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Posts posted by that-one-guy

  1. As Jack will end up getting the PS4 soon, would that mean, later on in the story, there could be mentions of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3?

    And Elder Scrolls Online

  2. Looking forward to Northstar but, that has been on hold long enough that I have more interest in SITG. One question why did the Major say they hit the Peterson compound? Shouldn't it be the Johansson compound? Now you have me wondering how the Major is doing. He made the comment that if anything went wrong with the recovery that he would put a bullet into the girl (Alice). So did something go wrong or was Alice just caught in the crossfire? Cliff hangers and mixed messages make for a very good story.

    Seeing as the major was injured in the end scene (presuming it WAS the major) I would say something went wrong. Most likely the recovery team tried to wipe out the major and the other guy, so the major tried to stop their mission from being a success by killing Alice (but failed).

  3. That is a good series too BUT it's been a long time since a chapter was posted. Can you wait until ypu get to a good stopping place with SITG (no cliffhanger). With the similar names some of us (me) will have to go back a long way to get the relationships straight again. Despite what some have said the reminders you put in about that ARE helpful to folks, like me, who don't have elephant type memories.

    Chalk it up to age or whatever.



    I have an amazing memory but north star still confuses the fuck outta me :P

  4. I know its a long shot, but there was a line in there that triggered something for me. It was when the major was on the sat phone, right towards the end of the conversation it said the voice spoke with 'almost a fatherly tone'. I think the SG could be run my Max's dad, or at least a brainwashed version.

  5. Seminal moment in my life: I finally had a chance to meet BashfulScribe in person today :) and let me just say that, aside from being an amazing writer, he's also an amazing person. If you haven't checked out his forum or his story yet, please do so. You won't regret it.

    How did that happen?

  6. Timmy indeed!!! I wonder if Legion showed his capabilities too quick! I am also wondering if Max can do anything about it because what Legion did was something that Max would think before doing and, they are all full of nanites. Suppose one of them did something that Legion did not like, KABOOM??? Don't like that Legion just went off and kill the SG that was invading the hacienda. But, maybe Max programmed him to do that. Don't know! This is too much guessing now.

    Since he died this early on, I seriously doubt the grey haired man was really in charge. Illuminati? ;)

  7. When I'm writing on paper I go into an incredible amount of detail (was told to write a story around 2 pages long, ended up almost 8) but I can't seem to express it as much if I'm typing

  8. LOL not sure which has been more entertaining as of late, the story or the forum thread.

    I'll be honest, reread the last chapter a few times. Slow brain needed the rereads to follow. think what had me a little confused is that Mika is for all intensive purposes gone, sending Legion over the edge. Why is it she didn't download to the mainframe like Carol? I first thought it was to quick, but Legion "turned his attention to salvaging what was left of her mind" if there was that opportunity shouldn't she had the chance to download? Now I suppose there is a chance they don't know she downloaded. Maybe they haven't figured out all of those that had. Is it possible that she did, just not to the mainframe but had a similar issue as nadi did with max only she's is now with Legion. all that confusion its possible. would be cool, they share the body and mind space. Maybe legions nanite body could change and look like her when she's in control. Legion becomes aware she's there when she stops him from doing something horrendous.

    I have a feeling we will be seeing more of gray hair even though his body is gone legion has his mind. Although he did melt down awful fast. In his confrontation with the gray hair, Legion "calmly eyeing large sliver handgun in the large mans meaty hand, even as he sent several dozen nanites out, unseen, to disable it." Gray hair tries to shoot but cant. would bullets have actually done any damage or simply passed through the nanite body? If he had the ability to disable the weapons he could have done so from the start when the attack began. Saved how many lives including Mika's. they would have had to rely one hand to hand, knife fighting while the spiders still had guns.

    Using the biomatrix very risky. If the girl is an orphan that will be one thing but if she has a living family that is looking for her, and the matrix changes her the repercussions could stagger.

    Sensing that Joanne's desire to not be broken may not have been filled. She came across as if she had an epiphany about how she treated people. A day late and dollar short for her and the ex hubby but it could be enough to have here go on meds and have a relationship with evan. Him getting her rescued would have a great impact. the story is largely about family after all.

    Still not sure about the direction of which Alice is going. since it was here taken not someone else has to be something specific to her. Another interesting though would be if she somehow got full control of the shadow group. She could turn it all over to max and he would have an army of actual men/women/equipment along with the spiders. May need it if all those worms they sent out looking for Joanne find any true nasty.

    My apologies for interrupting the witty banter of the inner circle. as always just my 2cents.

    I think the reason legion didn't do anything in the beginning was because he was too shocked from the attack, they all were. It was his rage that caused him to intervene. As for Mika not downloading I think the line magus used was more or less 'blown to pieces' whereas carol was still kinda intact, they were most likely killed by the explosion of the wall and the debris it caused.

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