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Desiderius Price

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Everything posted by Desiderius Price

  1. Even for the best mystery authors, there’s some readers who’ll likely guess it right in the opening line based on the spent cartoon-themed condom that’s hanging from the ceiling fan. Thus, the trick is to make sure it’s a good read EVEN once the mystery isn’t no longer a real mystery. You’ll want some red herrings, of course, along with some irrelevant details – for the lazy writer, the red herrings can be from changing the plot half-way through
  2. Even with non-mysteries, I find I really fill out the story on the second or third writing of it.
  3. To be a good mystery, you’re likely at least outlining it once and writing it twice.
  4. Keurig whimpers in terror. Little did it know that Halloween only marked the beginning of the spooky season, it was going to be enslaved for another grueling thirty days, without a prayer of overtime pay.
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