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pippychick last won the day on July 3 2023

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  1. Well, I am really struggling with this chapter. It’s mostly written, but… I had a specific format in mind, and I’ve kept to it, but it feels off, like I’ve inadvertently ruined the pacing. That’s odd, because I wanted to write this format to have a clear break between the prior slow burn/consummation vs the lead in to the war, which would require a change in pacing.

    *scratches head*

    As I check the word count, it seems like if I finish off the chapter as I planned, I might still have some room to play with it. I wonder if there’s some little aspect I can add that will make it work better. Hmm… *thinks*

    Some of this chapter is written from the limited pov of the Lord of Light, and I’m hesitant to use that pov to do anything to regulate pacing, mood or atmostphere. It seems too transparent and heavy handed to do that. Probably because if I do that, it’d lead to a feeling of discontent in the reader. I’m not giving much away. If I use the pov like that, you’d expect to see more of the pov character’s motivations. Yet the other pov characters (the three of them) are dreaming, so I can’t use them. Beric is awake, but he’s being haunted. He’s also not a pov character.

    I suppose I’ll feed the dogs while I think. This is a quandary. If I can’t fix it, I’m going to have to chuck it and think of something else altogether. But this felt right when I started it. Grrr! :(

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    2. Avaloyuru


      @pippychick  I think I will use your guideline!! 


    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @Avaloyuru Try getting used to word counts, just because that’s easier to convey, because page count….well, 2pt font vs 12 pt makes a huge difference!

      Dale’s Game was a plot bunny I was trying to use for last year’s holiday story… got away from me.  And I didn’t even finish it where I originally intended to finish it, it’s now planned to be finished in its sequel!  (That story was simply a case of hitting an “ah-ha” and realizing that I had just written a damn good ending; the tale itself is about to do a rather sharp change in tone/direction, and that was better done as a new story.)

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @pippychick  I’ve started writing shorter chapters as more of an experiment, and I’m kinda liking it.  I’m writing faster, and the chapters are a bit better focused.  Lots of times, with longer chapters, I kinda feel like I’m scraping the bottom of a barrel at times just to get the word count up, which doesn’t necessarily make it better.  That said, if a chapter needs 5k or more, I’ll write longer.  And by fast, I mean that as of today, it’ll be 22 chapters/57kwords over the span of about five weeks on “the repair guy”.  Sure, not 5k a chapter, more like 2-3k, but I’ve even written multiple chapters in a day before.  (part of this, because it’s back-back story, I want to write it fast, quick to get it out onto paper so I can move onto the backstory.)

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