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Everything posted by magusfang

  1. _______ /\O/ / | <--------- Max? | / \
  2. My significant other, She had been poking her nose into my life for so long I decided to marry her over twenty years ago, still poking her nose into my life but at least I get to poke mine in her...ah I mean...no that's right! <----- the one on the bottom is Angie!
  3. Their really wasn't any BDSM, but it has gone as far as it will; not really into whips and chains. Besides they had their fifteen minutes.
  4. He was a wise man who invented beer -Plato
  5. So, doing some BDSM research...I really am starting to miss the warzone!
  6. I'm thinking Max joins a convent "That's the one full on Nuns, right?)
  7. World Cup Quote (That's right, I folded - don't judge me!) "We lost because we didn't win." -Renaldo (Brazilian Linker, evidently he only has one name, like Madonna) I think that about covers it. Another one I liked. "Football is a simple game, 22 men chase a little ball around a field for three hours and in the end, the Germans win!" Collin Brent (English Defender)
  8. Yeah, it just doesn't seem right
  9. My Favorite Sex Laws 1: Oral sex is illegal in 18 states, including Arizona That’s just depressing! 2: In Virginia it is illegal to have sex with the lights on Just how ugly are these girls? 3: In Willowdale, Oregon, it is illegal for husband’s to talk dirty during sex So in Virginia it’s illegal to see them, and here to talk to them, well that’s two of the monkeys! 4: Sex between unmarried couples in Georgia is illegal So is that premarital sex or a foursome? 5: Engaging in any sexual position other than missionary is illegal in Washington D.C. So Congress is breaking the law when they tell you to bend over and take it! 6: In Connersville, Wi, it is illegal for a man to shoot off a gun when his female partner is having an orgasm So can she shoot off the gun, and does that include when his “gun” goes off? 7: In Harrisburg Pennsylvania it is illegal to have sex with a truck driver in a toll booth But what if you don’t have exact change? 8: Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal in Florida I just don’t know what to say to that… 9: In Utah it is illegal to marry your first cousin before the age of 65 So patience IS rewarded! 10: Sex with animals is perfectly legal for men in Washington state, as long as the animal in question weighs less than 40 pounds So put that sheep on a diet!
  10. Yeah, I never wanted to get Suzy and Max together, it was a teazer in the last book, I kept hinting that they would, even getting them together in the Virtual world, but it ran it;s course so I shut it down. Suzy will be visiting with the women in the future I think, but I haven't decided on if Rick will go with her; seems kinda wrong since May and Marge are sort of honorary members of Max's harem.
  11. I got up this morning and saw a large ball of fire in the sky, it frightened me so I went back to bed!

  12. In case you're wondering why you should never laugh at a live dragon! I'm thinking this is definitive proof of dragons too! I mean this is proof of bigfoot right? Has to be accurate, look at his widdle weeny!
  13. At the old site Becca drew a surprising amount of hate, I was actually quite surprised at how vitriolic some of it was. So, I nearly folded and started a plotline that would eventually find her a man of her own, but I liked the interaction between the three of them as I continued to explore the characters so I kept her. I am still getting Becca hatemail, but she's to deep down the hole to dig her out now.
  14. Ok, got a question about Becca in GITG series, I know I originally planned on moving her away from Max and Emma during the BITG series, but the character fleshed out so well I decided to keep her. The original plan was to get her hooked up with Evan, or the steve Kirby character, but I dropped Kirby (used him up for a nice phrase about remembering Amy's kiss on his deathbed) kinda had to drop him after that. Anyway, I know there was a lot of hate directed at poor little Becca, but I decided to keep her after Max's prison rape, she's the one who will help him heal, just like he helped her. I also got a couple of inquiries about what is going to happen with Max and the twins, well if your looking for a sex scene, sorry; I don't think I'm comfortable with a six year old having sex with a teen, in fact this entire series has taken me out of my comfort zone, especially in the beginning of BITG, hence the artificial advancement of their ages, so if I was uncomfortable enough writing sex scenes that included a ten year old, well you can see that there's little hope that I'll write one for a six year old. Oh, and there will definately be no baby on baby action with Cyndi! LOL I know someone out there is going, "Yeah just cause the look sixteen doesn't matter, they're still preteens!" Well all I can say is that all my wounded mind needed was a thin bandage, just as long as I don't look behind the curtain! I think that covers the questions I got...so thanks for all the reviews, I appriciate the feedback because like all writers, I have a fragile ego
  15. “Never laugh at live dragons.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
  16. Chapter four is up, some twists, but it might be a little predictive. oh and it ends on a cliffhanger...hehe
  17. It had to happen sooner or later...
  18. Ok, I really don't know what to say
  19. GITG four is nearly finished, just need to transition into another flashback, just trying to figure out what Suzy and Max have to do to makeup
  20. Oops, she doesn't die, but her brain tumor is revealed. As for Amy being the surrogate, that comes in a few chapters later. The next couple of chapters deal with how everyone actually becomes part of the family. Even though you know Suzy, Vella, and Zoey, you haven't met them yet!
  21. “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
  22. Yep, a guy. In case anyone wonders, it was in either chapter three or four that Amanda has a brain tumor and dies, that's why she's only in the flashbacks. As for Nick sleeping with everyone, as the story progresses you see how he evolves from just being with Amanda, then Amanda and Anna, to just about everyone. As for being married and having sex with multiple partners, some people see sex as an expression of love and caring, like a really good hug. There's a difference between those you love and those you are in love with. Just my opinion...I'm sure it's not for everyone.
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