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Everything posted by JordoZ

  1. He's in all of them except the ones with Naruko. And I left his age up in the air.
  2. Well, I don't get into new anime too often. I like Naruto crossovers and if I'm not in a horny moon I'l usually wanna make actual fanfiction and trust me, I have enough ideas bouncing around my head at the moment as is.
  3. I actually use Jokuro alot because it's a decent enough japanese-sounding name without falling into the wannabe cool-guy traps like Kai and Ryo and shit.
  4. Prostitute kinda lowers her worth though, it means she's just a whore for money. Mine basically follows the example of her being fucked silly to the point that she becomes a slave to cock.
  5. Those were already in the plans lol.
  6. Sorry, I didn't think it would matter because they are un-finished.
  7. I know, it's a damn pain, it's why I started this thread.
  8. Best giving it to a beta first though before posting.
  9. I think it's awesome, make sure to post the link when posted
  10. Cuz I don't like reading my own writing, no enjoyment from it.
  11. Infact, if anybody wants to take up the challenge here's an example of how it can begin or a template for you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Fool, when is my escort getting here!?" A young voice snarled. Kushina withheld a grimace at the demanding tone. Guro, the youngest grandson of the fire daimyo. It was her job to escort him back, being the strongest ninja on hand at the moment with the likes of Jiraiya, Kakashi and the like outside the village. "That's it, when they get here I'm demanding a new, more able shinobi!" He was young, 14 years old. He wasn't very tall, just enough that he would reach Kushina's chin. He had spiky black hair, blue eyes and an aristocratic face that was at the moment pulled into a sneer of contempt as he hassled the woman that attendant escorting him to the gates. Sighing, Kushina re-adjusted her Jonin vest. Her long red hair was tied into a ponytail that still reached her mid-back and tight black spandex shorts clung tightly to her full, round womanly ass. Her skin was pale and her eyes a dark violet, almost black. But despite her beautiful features, what drew the attention most of all was her very large bust, her round creamy breasts so big that the zipper of her Jonin vest didn't go fully up and left an indecent amount of cleavage out for the world to view, not to mention the lacy black bra that was helping to hold her heavy mounds back. Using a quick Shunshin, Kushina appeared right beside her client. He paused mid-rant, his eyes going slightly wide before a large smirk adorned his face, "Never mind!" He quickly stated, waving at the attendant, "You may leave, I'm quite happy with this Kunoichi." Neither the attendant, nor Kushina missed how eyes eyes feasted hungrily upon her mouth watering cleavage. "Very well Guro-sama." The attendant replied, bowing towards him and parting the top of her kimono, her own sizeable cleavage showing. Turning on he heel, she steadily began to walk away and Kushina couldn't help but notice she was limping noticeable. Withholding a sigh, Kushina bowed to the young noble, a boy over 20 years her junior, knowing without a doubt when she felt the heavy weight upon her chest bounce downwards, that he was more than likely staring at her breasts, "I am Kushina, Guro-sama and I will be your escort back to the capital." The voluptuous mother stated. She stood back up to her full height and found him grinning, it wasn't a grin of amusement or happiness but of pure lechery. "That's great." He nodded, his lecherous grin stretching even further, "I'll be sure to put a kunoichi of your stature to good and vigorous use." The way he said it, there was much more than a simple guarding being implied. Kushina couldn't help but shudder at the way he eyed her body, perverse intentions clear as day. It had suddenly occurred to her just why the attendant had most likely been walking bowlegged.
  12. I rather like the sound of that young, arrogant noble one.
  13. JordoZ

    cheating naruto

  14. Wooh. Lol.
  15. Anyway, I posted my idea to the Milf Kushina vs Perverted Student thread. I hope to see Naruko then next chapter because Mei, Konan and the like get boring to read after a while. Naruko and Kushina smut are the minority. My addition to the Milf Kushina vs Perverted Student story*
  16. Hey. I posted a review on the actual story, but I thought I'd post my suggestions here aswell for Ronin. Since Sasuke is 17, I thought it would show more of his prowess by making him and Naruto the younger brothers of their 21 year old sisters. Naruko and Sasuki - and Sakura being of their actual graduation group making her one of the 'cool older girls' kids young teens love to fantasize about fucking. And you could also then put the likes of Hanabi - Konohamaru's girlfriend or something in Sasuke and Naruto's graduation group. Allowing Sasuke to get a pair of sisters. As for the challenge itself. The story the challenge was based on, did you all notice that it's actually an open story or not? Meaning, anybody can add follow up chapters to it. I myself wrote a follow up chapter for it, as was the challenge. Although it's like 3k+ words it's not even closed to finish. I suppose I can post it though and write the rest as a part 2 next time I'm inspired to.
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