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Desiderius Price

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Posts posted by Desiderius Price

  1. 12 minutes ago, Seaman said:

    Fair enough.

    Is there a place where the story stats – specifically the number of views and reviews – can be pulled up besides finding in the archive?  The story manager would be a good place since it brings up all the stories you have in that category.

    And while I am at it, is catergory on purpose? It makes me itch every time I see it.

    You can view stats (views & reviews) under your profile too… “Stories Written” though it’s category by category.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Deadman said:

    Well that’s good. What’s weird is that I literally get no emails whatsoever from certain fanfic sites. Usually when it goes to spam, it shows up in spam. But these days it doesn’t even go there. It’s just a non-existent email that the site says they’re sending and it gets bounced back.

    Should say that on the flip side, I think my sending hits spam filters too, because I’ll send w/o replies.  Depends on whatever “features” the mail provider’s got enabled (and maybe you can’t disable).

    (Basically, I co-run the family mail server, so that’s why I know I don’t have spam filters.  But it also leads to gmail or other providers liking to mark us “spam” because we didn’t pay the latest “please we’re not spam” extortion racket.)

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