation should be kept reasonable since Naruto doesn't have regenerative powers here that would regenerate any lost sperm so quickly and allow him to cum enough to fill a bucket in one load or something, so a little bloated would be the best bet for that. More background? Feel free to add little things if you want. Like for instance, Sasuke being female and the same age as Hinata or something and Naruto already banged her. Or Naruto frequently fucks the likes of Anko into submission to really cement his 'stud' status. Hopefully someone takes this up. I found the idea interesting, but don't really have the time to iron it out fully myself and write it.
  25. Again, that doesn't pertain to this thread. Don't bring it up here.
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