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Posts posted by that-one-guy

  1. Ha! HA! I knew it, I so knew it. It's not like that was something you could avoid. I agree with that-one-guy. Talked about it, and thought about it, for chapters.

    If you read the forums before reading the chapter, sorry. I read to jashley's update and go to the story.

    Wow. I loved the chapter, the dioluge was perfect. It all set the ground work for the final stretch. The air of tension. The texting. Secerts! So great. I'll be waiting with baited breath for the next chapter.

    Honestly, I still can't pin down a real idea of any specific location. I'm a Midwesterner, don't have the same chains or geographical knowledge. The mountains could be anywhere along the Appalachians.

    Really though, if any one was so nieave to think THE question could be avioded, then they need to get better critical reading skills. The fact that Tara was coming along really sealed the deal, at least for me. The chapter had perfect hints as well.

    I'm just ranting now. This chapter was one of my favorites so far. 10/10

    Yeah, I get my skills on picking up foreshadowing and cliffhanger set up from reading Magusfangs stories. You kinda have to have some idea what's coming next or else it will just suckerpunch you!

  2. I knew this would happen (not spoiling it for those who haven't read it yet, I'll hold my opinion for a little bit)

    Great chapter, nice and long. Either that or I've gotten really slow at reading!

  3. Public smoochies between Mike and max too much :P LOL

    I was actually thinking a love scene with Becca, Nadi driving Max's body, just not sure how to write a girl trapped in a man's body making love to another girl...

    I might just go with a bull in the china shop scene where she's in the kitchen and keeps breaking things because she isn't used to his size and strength...the whole psyche of a lesbian trapped in a man's body having sex makes my head hurt ;)

    "How the hell do you aim this thing Master?"

    "Honestly I don't know, it just kind of happens."


    That could be a funny scene lol :P

  4. Hey everyone!

    Sorry the forum's been so quiet, especially in regards to updates. I've been plowing away at the chapter and I hope to get it out by this weekend. I've just found myself so exhausted recently (maybe overnight shift is finally catching up to me). My days have literally been writing, eating, sleeping, and working, not necessarily always in that order. I'm shooting for Sunday at the latest but it's hard for me to tell at this point. The end of the chapter is in sight, but the path to it may be longer than I think; often what I think may take only a page or two to describe ends up needing a bit more. Still, it's progressing smoothly and hopefully you will all be able to enjoy it this weekend :)

    Updates to follow!

    Here's an idea, take a break for a week or so after this chapter. Don't run yourself down :)

  5. Guess I was a little horny :P. But I did warn you guys it was a mushy chapter and I even toned it down a bit in the rewrite

    Not much went on, it was a feel good, lovey dovey chapter. Tried something a bit different in the sex scene, thought it was kinda funny :D

    The whole disappearing/reappearing act? Yeah I laughed way to hard at that. Drugged up Magus had some good ideas lol.

  6. LOL, so its all my fault huh? Ok, I get the message, write faster before someone gets seriously injured!

    Well I have over half the rewrite done and with any luck should be posting tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest.

    It's a mushy chapter so be warned, no blood letting this time :(

    Not saying its your fault (your own injury is though) but we all need to find better pass times lol

  7. So time for a check in how is everyone how is the chapter comeing along and how is the hospital and pt

    I I've been useing a cane pt asshole been telling me to use crutches so broke them over me knee in front of him then lifted the little punk by the caller told the little dick I don't need them

    I'm good, sprained a muscle in my knee but nothing I can't handle. Compared to you guys problems mine are minute lol

  8. You just want a peek at my crazy ;)

    But, alas and alack, it has been condemned to the ether; and I doubt, hopefully, that I would be able to recreate it :(

    You could always hold the button down for a while ;)

  9. Ok, so I know its been a while since I posted, should have something up soon. I thought I would have more free time stuck in a hospital bed...but its like grand central station in here! Should have something soon, I do have to do a little revision...well basically the middle of the chapter needs a rewrite...its a fine line when on painmeds and once crossed...well lets just say I'm not sure some of what I've written is english...and it gets worse from there :P

    That just makes for a better read ;)

  10. Halfway point!

    And in regards to how Jack, Alan, and Amanda came to be...all I can say is that I am not ignoring how odd something like that is. Not to give anything away but the logistics of how it works will be addressed in the future. Much like the pipe bomb, Chinese Water Torture, and the drunken tumble.

