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Everything posted by that-one-guy

  1. I knew a kid who nearly died when he thought it would be a good idea to jump off a roof onto a trampoline, lucky for him he landed on some grass
  2. Even then I still can't start till June, too many exams! Why can't it just be "your good with classwork, OK, you now have a qualification"... Revision sucks
  3. Probably all went missing on there way to a school that he was on the board for.
  4. Liked this chapter but I'm kind of dreading this cliff hanger you keep mentioning, you've had a lot of time to plan it out and I don't like that, means it might make us go insane
  5. Hot tubs are pretty awesome
  6. I have exams coming up too, but my revision technique is look at the stuff the night before I have the exam and on the bus in the morning or else I will forget it again (although even then I wouldn't call it revising, I'd call it 'see how far I can get through my notes before I get bored and watch TV')
  7. I'm gonna jump on this band wagon, update pllleeeeaaassseeeee!!!!
  8. I'm quite sure Amy has done some sims in ninjitsu, she seems like the most ninja of the bunch (minus the twins of course)
  9. Cyber bullies are cowards and real bullies are idiots who probably were bullied as well. When I was getting picked on I turned around and nearly broke the guys jaw, didn't get bothered again after that. Violence may not always be the answer, but it can be sometimes
  10. I believe that's called Murphys law, what can happen will happen.
  11. I would undo a string of conversations I had with a girl in my class a few years back, maybe we would still talk to each other, be friends, maybe more. Who knows?
  12. My thoughts on this hole thing is once they've hit puberty (them naturally being ready for sex) and as long as both parties are consenting (hell I'd even go far enough to say they at least use some form of protection) then it shouldn't matter what age they are. We are taught in schools that it is OK to make mistakes as long as we learn from them. Maybe if more 14-17 year olds were pregnant (that came out a bit worse than what I was intending) then maybe they would learn to use protection or wait until they are ready to live with the consequences (children)
  13. I like the sound of that last one, give him Kara's thoughts and watch him go insane
  14. That's the problem with two year courses, I have to hold onto the material since for my year group they decided that, instead of having an exam each year we would have two at the end of the two years. But I do plan on giving the school the bird as I leave.
  15. Because (and trust me on this one) not many popular teen girls are trekkies. Max could just explain it as a video game.
  16. Sweet so kara virtually tortures her dad He deserves it! Great chapter and I enjoyed reading it for the most part, I don't think anyone could enjoy the basement scene Eagerly awaiting the next chapter as always
  17. Have to wait a few hours before I can read it, I'll be back B)
  18. Was a good chapter, nice and relaxing, actually made me laugh a lot too Can't wait for chapter 30 (Hard to think you've done nearly 30 chapters so far )
  19. Nap turned into full on sleep Did I miss anything good?
  20. I'm gonna take a nap, hopefully the penultimate chapter will be up for me to read by then... Plz
  21. Agreed. (Is it just me or do we play the roles of the voices in fanfaces head?)
  22. I'm sure you've used that method before, but anyway can't wait
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