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    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    Confiscated at the airport Me in a speedo, talk about crimes against humanity!
    Trying to tie everything up but taking so long I've actually opened a new plot line :sigh:
  2. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from KoKoa_B in Obsessive fan fic readers.   
    Common sense is a rare jewel indeed!
  3. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from DemonGoddess in She is the One   
    A surprise on the sabbath! Blasphemy! RELEASE THE KRAKEN!

    Ummmm, do we have a bigger one?
  4. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in She is the One   
    A surprise on the sabbath! Blasphemy! RELEASE THE KRAKEN!

    Ummmm, do we have a bigger one?
  5. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    natural talent? or it could be my heart is black as midnight
  6. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    LOL, I try and keep that to a minimum, her mother wasn't happy I bought her the .22 rifle...she's gonna freak when she see's the little ruger I got her
  7. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    Yep I'm a Charlie Brown...can't say no. Won't be long before she's offering to hold a football for me to kick...
  8. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Rescue25 in Magusfang's Corner   
    monkeys take their uncles shopping...i swear its genetic, she goes "oh pretty" and my hand automatically goes for my wallet!

  9. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Rescue25 in Magusfang's Corner   
    I read the reviews, but if you want a quick response, this is the place. 52 almost done, I kinda went on a tangent with it so looks like there'll be a 53
  10. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from BronxWench in Obsessive fan fic readers.   
    Great...so my idea, that means you guys handle logistics and execution and I'll take all the credit! see I am management materiel!
  11. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from BronxWench in Obsessive fan fic readers.   
    ahhh i believe they are called fan poodles here...love that term by the way.
    so note the shock collar, i say we track the fan poodles down and attach one to each of them...
    zaps em every time they type, or say, something stupid

  12. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from ChrissyQuinn in Danse Macabre - An Original Vampire Story   
    so is chapter 7 close? When do you think chapter 7 will be done? Why are you reading this, you should be writing chapter 7!

  13. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Rescue25 in thought of the day   
    So a joke today.
    An elderly couple were sitting on the porch of their rural home, listening to a faith healer on the radio, "I can heal whatever ails you, all you have to do is believe! Place on hand on the radio and one hand on you affliction, and I will send The Lord's healing power over the radio waves!"
    The old woman shrugged, thinking what could it hurt? So she placed one hand on the radio and one on her fragile heart.
    The old man glanced at his wife of fifty years and shrugged as he mumbled, "Oh what the hell?" He placed one hand on the radio and slid one down the front of his pants.
    The old woman sighed as she shook her head sadly, "Gerald, he said he could heal - not raise the dead!"
  14. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    Flirting is ok, making it physical is not
    in facy flirting is encouraged, it helps with repeat business, makes the clients feel special. That's why this company usually send female guards to men and male guards to women...cheap tactic I know, but surprisingly effective. Sorta how the cute flirty waitresses get the best tips.
  15. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    Jeeves and Albert
    Thinking like a keystone cops sort of thing, or maybe three stooges when they realize they have no idea what they are doing. However, but I'm gonna capitalize on the comic relief they can provide the story...if it works it should be fun
  16. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    Oh yeah, boys get bodies and Max unleashes them, why should Alice have all the fun
    Well legion doesn't but he still gets to kick ass
  17. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    There's internet at the hotel, and I'll only be working twelve to sixteen hours a day. Since I don't really sleep, gives me plenty of time. I am eager to get the last chapter up because I have so many ideas for book 3...kinda getting ahead of myself. I kinda rushed 50, baqd Fangface, but I did my best to take my time on 51, and 52 is gonna be fun, I hope. Be more sex and relationships since its Max's homecoming, but I have a few zingers too...teaser: Max and May meet the school board!
  18. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    I'm going to Jamaica tomorrow...I'll try and endure the tropical beaches and warm weather, course ,y luck it'll snow when I get there...that would be fun actually, place would implode if one snowflake ht the ground LOL.
    Well GITG chapter 51 is up, one more to go...
  19. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    I think its because I've had them seperated for so long, the next story won't have them apart so much. Only two chapters to go, tie up a few things and set up the third book. Gotta get the big cliff hanger in...
  20. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    Yeah, shot high on purpose; the whole point of the excersize was to make her happy, not beat up on a five year old...though she took little mercy on me LOL
  21. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    sometime in the next 12-14 hours, hopefully, I do have some real world responsibilities; plus I'm sure Nerf War II will be starting sometime soon! oh the horror...
  22. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from Sniper014 in Magusfang's Corner   
    Yeah, shot high on purpose; the whole point of the excersize was to make her happy, not beat up on a five year old...though she took little mercy on me LOL
  23. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    So, for those who can't wait
  24. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from COJimmyV in Magusfang's Corner   
    eh, I get randy sometimes...
  25. Like
    magusfang got a reaction from KoKoa_B in Do You Agree With This List?   
    Whoever told you that is an idiot, look at the greats, Mark Twain, Salinger, Lee; they all wrote in a nerritive that was fairly close to how they spoke, regional idioms intact. What you know best is you and your world, use it. A good rule says write what you know.
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