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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. My potter fanfic makes Harry’s time in canon… a cakewalk. I do stray a bit OOC because I do have the death eaters effective in their designs and plans. I also let myself get bogged down in the details, but that captures the grind that Harry would experience in this, as he steadily becomes persona-non-grata throughout the wizarding world, unable to stop the slog of negative press slandering him. It’s enjoyable to keep writing here, because the narrative is so addictive for what comes next; even on the rewrite, despite knowing, it’s still enjoyable. For other fandoms, I occasionally do get thoughts, mostly of the mary/gary sue variety, nothing worth writing about TBH, because original works is where the rest of my fun writing is at.
  2. “Money attracts lawyers” is a useful adage. So even if a person finds a magical trick to legally make money out of fanfiction, its unlikely to break even with all the legal fees as they get sued by those corporate lawyers. And there’s always the risk that court cases might generally outlaw fanfiction too (unless the original author explicitly gives permission). Because fanfiction is in that gray zone, it’s better for EVERYBODY to charge nothing, and keep it free – don’t be the jerk that ruins it for all. However, it’s worse with plush books, as it appears they’re STEALING the stories too, simple theft, and rebranding it as their own. Though I wonder if we should all respond by making sure that every fanfic out there is at least 5 million words...kill ‘em with printing fees.
  3. My favorite retort… that it’s so corrosive that it’ll eat through granite (given enough time). It’s also found in the blood of autistics and serial killers.
  4. One trick I do is to take a snippet of my stories, run them through google (with “” around it), see what comes up in the search results..
  5. For me, it was simply impatience… i was impatient for JKR to release book 5 (at the time), and impatience for a potter fanfic author to continue their story. I had a list of ideas that brewed on how that fanfic should continue, and I decided to play with those ideas, a narrative formed, and I was hooked on creative writing. I’m still working on my sequel (the million word one), one that’s so different from the above, that I’d have to rename one main character to bring it here to this archive (but alas, it felt wrong when I attempted that). Otherwise, I prefer playing in my originals… so many things to play with.
  6. In terms of size, my potter fanfic’s now over 1.1M words, and climbing.
  7. TBH, once you’re to MFFMMFFFMMMFFFMMMFFFMMM, I’d kinda shrug with “whatever” and either read it or not, depending on how interesting the story is otherwise.
  8. Well, assuming we take age based on development time as their legal age… (especially if there’s a mind/brain transplant). What if somebody develops to say, six years of age, goes out and murders an old score? (also making sure to take out any cloning vats of them to destroy all DNA to avoid resurrection). Or stops it at ten so they can go and infiltrate the local middle school for dates? On the flip side, prison sentences can get really long if we clone & regenerate the prisoners.
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