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Everything posted by Tahn

  1. Start thinking up those Halloween stories peeps. The Annual Halloween party is coming. 50k max, 1 chapter Halloween themed stories needed. Will start thread soon.

    1. CL Mustafic

      CL Mustafic

      Maybe mention it’s in the originals sections so they must be original :D


  2. Dang. I’m a chatty little thing. Who knew?
  3. I’m in. Might do more than one. We’ll see. Title: Trick or Treat? Summary: Just your average family on an average Halloween night. Nothing suspicious here, nothing at all.
  4. You are a mean mean lady. Poor Erik is gonna have a stroke if you keep denying him blood to his brain like that. All that aside, I need one of those cheesecakes.
  5. Oh dear...
  6. Hehehe I can see the future flames heading my way. *sigh* Time to grab the water bucket.
  7. Hahaha! Aww, I thought it was funny You know I love you though
  8. Yeah, I really need to do that. Procrastination has been beating me over the head lately.
  9. To Thirdly and pippychick, I love you guys so much I'm super happy that you liked my story. In response to a question Thirdly had... I can actually tell you what happens when it's the other way around, and it's even worse. http://applesndragons.tumblr.com/post/129561027680/further-halfling-knowledge I post lots of tidbits and character info over there, come say hi
  10. I'm always happy to help with crazy ideas and my super skills of persuasion and plunnies. You have named me the Plunny Queen, and I shall strive to use my power for good....mostly. Mwahahaha
  11. Oh hell no, I would not be near Kamal if I could help it. His views of what he considers pleasure are a tiny bit different than mine. Nope, nope, I like my sanity...what there is of it.
  12. Yeah! You baby squisher you. You better be sorry! You described it so well I freaking heard the damn squish. Ugh. You detail oriented crazy lady! That being said, I do applaud you for acknowledging some harsh truths about our species, not many people would have the balls. Cheers, on having the money to plate yours in brass.
  13. I see you added a new answer to the poll up there. Are you suggesting that they are in fact triplets? They said they were twins, so is there a mysterious third that they don't claim? Interesting.
  14. ...bright side. Riiiight.
  15. 5 votes...all for both. Hehehe, we shall see.
  16. Aww, come on CL, everyone is capable of redemption at some point, even if it's the really evil villain doing one small thing nice for someone. Like Maleficent visiting orphans before destroying her enemies, or Magneto crushing all the metal around him except for the little boy in his wheelchair. Darth Maul teaching children how to dance, Mrs. Umbridge......no. Nope, she can't be saved. I take it back.
  17. Wow. I don't know what to say CL. While I am insanely (apparently not as insane as some others) jealous of your writing ability, I'm not gonna bash you for it. Instead I will be a rock for you to lean on for support or encouragement. That's what a fan does, no, that's what a friend does. And I do count you as a friend. As a friend, I will be here for you to rant and rave at, to bounce ideas off of, to gripe at me for the treatment of a certain character and basically just be someone you can talk to about anything. I am happy to count you as one of my friends, and I wish you all the luck with your writing. Keep up the good fight!
  18. Hahaha. Now if I could just set it up for my phone to tell me when I get an e-mail all will be well *off to investigate*
  19. Yep yep, I thought I had fixed it, and I just got a shiny new e-mail telling me you had responded. Woot! Thank you Bronxie
  20. Hahaha Hi CL. Stalk away, I have absolutely no problem with that. I need to figure out how to get e-mail notifications when someone posts here. I thought I had done it, but aparently not. I went to look up your review reply thread and I was all, "Huh, would you look at that. My thread is bold. Weird."
  21. I sowwy! Two of my roomies are moving soon and it's causing chaos and lots of business. *glances at Princess who is gathering cobwebs* Jeeze, hopefully things will settle down soon.
  22. Ok...I'm starting to see why I get in so much trouble and get blamed for starting things.
  23. Hahaha, we should have...a torture off!!!!! (I think you will win though)
  24. Aww, I see how it is. Besides, it's not Vincent that's getting the most pain outta this, so it could always be worse
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