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Everything posted by angeldust

  1. It just dawned on me one character that was missing at the slaughter house that would have helped a lot was Hans. His being a priest could have given comfort the the responders. Even a hard core Atheist appreciates the comforting words of a Chaplin in a case like this. If they know that you are not a believer or of their denomination they adjust the GOD speak accordingly. It's why there are Chaplains of All Faiths in most Armed Forces.
  2. The most important part that you have to consider is are you afraid to Live or Die? Dying is easy and once done that's it, while Living takes Courage everyday as you have more decisions to make and others that depend on you for Love and guidance. As Magus & Sniper can attest to when you train others you not only help them but all those that they pass your knowledge onto. So you end up saving a lot more than by just leading a few.
  3. Well there are quite a few people in the world who are proficient in martial arts that don't have degrees/belts/knots, etc. but are deadly at it. Krav Maga & Abir are used by the Israeli forces and only recently became mainstream in opening dojo like schools to teach to others. Most think that Gung-fu (Kung Fu)is not good for actual fighting but a true practitioner forgets all the fancy mancy crap when fighting and go for either the disabling or death strikes (Do Pi & Hung Luck are two that teach you to never fly. Most that take the $50.00 courses are just learning a form of Choreography. Choy Li Fut is very real and had even impressed Bruce Lee. Bruce never used Kung fu or air attacks per se when street fighting as he wanted to go home afterwards. "Choy Li Fut is the most effective system that I've seen for fighting more than one person. [it] is one of the most difficult styles to attack and defend against. Choy Li Fut is the only style [of gung fu] that traveled to Thailand to fight the Thai boxers and hadn't lost." Bruce Lee Most SF of the world are taught an augmented form of hand to hand that is a mixture of the best their Military overlords like and the better ones teach something that the overlords don't know about. But yes Max should load up the sims and train everyone in the family so that they would have a fighting chance. Although we know He, Alice, Jazz & Tali know somwthing as each has used it in the stories.
  4. Hey Magus, instead of having Max go on a plane buying Jag you should have him build an improved and more comfortable LOTUS. One that could fly and travel faster/father on land too. It would have all the comforts of home (hvac,bathrooms/showers, etc.)plus a lot of his new & improved weapons with better carrying capacity for spiders, pods and missiles
  5. Another reason to not overstay past your due date is that you become more of a liability to those that follow you and eventually you make mistakes that causes good people to die. "Sooo how long til the next chapter?" he asks on behalf of Samara.
  6. Yeah but you were hit in the head by a lucky shot, lucky for you & your's it wan't a death/brain damage shot. I think that the snakes might have another mole inside and this time Max will not be so forgiving.
  7. I think that Amy's problem also comes from her being spoilt by Emma & her young Age she is after all 2 yrs younger than Emma & 3 younger than Max. "Ooh, Ooh, Mr. Kotter"; I think that the actual ages of Max et al needs to be addressed. You keep saying that Max, Emma & her 'twin' Amy, are 16 but then say that it has been 2 yrs. since this all started. Yet Becca met them & it had been 3 yrs and she realised the math was off as Amy had told her she wa 11 when Max cured her. Max turned 13 the summer he met the sisters. Emma was 12 & Amy was 11. So they're either 16, 15 & 14 or it's been longer than 3 yrs.
  8. Remember even those that you don't win, if righteous, have probably set that part of life back on tract. You were too late for one but think of all those that would have followed that Were saved. (Max needs someone to drive that point into him, it doesn't help the sense of loss but it does help one not to go insane.)Don't make this another Suzy-Becca case go for the extreme and have it eat at Kara making her wonder if she or her brother are like her parents. This also could make her even more rabid about making amends to all those she has hurt and a force against bullies in her life. (Maybe even become one of Max's squad leaders, with Stace as her second, in tracking down those like her father. Her brother could go the other way, out to get Max et al for destroying his family.) I need a hobby.
  9. I agree with that bit about doing onto others & not judging them. But then being Canuck my brain is frozen more than half the year. Momma could be interesting being an extreme masochist with a bit of sadist on the side. When they realise this the family have to come up with a whole new plan. maybe even have bro a combo of Mommy & Daddy. (How do you punish a masochist? You Don't!)
  10. fangy said that 4 kids were attached to their parents' legs. Jazz, Tali (not Tail Jimmy, what were you thinking about?), Cat & Jane. Max's 4 daughters. [There I threw you a life line fangface] As Legion stated: the twins are more like a hive mind in their twinitics, Max & Cat are unique in their intelligence & thought processing. The others have their intelligence and other attributes enhanced by the nanites but basically are still normal. So unless Jane has a special talent she will be like all the other kids. One thing when explaining the virtworld why don't they just say think of it as a Holodeck?
