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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. I stumbled into this, and realized… come April 5th, it’ll be a decade for me. (Yes, I found the registration confirmation email in my inbox.)
  2. While I see @BronxWench’s directions above, normally I go to my profile and do it there. A prompt at the top of my activity feed reads “Write a public message on your own feed...” Click there and it becomes an edit box where I can put in...whatever, hit “Submit Status” when done. Now, it’s javascript making the change (prompt → edit window), so maybe that’s disabled? I’m guessing a script/ad-blocker is fouling this up. @Deadman, do you have something like U-block or no-script installed?
  3. January was a bit underwhelming, only 85.8k written :(

  4. 43346 (avoiding the odd, getting even )
  5. Dragons lay here because some authors are pretty fragile. So, remember to butter it up if you start tossing in negatives, keeping those to one or two.
  6. As an author that gets almost no reviews… an “Atta boy Love this!” would be GREAT. Mentioning points you like, wonderful. If there’s something you don’t… butter it up on both sides with what did work/loved, sandwich in the bad, so it doesn’t come off utterly negative.
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