    All of which I am looking forward to :)

    God speed lol

  11. Been waiting two months... when's the next update on your own story, you obviously have time to critique, and read. Exam season may be now, what about the last two months? You've had the time, just lack of gumption apparently. Excuses is over, I've watched you commenting, without even making an effort, maybe it's time to just end the series and read instead. Magus getting shipped out, or surgery is a legit excuse, what's yours? Laziness? If you wanna hold yourself to Magus' standards, you got a long way to go, even when on assignment, he posted chapters, you done nothing but make excuses. Give me a real reason to come back and read your story because, 5 chapters in a year, when Magus has posted 60 in that time frame and every one you've commented on, shows you really don't give a shit about your readers, you're just after the ego stroke, give us something to read and we'll be happy to oblidge..... Sorry I'm being an ass, but, maybe, just maybe, if you want to be a writer, you should write and give us a reason to read.

    Magus.... Good Luck and Godspeed on your recovery, can't wait for the next chapter, with luck, Amy will definitely survive and as far as the reproductive part, even if she's messed up, I know Max will do everything to fix it, who knows, maybe come up with a way for Alice and May to conceive too. Patiently, yet eagerly await as always.

    Response is on my forum, but I have one additional thing to say.

    I don't hold myself anywhere close to magus standard. He is an amazing writer and I know that I will never be able to achieve anything near as good as what he writes. I don't compare myself to any of the great writers that I read,magus, jashley13, bashfulscribe, nivek_88, Joe long; because I know that I will never be as good as them. Beside their stories mine is a heap of trash that's been set on fire.

    Thats all, but if you want the story ended I can do that, but I will finish it. Might not be as quickly as you would like (not even as fast as I would like) but I will finish it. If I start something I will complete it.

  12. OK, I understand where your coming from and I must say I'm not proud of myself on the whole update thing.

    Yes, there's exams but there's other aspects of life eating away at my time. The free time I have I use to read. Why do I use it to read instead of writing? Because I find that reading is a far better stress reliever than writing. When I get some clear time, like a lot of clear time not just the few minutes I have every day at the moment, I think on the story. I might not have a lot of it written but I know where I want it to go and that will drastically speed up the writing process when I get round to it.

    If you want a more exact update than "When my exams finish", my final one is on the 28th of May, the day after that I am off school so I will be using that to get everything exam related out of my system. But within the week after that I hope to have a chapter, maybe two, complete ( I have to guess whether or not they are long or short since my phone doesn't show page numbers). If I still had a working computer I would try and get one out on one of the days I get for study leave (I have two of them, but have 11 exams plus course work).

    If that second paragraph seemed a bit harsh, I apologise. If it seemed like I was just making excuses, just remember that I don't broadcast everything going on in my life over the internet. I talk to magus a lot through PM's about what's going on in my life and I don't even tell him most of it. There's just some things I don't like talking about.

    But thanks for the comments saying that my story is good. I didn't think anyone was even reading this forum anymore that's why I didn't update on it.

    So in short, you think I'm an ass with schedule, I think I'm an ass with schedules, but between May 30th and June 7th I hope to have a chapter or two out. I might even be kind and not put in a cliffhanger ;)

  13. I don't remember reading anywhere in the story that Amy, one of my favourite people btw, is seriously injured and can't have kids! Where did that come from? Magus, I hope that you come out of this operation OK! Please do not write and kill off everyone when you are under the painmeds! I think this story is a very good one, couple things I don't like but I just speed read those parts to get to the good stuff. Keep up the good work.

    The infertile bit was just a suggestion we made up

  14. Well I have to agree with Angeldust. The first series was excellent. The second series was not bad until Petra showed up. After she did the whole thing went down hill fast. Now with the best character in the series, Amy, getting hurt I guess I will follow Angeldust and leave. I hope you continue with North star as I really like that series.

    You should know by now that in a story consisting of massive battles someone is gonna get hurt. Don't you think its a little immature to leave because someone you like is injured? For all we now she will be perfectly fine, or downloaded.

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