  11. Jane, is just that Amy, Alice & Max's daughter; now. She was not in this chapter, along with a lot of the children, as she had nothing to do story wise. After the Bugaboo at the Turners House with all the Cops/Emts/Coroners how do they keep it quiet about the scooby gang? I mean the twins ditched the guns when everyone showed up, but Cat performed right along side the Emts and they had to have noticed her expertise. That should be addressed even if only in passing.
  12. I agree the eye drops is a good way to go but he needs to have access to the guard's food. You could always go the way of a razor tucked in the mouth. It can actually be moved about with practice and even tucked in with the back molars & cheek.
  13. So, you know Samara will be bugging you now for the next chapter; right? I hereby appoint her your official hound for the next chapter. Let's admit that everybody is anxiously awaiting the great reveal and the shearing of the flock.
  14. So I guess that will be about Han loving Cat? Echoes would have also worked as it was an echo of Becca's & Suzy's introduction to The family. Now we need a interview with the two legless wonders and Turner. In the case of the mercs you should once again let the girls do the interviews while Rick, Early, Max while Gunny & MSgt. watch on. Let the two mercs recognise Rick and after a brief brave hearted attempt to stand tall the girls show Turner's dungeon casualties implying that's what is instore for them. (They appear to be in that dungeon) For Turner; Karla, Stace, Suzy & Becca are the ones that interview him and he is a true psycho/socio but is not into being on the receiving end. I now think that The Shadow Group is behind all of this to financially support their activities.
  15. t-o-g; you forgot the bribe. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlC4nwMWX35kQNSmpSBnCiKa-Z0gYTb98gXaqs2b03pjLnG-sYwQ
  16. Rescue has a brown nose. You can cure it fangface release the next chapter now and help relieve his suffering.
  17. Use to know a guy named Tat, he was always complaining that not once did he ever get any of those tits everyone kept saying were for him.
  18. Effigy, Isn't that the City just down the road from Max's town? Anyways Max already has a boy toy, Petra. Now all he needs is his own donkey and he'll never have to go to Tijuana.
  19. I'm like CL, I skim read the sex parts just in case you hid something important in info wise. If Max buggers off those left behind would be open to attack. We all know that the MFs don't care if their primary target has gone AWOL, they still attack. Beside Mr. Director wants Max's toys more than anything else. What we need is Ric, Early, Dave along with Gunny and the Sergeant Major to go hunting the Black-Op team. I think that you plant to cut the characters down via a big battle with the Shadow Group, if you do make it interesting and don't let the loses be to unknowns alone. Get some of those we know by name and use those loses to cause a major change in how the the survivors think and run things.
  20. Did I miss something in this story? I'm sorry but I was not impressed as once again some one was once again getting it on when there were important things to be done> Like Black Ops, Kara and investing loads of money in away that if something happened to Max everyone would be taken care of, I mean what would I do without him? What was worse was once again it was Max, Petra & Amy Geeze these horn dogs had days on the sub & plane before getting home. I too though think lil Mr Petra has to decide is it she or he when it comes to sex. The only two sexual types missing here is a straight girl and a trans-gender girl-boy. Max & Rick seem to be crossing to bi with their down under experiences. Oh well, the next chapter is due, says this slacker. One more thing magus hints about book 3, even if they be herrings. We need to feed the discussions and wild fantasies out here.
  21. Wouldn't want to wreck his
  22. (third attempt at posting on this chapter. WTF?)I just wonder how the bro could watch Max & Co. if the flyers knocked everyone out, is he a mutant? Now as for Stace & Kara, I am mixed. It could be that it was a friendly kiss in girl kissing friend Hello & Kara misunderstood. Now Stace is appalled and we go to bad dream for her or she looks at Kara with surprise and after awhile embraces her saying it's about time. But when she finds out Max et al is behind it she wants nothing to do with them. I think Stacy's family is a good solution but first they have to turn their gang around. (Kara points out that the Dickheads had pissed off Max and just maybe they might want to be on his good side.) Kara's parents just disappear and May arranges with Alice's help that most of the $$$ is placed into a Trust for Kara at 21-25. The rest is put into the current school's operating fund unavailable to be touched by the board.
  23. Hey she's evil & ungrateful, fangface tries to add permashine to her hair and she tries to permashrink his willie. But yes he needs a heated pool.
  24. Yeah, I use to love Winter and now if it's not Summer the cold gets in my bones and never gets out. But then again if its too hummid I hate that also.
  25. Happy Easter & Passover Everyone.
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