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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. As an author, I won’t do a bot for that, because it’d destroy the point of the metrics, to know if people reading & enjoying my stories. As to the other stories… sure, it’s an arms race, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t at least put up speed limit signs & speed bumps. Human reviewing reviews means staff, which we’re not exactly busting at the seams with, or conscriptingthe complicit authors. This is a nice thing, and I do post a link in my stories to the relevant forum thread. However, inline in the story, like a comment section (similar to AO3) might be better engagement – but we’d need that mythical coder for new features. I’d suggest starting with the honor system on this, we don’t need to add more enforcement duties to the archive moderators. And you can certainly make a badge today, put it into your profile today.
  2. An intriguing spin (IMO), is to have it be a teenage mother, who vanishes shortly after his birth. Use suspended animation or time-travel or similar to be the truth for that disappearance. Boy gets into high school, meets this girl and clicks… truth is later revealed that it’s his mother, same/similar biological age. Note, I do NOT have time for another writing project, so feel free to use this idea (or not).
  3. TBH, I’d be overjoyed if I netted two reviews per 1,000 hits. Only one of my stories exceeds that ratio, because I had a serial reviewer post for the first half dozen chapters or so. Rest of the stories… the one with 16k hits has only three reviews.
  4. Shoutbox was cool in that regard, few ever visit the Chatbox.
  5. I had gotten smacked by the trolls. I’d post a chapter, lose a “+”. Post another chapter, lose a “+”, repeat. That became...very discouraging to an inexperienced writer. And I’m posting originals here!
  6. We HAD ratings, but trolls kept spamming the down-vote button w/o reading the stories, which was demoralizing to some authors; and fanboys spamming the up-vote based on their one-true-ship desires. This made ratings useless for actually judging if the story was any good.
  7. UTF-8 rocks, saying that as a coder. You can’t tell the difference when it’s English, pretty minimal overhead in the related European languages, and able to handle all the languages. Main drawback is if you’re dealing mostly in the asian languages, it’ll be a bit larger in file/data size than UTF-16.
  8. YES!!!  My internet works again, how blessed.  :bounce:  Now where do I pick up my medal for having to withstand an eight day outage? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      And it turns out the local library’s free wifi blocks AFF (labels it as pornography).  Ditto at work, so was considering getting a VPN to work around the blockage.

    3. BronxWench


      Yep, because we are an age-restricted site. 

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Not that I was particularly disagreeing, especially at work.  Though we’re not the visual graphic image type, so it should be alright (IMO) to browse (quietly) in a library setting.  (Obviously, a text-to-speech feature might not go over as well...)  However, crisis was averted, so now I can be a pervert in my own damn house!  :)


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